
Any psoriasis sufferers out there??

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Old 05-25-2018, 01:28 PM
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Any psoriasis sufferers out there??

So I got diagnosed with psoriasis about 19 or 20(am 35 now) and would sporadically have a few patches, but the last couple of years have been bad...patches on my lower legs, hands, elbows grrrrr!! I have tried all sorts of creams, finally went to a dermatologist and she prescribed an ointment but am yet to pick it up yet. Just wondering if sobriety may help clear this up too! That would be an added bonus😊. Just wondering if anyone else had their psoriasis clear after quitting drink.
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Old 05-25-2018, 01:41 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Psoriasis sufferer here! Alcohol definitely makes my symptoms more severe. Yup, it flares up big time after a night of heavy drinking, and I always unintentionally scratch my skin off when I'm drunk... My longest stretch of sobriety was only 90 days, but I did notice a gradual improvement during that time.
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Old 05-25-2018, 01:52 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Unfortunately, in my own case, psoriasis was one of the few things that sobriety didn't help (health wise). 40 months since I've had a drink and there has been no change for the better. Hope you have a better experience.
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Old 05-25-2018, 02:25 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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10 months sober and I would say my symptoms have improved by 60-70%. Last year I couldn't go to work without using creams etc., now can I leave home without worrying that I look like the monster from the Green Lagoon.

For me drinking definitely made it worse, after binges it was usually twice as bad.
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Old 05-25-2018, 02:40 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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Good post.
I'm a P sufferer (had it 37 years). I can honestly say that when I was sober for 7 months once, my skin was pretty much clear and I didn't need my creams and ointments.
During other sober periods it had also been far more under control and the patches have either reduced dramatically or disappeared. Maybe I am just lucky but I hope sobriety helps you too. Take care.
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Old 05-25-2018, 06:37 PM
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My skin cleared after about 6 months sober. I get the occasional flare-up, but nothing like it used to be.
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Old 11-26-2019, 07:13 PM
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Anyone else suffer with psoriasis? Mine only started four years ago, but apparently it can be a manifestation of a liver that's struggling. I hope it gets better now I'm sober.
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Old 11-26-2019, 11:56 PM
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I've had it for 20 odd years.
the dehydration caused by alcohol made mine more noticeable at the very least. 3 weeks sober and it seem to have flared up today. Going for a bath with coconut oil now, usually takes the edge off.
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Old 11-27-2019, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Finalcall View Post
I've had it for 20 odd years.
the dehydration caused by alcohol made mine more noticeable at the very least. 3 weeks sober and it seem to have flared up today. Going for a bath with coconut oil now, usually takes the edge off.
Sorry to read that! Could it be that it gets worse before it gets better, for example your body is purging itself of toxins? If you smoke you should try to stop that. I know also that psoriasis is linked to emotional upset, and the early stages of sobriety are mentally draining! In short, hang in there! Oh and congratulations on three weeks.
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Old 11-27-2019, 10:34 AM
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I had bad dermatitis when I was drinking (as a young adult), but it went away entirely when I got sober.

Good luck with your psoriasis.

And, more importantly, your sobriety.
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Old 11-29-2019, 05:57 PM
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Mix of stuff here - think it's really seboraich dermotisis(spelling waay off). Under almost complete control since I've gotten sober. Just another thing to add to the list.
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Old 11-29-2019, 06:55 PM
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I've suffered with it since age 27 or so (44 now). It's improved, but not completely cleared up - and I'm working on my 7th year of sobriety here. I think when I got drunk, I'd probably scratch/peel/whatever in my sleep or just haphazardly more often. Thus it was much worse then.

But it's still a condition I have to manage. Something I'm much better at doing when I'm sober.
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Old 11-29-2019, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by bigsombrero View Post
I've suffered with it since age 27 or so (44 now). It's improved, but not completely cleared up - and I'm working on my 7th year of sobriety here. I think when I got drunk, I'd probably scratch/peel/whatever in my sleep or just haphazardly more often. Thus it was much worse then.

But it's still a condition I have to manage. Something I'm much better at doing when I'm sober.
How significant is the improvement, would you say? How long did it take to improve?

Have you ever considered any diets, or juicing? There's one juicing expert who claims to have put his psoriasis into remission through juicing. There are others who have done the same with diet. It's forbidden to promote commercial links on here, but if you do an internet search there's plenty of information about it. Some people find nightshades cause them problems.
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Old 11-29-2019, 08:49 PM
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Just found this, which hopefully explains why my psoriasis currently seems to be getting worse!

