
Luck or Sobriety?

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Old 04-18-2015, 08:48 AM
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Luck or Sobriety?

... or both!?

It's been almost two weeks since getting out of rehab and things really, sincerely, couldn't be better. While in the program I really hit the pavement in trying to find a new job and through the hard work I put into finding something, I secured a temp position (potential hire) making as much to start as I was as a paralegal about 5 years ago. I lost that job two years ago next month due to my drinking.
As some of you may remember, in my free time I used to also do a lot of freelance music journalism, something that fell to the wayside as my drinking spiraled out of control. I thought my integrity in that realm had been completely shot to the ground... until I got an offer to cover a festival internationally, expenses paid. It's something I elected to turn down due to the newness of my sobriety, but still put me on cloud 9 and has given me the confidence to really get back out there and cover stories and bands that I love.

My living situation is improving, as is my relationship with my partner. My dogs even seem to notice a difference in me and are more excited than ever when I walk in the door each day. I feel healthier, my skin is brighter, my mood has improved, as has my overall outlook on life. I have hope for the future, now. That's a far cry from the blubbering, suicidal mess I had become.

When it rained, it poured and there were countless times I almost drowned in the ensuing flood. I know being sober won't ensure completely smooth sailing, but it really is incredible how bright the sun can shine when you put in the work. I finally feel like I can weather the storms to come, and more importantly can actually enjoy the fruits of my labor.

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Old 04-18-2015, 08:55 AM
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I'm really happy for you and that things seem to be going so well.

I do believe that the Universe helps us, when we help ourselves.
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Old 04-18-2015, 09:16 AM
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Sobriety is a solid foundation to build a life on, no more hangovers, working to our potential, no more wasted time on hangovers, clearer in mind, more resources to hand!!

There's a lot to be said for what Sobriety can achieve for those that have an issue with alcohol!!

I am very happy for you Alphabet!! Keep pushing through!!
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Old 04-18-2015, 09:19 AM
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Great and uplifting post, Alphabet. It is wonderful to hear that things are going so well for you.
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Old 04-18-2015, 09:26 AM
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Court jester
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Give a starving man a piece of stale bread and to him it is a gourmet meal.

We have been so accustomed to a life insanity and constant suffering that when we finally remove that which has caused the suffering, the "normalcy" of life feels like the heavens have opened and the angel of God has descended upon us.

You've earned these miracles. Have fun experiencing real joy for a change!
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Old 04-18-2015, 09:28 AM
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Do your best
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Awesome Alphabet
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Old 04-18-2015, 10:22 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2014
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Fantastic, Alphabet. Such an inspiring inventory of all the good around you due to your hard work!!

I chuckled about the dogs: I swear mine noticed a difference too, especially since early in my sobriety we would take super long walks as a way to blow off some steam. I'm sure they were thinking, huh?, but not for long as they loved it and still do. Feels good that I can be a better companion to all around me, including these precious creatures who rely so much on me and give me so much.
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Old 04-18-2015, 10:43 AM
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Lovely post to read. Well done!
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Old 04-18-2015, 03:11 PM
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I'm glad all is going well alphabet

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