
Here we go

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Old 01-02-2015, 01:08 PM
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Here we go

This is my first time attempting this. I am 25 years old and have been drinking for nearly 10 years. It has really taken a toll on my mental health the last couple years with depression becoming much more apparent. My girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me 3 months ago and I've found myself at my lowest point. Drinking by myself nearly every night. Doing nothing at all but browsing the web in a drunken state, with no ambition or drive to do anything. I'm only 2 days sober, and am terrified of what is to come. My family is concerned for my health but supportive of my decision. The only downside to that is my parents recently moved 3,000 kms away, so its harder to find support. All of my friends are heavy drinkers, so I don't really have many people to turn to about this, so that's why I came here. Any advice for a first time at trying to get sober? Thanks.
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Old 01-02-2015, 01:21 PM
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Have you given any thought to checking out a local AA meeting?

I'm 27 years old... felt the exact same way - that I was going to have ZERO friends left and be a miserable recluse for the rest of my life if I quit drinking entirely. I surrounded myself with heavy drinkers, didn't have any other hobbies or sober friends to speak of.

I started going to AA....joined a home group. Let people get to know me.

Turns out there is a whack of awesome alcoholic young people just like me in the rooms of AA. Not only did the program (12 steps, etc.) change my life completely but I have a huge support system of REAL friends. People who actually want to hang out with me sober, etc. with no strings attached. It took time but with AA I started to build a new sober life that made my old life look like a chaotic nightmare.

I had a few "pre-judgements" about AA - firstly that it was going to be all old people (some meetings are - but not all of them - you gotta find the "right" meetings) and secondly the whole "god" thing scared me off cause I'm not into that at all. Turns out - I was wrong on both parts. Don't need to believe in god. Eventually you will probably find a higher power "of your understanding" - but you don't need to worry about that yet.

AA has saved hundreds of thousands of suffering alcoholics. Just a suggestion if you're new!

There's a ton of support on this website also.

Welcome welcome!
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Old 01-02-2015, 01:24 PM
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Welcome, jacksbean, to SR. Congratulations on two days sober.

You say that you are afraid of what is to come. My bet is that there is much goodness to come. You are beautifully young; your future is your's to write.

If your friends are heavy drinkers, you may need to avoid them for a while unless you also engage in sober activities with them.

Maybe try a google search for sober activities on your area.

Glad you found SR, jacksbean.
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Old 01-02-2015, 01:36 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
Do your best
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Welcome Jackbean well done on 2 days sober good advice from posts above

you can read & print this it is very useful
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Old 01-02-2015, 01:46 PM
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thanks for the replies I've been thinking that the people I've considered my best friends the last few years might not be my friends at all, maybe only drinking buddies. And that scares me a lot. I was looking into some local AA meetings today, but had the same thoughts about it being just older people. Also, I have mild social anxiety which might hold me back, but I'm glad to know that younger people also attend the meetings as well.
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Old 01-02-2015, 01:56 PM
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Hi and welcome jacksbean

It is a scary thing to consider...but getting and staying sober was the best move I ever made. It means a lot of changes sure, but they're good changes...and it's well worth it

You'll find a lot of support and ideas here
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