The Healing Crisis
AKA: The Cleansing Reaction, The Detox Reaction, and The Herxheimer Reaction

Also known as the "Herxheimer Reaction", this reaction occurs when the body tries to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than they can be properly disposed of. The more toxic one's bodily systems are, the more severe the detoxification, or healing crisis. It is characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox process which may be mild or severe. You may feel worse and therefore conclude that the treatment is not working. But these reactions are instead signs that the treatment is working and that your body is going through the process of cleaning itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances.
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Old 11-29-2019, 09:14 PM
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This is going to sound strange, but natural yogurt applied as a cream, worked wonders for an ex of mine
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Old 11-30-2019, 05:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Auchieshuggle View Post
How significant is the improvement, would you say? How long did it take to improve?

Have you ever considered any diets, or juicing? There's one juicing expert who claims to have put his psoriasis into remission through juicing. There are others who have done the same with diet. It's forbidden to promote commercial links on here, but if you do an internet search there's plenty of information about it. Some people find nightshades cause them problems.
Like many psoriasis sufferers, I've tried just about everything - including pseudo-scientific, non-proven stuff. The only thing that's worked for me are prescription creams and ointments. Also, swimming in the ocean and spending time at the beach will almost completely clear it up.

While I do believe a healthy diet helps with just about every chronic condition, I never noticed any significant change.
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Old 11-30-2019, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by bigsombrero View Post
Like many psoriasis sufferers, I've tried just about everything - including pseudo-scientific, non-proven stuff. The only thing that's worked for me are prescription creams and ointments. Also, swimming in the ocean and spending time at the beach will almost completely clear it up.

While I do believe a healthy diet helps with just about every chronic condition, I never noticed any significant change.
A lot of people swear by people like Jason Vale and Hanna Sillitoe. Just a thought!

Originally Posted by Zanna View Post
This is going to sound strange, but natural yogurt applied as a cream, worked wonders for an ex of mine
Thanks, Zanna. Yes, apple cider vinegar is also supposed to be good topically, too.
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Old 12-02-2019, 12:59 AM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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My psoriasis seemed to have been triggered (it is in my family, but I only ever suffered from small patches of what were thought to have been eczema) and went full blown last winter after a bout of strep and pneumonia. Mind you, last winter was one of the worst of my drinking and my body definitely was starting to show the physical effects of all that (large weight gain, sick all the time, pain, etc). All these factors were catalysts to finally take sobriety seriously. I’ve been sober since July, and for the first two months sober, the psoriasis did get worse (especially in my scalp), and I kept telling myself it was my body detoxing so that I wouldn’t flounder. Then I started to notice big improvements. Now it’s not gone completely, but I’m back to the odd small spot, and not the full on overtaking of my body core, scalp, and arms that I’d had before. I had tried the AIP diet, eliminating nightshades, ACV, etc., but it was limited to no real improvement for me. Very manageable now (knock wood) with basic care. I know it’s not the case for everybody. However, in my case alcohol definitely played a factor.
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Old 12-02-2019, 04:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Sapph21 View Post
My psoriasis seemed to have been triggered (it is in my family, but I only ever suffered from small patches of what were thought to have been eczema) and went full blown last winter after a bout of strep and pneumonia.
Interesting. Did you take antibiotics by any chance? There's a theory that psoriasis is related to the gut's microbiome.

Mind you, last winter was one of the worst of my drinking and my body definitely was starting to show the physical effects of all that (large weight gain, sick all the time, pain, etc). All these factors were catalysts to finally take sobriety seriously.
I lost a lot of weight a few years ago when I sobered up, and then gained it all back as I started drinking again. My psoriasis got worse as I gained the weight.

I’ve been sober since July, and for the first two months sober, the psoriasis did get worse (especially in my scalp), and I kept telling myself it was my body detoxing so that I wouldn’t flounder. Then I started to notice big improvements. Now it’s not gone completely, but I’m back to the odd small spot, and not the full on overtaking of my body core, scalp, and arms that I’d had before.
Mine's got worse since in the last three weeks, which is when I stopped drinking. I also thought it might be due to detoxification. I'm so pleased for you. Were you also a smoker?

I had tried the AIP diet, eliminating nightshades, ACV, etc., but it was limited to no real improvement for me. Very manageable now (knock wood) with basic care. I know it’s not the case for everybody. However, in my case alcohol definitely played a factor.
I think alcohol will be a factor with most people, too. Thanks for sharing, and giving me some hope. Good luck and best wishes for the future,
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