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Old 01-12-2006, 08:27 PM
  # 741 (permalink)  
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Just took my 5th shot about an hour ago seems like I am ok so far. Getting tired might go to sleep we will see what happens here. Love You all.

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Old 01-13-2006, 04:36 AM
  # 742 (permalink)  
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Will drink a little coffee and wake up and then come back and post some wonderful news for the Sobriety Bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Vic
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Old 01-13-2006, 04:39 AM
  # 743 (permalink)  
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Good for you Vic, glad the treatments are going well. This Wellbutrin is starting to give me daily headaches and the tinnitus is driving me mad. Hope I can get used to it or it goes away. I'd hate to swap meds now, but I hear it's really common.
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Old 01-13-2006, 04:40 AM
  # 744 (permalink)  
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It must be wonderful news to have you up this early!! hehe

What's the topic of this meeting? Sometimes, I sit and listen to a whole meeting and when it comes time for me to share, I still don't know what the topic is!! LOL
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Old 01-13-2006, 04:44 AM
  # 745 (permalink)  
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Hey Micheal, what is tinnitus? And where does you head hurt? Does it feel like your neck or shoulder muscles are tight? Does it hurt when you rub the base of your skull?
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Old 01-13-2006, 09:08 AM
  # 746 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by roadie58
Good for you Vic, glad the treatments are going well. This Wellbutrin is starting to give me daily headaches and the tinnitus is driving me mad. Hope I can get used to it or it goes away. I'd hate to swap meds now, but I hear it's really common.
Michael I was on Welbutrin once and I took myself off of them within a week for they made me feel like crap. You might want to see about something else. I know the only reason that I am taking the effexor is for the side effects from the interferon shots. I am sending a lot of good thoughts your way my friend hang in there.

Little Missy It must be wonderful news to have you up this early!! hehe

What's the topic of this meeting? Sometimes, I sit and listen to a whole meeting and when it comes time for me to share, I still don't know what the topic is!! LOL
The topic is gratitude. I am so grateful that when I woke up this morning that my head was not spinning since I took my shot last night. I truly believe that it is because of the Effexor that I have been put on. This one guy here is on the same treatment and when I would talk about the side effects he couldn't relate because he started anti depressants before he took the shots. They usually recommend that you get on anti depressants.

Well I am so against taking stuff like that and I thought that I could handle it. After my 4th shot I told my doctor that I couldn't handle it anymore. I had to let go of my big EGO and false pride thinking that I am different. That has always been a huge problem for me thinking that I am special, different, not like everyone else. Today though I know that I am just another drunk or addict trying to recover one day at a time. Just For Today!!!!

So today I am grateful for my HP, for each of you, for the doctors, nurses, psychiatrist, psychologist, for the medicine researchers, for all of man kind. Thanks everyone for you support and thanks for the love.

Love Vic

Topic = Gratitude.

If you have time check this out>>>>>>>>
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Old 01-13-2006, 05:18 PM
  # 747 (permalink)  
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Grateful for sleep and now I am going back to bed. I have no strength phsically today I have slept all day. My mind is doing good with that Effexor though so that is wonderful. Need sleep..........
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Old 01-13-2006, 10:38 PM
  # 748 (permalink)  
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Great topic Vic. I used to abhor gratitude meetings, because I had no humility and wasn't greatful for the program of AA and all the great things it brought me. Then I noticed some of the promises coming true.

Today I am greatful for my financial security, my health, and friends in the program.

I was bellyaching about some financial matters to my sponsor just the other day. Then my old boss came over to help me with a job we did together. The guy is talented as all heck, but penniless, and will have to do 3 months jail time for unpaid tickets and driving while suspended several times (no dwi's though). I'm lucky

I'm overweight and get out of breath easily. But there's a good buddy in AA who's liver is failing and is taking treatments for hepatitis. My gg-grandsponsor just found out he has cancer of the colon again, and a good newbie friend's wife has thyroid cancer. Who am I to complain of poor health?

I'm greatful for so many people who reach out to others, help newcomers, that just give a friendly smile or hug at a meeting. Friends who call just to say 'Hi'. Friends to hang out with and stay clean and sober with.

For these things, I am greatful today.

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Old 01-14-2006, 05:53 AM
  # 749 (permalink)  
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Good Morning and it looks like it is going to another lovely day huh!!! Good share Michael and yep those promises do come true One Day At A Time. I love the Promises they are the best that is for sure. But there are hundreds of promises in that Big Book I love them all. Well looks like it is going to get warm here today might have to chill outside and get out of the little apt today. Hope everyone is doing good I am going to go make some coffee and see what this day brings.

