
Clean for 2 months but still fuzzy

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Old 04-18-2019, 07:17 AM
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Clean for 2 months but still fuzzy

I'm hoping there is a medical professional on this forum that might know why and if it eventually clears up.

I've been off opiates for 2 months now. No cravings, no desire to go back, just forward. I started using opiate late in life, late 50's. I'm in my 60's now. I believe because of my age, my brain didn't form the memory pathways that are a part of cravings and relapse. I vaguely remember the euphoria, but I have no memory of how "great" it felt, the feeling that causes you to want more.

Even though I've been clean for a couple of months, my mind still is in a state of fuzziness and my "desire" to do the things I loved is not back. I consider this my last step in recovery and am hoping this too will pass.

Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated,

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Old 04-18-2019, 09:41 AM
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It's your brain chemistry rebalancing. I'm 13 months benzo free, and 12 months alcohol free, both c/t. Most all of my physical sxs are gone, except for insomnia and brain fog. Staying well hydrated and exercising daily help tremendously. It's a slow process, but you are healing. Stay the course!
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Old 12-25-2019, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by stupidJedi View Post
I'm hoping there is a medical professional on this forum that might know why and if it eventually clears up.

I've been off opiates for 2 months now. No cravings, no desire to go back, just forward. I started using opiate late in life, late 50's. I'm in my 60's now. I believe because of my age, my brain didn't form the memory pathways that are a part of cravings and relapse. I vaguely remember the euphoria, but I have no memory of how "great" it felt, the feeling that causes you to want more.

Even though I've been clean for a couple of months, my mind still is in a state of fuzziness and my "desire" to do the things I loved is not back. I consider this my last step in recovery and am hoping this too will pass.

Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated,

2 months isnt much dude. i think one big HUGE misconception is people take the quote "2 weeks of hell" to literal. we all come into this sober thing with the thoughts life will go back to normal in just 2 weeks lol. for me it took over a year just for the withdrawals to stop. and then i slowly started exercising. had to kind of re find myself and didnt know how. all my friends had their own things to worry about so i slowly just started going to places by myself. for me i liked parks. so i began exploring parks. finally after like 2 years or so i started going back out to events. i started going to big concerts and comedy shows. and i can be around total drug addicts and drunks and i have 0 amount of passion to even have a drink. hell, alot of times i end up just designated driving celebrities home that are messed up. but yah, just hang in there. exercise is a decent natural high. nothing like pills. i still dont have the full ambition i did when a pill would kick in. but i also thought i would never leave my house again when i first got sober either. but i just got back from a road trip i took alone across a few states to go exploring. literally last week i was in another state exploring a abandoned place that has turned into a tourist section and i was alone tlaking to all sorts of people from other states. everyones body is different. your body is going to take a while to adjust back to normal. your brain receptors will start firing normal again, your nerves change, your lungs breathe differntly. alot of things inside your body will change.
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