
Am I Cheating in Recovery?

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Old 04-12-2015, 06:26 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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I completely agree with what Dee says.

You are not cheating one bit by taking antebuse.
I think you are using the resources available to you.

I do agree that a recovery plan is needed.
Thats how you will start to enjoy life without drink, learn how to deal with the ups and downs without a alcohol.

With lots of diseases its not just about taking a pill or the appropriate medication.
Its about learning how to look for other things that might trigger symptoms that are part of you disease.

I suppose to me its about having a whole package that meets all your needs - spiritual, psychological and physical.

Until there is a pill designed to treat all of that, I think there is more we all have to do in the quest to be healthy, happy and well balanced individuals.

I wish you the best xx
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Old 04-12-2015, 06:41 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Not cheating darling I felt the same Im on Campral AND Naltrexone (similar to antabuse) i feel vwry happy im going super cruizy nil nil nil cravings been sober 87 days now.
It's not HOW you get there it ia THAT you get there!!! My perception of alcohol and using alcohol is dramatically changing sincee I have lost nearly 30 pounds in these 86 days.
I see it as poison now I'm trying to remember how disgusting those first two always were and howuch the smell put me off at the wedding after 67 days sober.
I went to AA but i disagree totally with the structure of it, so not going again after that first time.
I live alone I'm doing really well! Changed my entire life style i walk the (poor dog lol) dog at least 2-2.5 miles a day every day (it keeps me happy with happy hormones lol i eat healthy i feel good look great! Have energy feel much more confident than before and i am really happy!
Thank you medication.
It takes time to change your life around and if you can get some help from medicines then WHY NOT?!! What's wrong with that?
Who gives a flying fok how you get there as long as you get there mate
Oh I am seeing a special psychologist from the detox clinic weekly and their gp (doc) eyeballs my progress it's a free service so why not use it?!!
Hugs from a believer of medical services

One important thing their gp and psychologist have told me is the meds are not wonder pills if so alcoholusm would be a thing from the past and fixrd world wide! It does take a lot of willpower ontop of the meds to stay sober
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Old 04-12-2015, 06:53 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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DD thank you. Thanks to everyone who replied with advice. I guess my hope is that reading on here in combination with the Antabuse will be enough of a plan. Plus, I do see a psychiatrist. Not a therapist -yet. I have until June to figure out if I want to do an IOP again. I'm feeling better today than yesterday. I was really feeling down yesterday.

Dee said something about (paraphrasing) being able to skip a pill. That's not entirely correct. The medication stays in my system for up to 14 days. So skipping a pill doesn't mean I can drink. Dee also said I could simply stop taking the medication. While true, this is difficult for me because I do want to quit drinking (at least for a year. I'm not sure about forever....yet.) My husband administers the pills to me as well so that would make it increasingly difficult to quit taking them. I do foresee a challenge when he goes to Hawaii for three weeks for work this summer (poor guy, I know), but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. My mom is on board with the Antabuse and she's willing to come up and stay with me if needed.

I do want to be better. I want to be "normal." I know this probably isn't possible based on all previous attempts, and hopefully I recognize this during my journey.