Love Vic

I think that I got enough sleep to last a week I am feeling might frisky this morning.
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:03 AM
  # 750 (permalink)  
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I am feeling might frisky this morning.

Vic, that's the Wellies talking to ya! LOL

oh, sorry for the spelling, I guess it's grateful, for some reason that didn't look right. I might be sick.
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:34 AM
  # 751 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by roadie58
I am feeling might frisky this morning.

Vic, that's the Wellies talking to ya! LOL

oh, sorry for the spelling, I guess it's grateful, for some reason that didn't look right. I might be sick.
Humm Michael I didn't mean for it too come off as that LOL But I am feeling really good how is that.

If you want to share anything at all here it is ok remember we have no rules.

Love Vic
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Old 01-14-2006, 09:11 AM
  # 752 (permalink)  
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Missy have not seen you for a little while are you ok?

It is so hard to believe that most of us are not around isn't it? Maybe I drove them away LOL that wouldn't be the first time I have done that.

Ash ?










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Old 01-14-2006, 10:42 AM
  # 753 (permalink)  
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where did everybody go?????
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Old 01-14-2006, 11:31 AM
  # 754 (permalink)  
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This is Velvet, haven't posted for couple days because I've been real depressed with addict daughter's actions. Hadn't shown up for work for 3 days, let the heroin dealer and his family stay with her for 2 days, her house is a disaster area, she called me a ********* Bit**, and other words, and told me I will never see her again. I have let go and have removed myself from her daily life. She did call me this morning, though. I only talked briefly. So today, I am grateful for my daughter being alive, for the fact that her work is offering a meeting to her and a union rep. on Tues. They will probably give her 3 days unpaid, leave or fire her. I believe it will be the 3 days. But don't know for sure. I am grateful for the fact that the heroin dealer and family are gone. (I guess I really didn't let go all the way, because I did tell her if he remained, I would call police and turn them all in for child endangerment.) I am also grateful to have the strength and wisdom to know that when her terrible words are thrown at me, I realize it is the drug talking. Wow, I guess I'm pretty grateful today. One more thing...I am really grateful because I had my income taxes done this morning and I'm gettin $5,250.00 back!! My Wellbutrin is working fine. It's only been 1 and 1/2 weeks, but already I have cut down to 3-4 cigs a day and they usually taste like I guess I'm grateful for that also. Thanks for letting me post. (I guess I could be grateful for that, too!)
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Old 01-14-2006, 11:33 AM
  # 755 (permalink)  
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Sorry about your daughter, Velvet, but from where I'm standing it looks like you're doing all you can do and letting go when you need to.

Super cool news on the taxes, wellbutrin, and cigs. You're rockin gal!
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Old 01-14-2006, 12:35 PM
  # 756 (permalink)  
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I'm here ((Vic)) and doing fine!! No Wellies for me, didn't wake up frisky!! LOL

((Velvet)) Wow girl!! Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope she will find her way to a happy, safe, and sober life. Awesome on the $$$, meds, and cigs!!

We have so many things to be greatful or grateful (LOL) for. I am grateful that now, I have the ability to be grateful. I always wanted more. Everything was never enough!! Now I can see the beauty in the littlest of things. I try to live in the solution instead of the problem. Things don't always go my way, but that's ok, because it could be a lot worse. I am grateful that my HP gives me everything I need!!

I am especially grateful for those who have gone before me in recovery, those who walk with me, and those yet to come. My family and friends who have stood by me through all my crap. They could see the good in me, when I couldn't see it myself. They believed in me when I had no hope!!

I am grateful for a wonderful job, where I can be of service to others. I help people get stronger mentally and physically and I help to ease their pain.

I was told by another member of AA that I didn't seem like a very grateful person. Well, I believe that is something we can continue to work on daily. I don't have to live up to his standards anyway. He told me that gratitude is a way of life. It is not something to just feel when we are happy or get what we want. That makes sence to me. I will take what I need and leave the rest!! LOL

When I first got sober, it was suggested to me that I right 5 things everyday that I was grateful for. Couldn't repeat them for a week. I have not been doing that for a long time. Maybe I should start again.

Grateful to be sober!! Happy, joyous, and FREE!! Finally at peace with myself!!

