
Rapid Methadone Detox

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Old 11-29-2022, 03:41 PM
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Rapid Methadone Detox

I am looking for someone that's done this. With a wife, hardcore job, kids, school pickups, stories, bath time, etc etc I end up missing doses regularly.
We can miss 2 and keep going so I get 5 takeways on Sunday and skip Sat (my dose is higher than I need).
I had a holiday and accidentally missed 3. Now I have to go to the clinic 7 days a week for 9 months. That aint happening.

So, I because I skipped doses for years, I have litres (1-2 gallons spare) in the spare room. I decided now is time to withdrawal. The doctor said go down 5mg a fortnight. That will take nearly 2 years on 115mg. So I took it upon myself to withdrawal as fast as I can.

In a month I'm down to 10-12mg (I use baby medicine syringes - no needles).

I'm crying a bit but it's cathartic. I'm slowing my reductions a bit, but I want off in 3 weeks. Thoughts? What sould I expect. Apart from teariness and being a bit grumpy/lazy I am fine.
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Old 11-29-2022, 03:57 PM
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I don't know anything about methadone Jim but remember we cant give medical advice here.
Thoughts may be fine as long as they don't cross the line.

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wishing you the best
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Old 12-29-2022, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Dee74 View Post
I don't know anything about methadone Jim but remember we cant give medical advice here.Thoughts may be fine as long as they don't cross the line wishing you the bestD
Yep understand. I just wanted to hear from anyone who did it and their experience.

I went to 0mg 3ish weeks ago now and it was a bit rough. Trouble sleeping and working but I showed up everyday and it wasn't noticed as I pushed through. I went to my prescribing Doctor to tell him and he was cool. He gave me clonidine and a double script of benzos (I normally take 1-2 Ativan per week so 2 bottles a year - i.e. i am not addicted i use irregularly and have been on the same dose 12 years). He gave me 2 bottles to help with Xmas as a one off.

I'm weaning those down now and taking legal herbal supplements to help with testosterone as I can tell my T is still low from 7 odd years on some sort of daily opioid/opiate. I won't mention their name for medical advice reasons.

Overall I'm doing good and have no cravings. In fact I had an epiphany some time back and have lost interest in Heroin too. Apart from the benzos, this is the first time I've been clean in 32 years (multiple addictions from 12-44).I consider myself clean while using benzos as I will return to my normal dose soon. I've already weaned down significantly from when I first withdrew.

I also got prescribed CBD Oil (0% THC) as it's recently been legalised here. I don't know if it helps or not, but I'm feeling really good so apart from weaning back to safer benzo doses and weaning clonidine I'm kinda sorta there. ​​​​​​

I don't recommend this if you have significant responsibilities you can't postpone. My wife took over 90% of household/child rearing responsibilities for 4 weeks to help (she's an angel and has been made thoroughly aware - as a side effect, it also improved her relationship with our son).​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​I thought I'd be on opioids forever. I truly did. However I am off them and I'm 99% craving free. ​​

What a wild ride.​​​​​​​
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Old 12-29-2022, 07:51 AM
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I’m really surprised your Dr is so accommodating with the benzoes.

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Old 12-29-2022, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Dee74 View Post
I’m really surprised your Dr is so accommodating with the benzoes. D
He knows I'm serious. I've also got 12 years of evidence to prove I can use them responsibly which he can check. I've been his patient for 5 years as well.
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Old 07-15-2023, 07:09 PM
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I don't know much about methadone either, but can you possibly run it by your doctor? Don't forget, this is not advice, just something I've read and has been an experience, you can withdraw too quickly too and that can cause trouble too. I know I'd feel better if you could call and advice nurse or doctor. We just want to make sure you stay around!!! Three weeks might be reasonable, but it may be too quickly too. Take good care of yourself and if you start to feel funny or anything, please promise to get to an ER.

Good luck.
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