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Old 04-12-2015, 06:54 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by amandaw View Post
Thanks everyone! I can't wait until I get to the point where I don't miss drinking. Right now it's a roller coaster of emotions, Many of them negative. Hopefully this passes soon.
The rollercoaster feelings are normal I had them after 14 days for a few weeks.anxiety, stress sleepless nights, agitated grumpy teary happy sad all part of the getting clean process darling.
It will get beter, after approximately 1.5 months i started feeling great!
Go for long walks of 30 mins a day at same time every day i do six with the dog and end my 3.5(2 mile) walk at the doggy park, at 7 its dark. The trance music iny ears and firm pase clears my head i get that happy hormones in my belly and head which is my natural high itswvery addictive!
Regularly Even tonight and especially on the weekend I get thoughts of "what am I gonna do all day? Without grog?" or am I really going to live my entire life alcohol free how boring?! How am i gonna cope at parties?" now i have friends but never hangout with anyone cos im a loner i like solitary activities. So no need to stress about social occasions. Though I am a wedding photographer and there is always lots of alcohol around me whilst at work. First wedding shoot since sober was amazing nil cravings i even took a shot of the waitress with a tray of beer and nil urge to drink, normally I'd finish off the day with a few then race home and get blind drunk! Lol i felt so free this time!
Congrats on 11 days girl
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Old 04-12-2015, 06:59 AM
  # 25 (permalink)  
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Hi Amanda. You are not cheating! I'm on Antabuse too and it's been great. I have a plan going to follow so I'll share with you. I have no idea if it'll work, but it's a start! My prescription is for 30 days. So I'm taking it every day until those 30 are up. I see a therapist once a week which has been great. I would suggest it when you're ready. Then I hope to not have to take Antabuse every day. Just get a prescription for back up. If I go to an event where there will be drinking, or if having cravings, I can take it just in case. I'm hoping this will work. I haven't done aa either.. But if my plan backfires I'll give it a shot. I agree with all the other wise folks on here. Any way is better than drinking. Hugs to you.
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Old 04-12-2015, 07:05 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by tabasco View Post
I feel that AA is a different experience with a few months of sobriety.
Curious what you mean by that tabasco? Better? Worse? How so is it different?
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Old 04-12-2015, 07:09 AM
  # 27 (permalink)  
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So howndoes this work? Im on Naltrexone similar to antabuse and i just keep forgetting im on it andbthat if i drink I'll get seriously sick. I never think about that. I just forget about it lol
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Old 04-12-2015, 07:19 AM
  # 28 (permalink)  
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Pink- I'm not familiar with your medication, but from what I understand about Antabuse, you CANNOT forget you're taking it. It's not just a sickness you get from taking it, but possible death. I'm also sensitive to my face wash which contains alcohol. I've been warned off hand sanitizer as well. It also stays in my system for up to 14 days (though I've heard of some people drinking earlier and not getting sick-not something I'm risking) so I'd really have to plan to drink. I did a lot of research on the medication before taking it. Again, I have no clue how this compares to your medication.
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Old 04-12-2015, 10:19 AM
  # 29 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by PinkGstring View Post
So howndoes this work? Im on Naltrexone similar to antabuse and i just keep forgetting im on it andbthat if i drink I'll get seriously sick. I never think about that. I just forget about it lol
Hey Pink. I've been on naltrexone as well. The two drugs are used for helping alcos stop drinking.

In my case, the naltrexone worked once - sort of. When I drank on it, I was not able to drink very much. I got very dizzy and went to bed. Similar to how I felt when really drunk but not a pleasant feeling. But it didn't stop me from drinking. After that episode I went back to drinking a bottle a night even though I was taking the drug.

With the antabuse I simply can't drink, as Amanda has said. If I do, it's hospital time. Or worse.

The only real issue with Antabuse in Australia is availability. It was recently purchased by a drug company from the old manufacturers. It hasn't started being made again in Australia last I checked. I had to call a pharmacy in the NT to find some after having several pharmacies check nation wide for it. I stole the last two bottles from the NT Sorry about that! It should be back in stock soon though.

The difference between the two drugs in my case: Naltrexone will help you by increasing the effect of alcohol so you can't ingest as much. At least once. Antabuse forces you to not take the first drink.

The drug and alcohol clinic I attend prescribe it (antabuse) to the hard core people who just won't quit without a serious immediate consequence to their drinking. Naltrexone'is safer.

*always consult your gp before taking drugs. Except the really illegal ones. Then come here and post.
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Old 04-12-2015, 10:21 AM
  # 30 (permalink)  
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Donuts, that last * comment made me laugh :-)
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Old 04-12-2015, 11:14 AM
  # 31 (permalink)  
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I've been on Campral for over a month and while it might help the physical cravings (which is great), the psychological urges still kick in. I guess that's where willpower comes in. Ugh
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