Thanks for letting me share!!
Love to all,
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Old 01-14-2006, 04:01 PM
  # 757 (permalink)  
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I am so so sorry to hear about your daughter. I know it must be really tough to see someone doing this to themselves. You know before I got clean and sober I never thought of the way that my using and disease was hurting anyone, not even me. But when I got sober and clean I started to see all the harm that I had done. I know in AA when we talk about family member of ours that are still using, they say that help must come from an outside source, that we are not able to help them like someone else from the outside. That is really hard because I too have family that is dieing from this disease and yet all I can do is to try and live a clean and happy life myself and maybe from my actions they might see something they want.

Velvet another thing that I have been noticing is that I might even be more of a Codie than I want to think that I am from me worrying about everyone here not being around is that like a Codie thing? I really need to read up on that I think.

Little Missy It is not something to just feel when we are happy or get what we want.
Yep I heard a guy once say that we should be grateful for everything that happens in our lives. Well sometimes it is hard to be grateful when something that we think isn't right but after the fact we can look back and see were it is probably the best thing that could have happened at that time. I still have to work on it from time to time. I know that is I am grateful then I have a less chance of falling into self pity. I don't think I can be grateful and be full of self pity at the same time.

WOW GREAT SHARES and it is so good to see you back Velvet you know when you are really down like that (just like when I was down) it is good to be here so we can be here for you like you are always here for us right? I know that you and everyone here has helped me so so much both in good and bad times and that is what this is about, us hanging on to each other and helping in both the rough and good times.

OK I wish we had a tour guide back maybe someone will pop in with some scenery here or there. OK now where are we going and what are we doing?

Love Vic
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:22 PM
  # 758 (permalink)  
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One thing also that I must remember is that I might not be responsible for my disease but I am responsible for my recovery!!!!!

Just a thought......

Love Vic
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Old 01-14-2006, 06:59 PM
  # 759 (permalink)  
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Lucky, I agree that someone from the outside will be the one to reach the addict, but in my case, I thought I could reach my daughter, because we are so very close. I even got in touch with a recovering addict, in my community....they had done an article in the newspaper about his art and daughter is very into art...or use to be before drugs became #1. Anyway, he agreed to meet with us and tell her alittle bit about his addicted life and getting clean life...then he talked to her about making him some art pieces to put in a gallery that he has. He now teaches art at the behavior clinic that helped him get clean. She went, talked, got nervous, but didn't get mad...but also said she wasn't ready to quit. (this was the end of Nov.) But anyway, what I'm getting you really think it will be someone not from the family that will finally get through to her? But of course, I know that she has to want to get help, before anything can happen. So, it's the idea of someone not connected to her that can reach her? I guess it just depends on the person? (meaning the addict)
One more thing Lucky, your ending quote..."One thing also that I must remember is that I might not be responsible for my disease but I am responsible for my recovery"....just who do you think IS responsible for your disease, if not yourself???? Don't you think that you are responsible for your disease? That's like not taking responsibility for your actions. No one made you do the drugs, so you'd be responsible for your disease, wouldn't you? I do agree with the end part, you ARE responsible for your recovery also. Just some food for thought.
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Old 01-14-2006, 07:32 PM
  # 760 (permalink)  
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Velvet .just who do you think IS responsible for your disease, if not yourself???? Don't you think that you are responsible for your disease? That's like not taking responsibility for your actions. No one made you do the drugs,
Yes I take responsiblity for my action and I also know that I can not blame the drugs or the alcohol for Myself also.....

In Our literature it says that "We are not responsible for our disease but we are responsible for our recovery..... the disease of addiction is not about the Drugs per say or alcohol

Addiction is into our jeans per say. My counselor used to say that she could walk into a class room of children in the 1st and 2nd grade and pick out alcoholics and addicts just by there behaviour. The drugs is not what causes us to be addicts and the alcohol is not what makes us alcoholics. We have a disease. We didn't ask to have this disease.

I know that you are really trying to understand this disease, I am really happy that you are here, I don't like to give advice and I usually don't because if we don't know what is good for us how do we know what is good for anyone else. But I would say that if you really want to learn about addiction and alcoholism I would go out and buy a AA Big Book, read the first 164 pages over and over again and the same with the NA Basic Text but it is the first 103 pages there.

I did not ask to be brought in the world with my disease but I am the only one that is responsible for my recovery. AA and NA will go on without me but I can not go on without AA and NA. I also believe that I am only in this world today for one thing and that is to let any addict/alke know that they don't have to use or drink again Just For Today. I am only given one day and that is today. I can not stay clean and sober on yesterday that is not going to do a thing for me today.

anyway just some thoughts lol

Love Vic

Here is a copy of the NA Basic Text for you I will look for a copy of the AA one too OK
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