
101 Helpful Hints For Recovery

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Old 10-15-2014, 05:28 PM
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Exclamation 101 Helpful Hints For Recovery

I found this online - it's from a 12 step perspective but no less useful for that.

I added a few tweaks of my own, but the original comes from the 'spiritual river' site - no author attributed.

101 Helpful Tips on How to Stay Clean and Sober

1. Don’t underestimate your disease. Every single person does at first.

2. Take care of yourself spiritually. Be mindful of your connection to your higher power today.

3. Ignore the dismal relapse rates. You are creating your own success.

4. Make a zero tolerance policy with yourself concerning relapse. Don’t even allow your mind to go there.

5. Avoid fundamentalism, even in recovery. Rigid thinking and dogma can undermine your sobriety.

6. You are creating a life of recovery and you are responsible for ALL OF IT. Yes, others can help you. Their “help” is mere advice. It is up to you to recover.

7. Don’t confuse enthusiasm for action. Figure out what you need to do to stay sober and then do it.

8. Listen to what what others say - but don't forget to listen to your heart too.

9. Take care of your social network. Reach out to others in a meaningful way.

10. Figure out a way to help other addicts or alcoholics.

11. If you attend 12 step meetings, find one to start chairing. Consider H&I meetings (taking meetings into jails and treatment centers).

12. Use mindfulness and a heightened awareness to overcome ego. Use meditation to overcome self.

13. Practice forgiveness. Forgive all your past transgressors. Forgive yourself. You must do this to get long term relief from resentment.

14. Be aware of diminishing returns, and spread out your recovery efforts (i.e.,focus on all areas of recovery).

15. Rearrange all the furniture in your house. Anything to get through the night sometimes.

16. Clean your house from top to bottom. Same as above.

17. Go for a long walk.

18. Adopt a pet and care for it.

19. Eat a gourmet meal.

20. Cook a gourmet meal.

21. Practice the arts. Paint, draw, sculpt, sing, dance. Etc.

22. See a therapist.

23. Work on a puzzle.

24. Connect with someone else who is hurting.

25. Start a project that is bigger than yourself.

26. Revisit an old hobby.

27. Teach someone something. (Anything!)

28. Learn something new each day. (Anything!)

29. Write in a daily journal.

30. Stretch yourself spiritually by suspending disbelief for a day.

31. Write a letter to your addiction where you say farewell to it.

32. Join a recovery forum online.

33. Start a free blog and tell the world about your progress in recovery. Figure out your own tips on staying sober.

34. Reconnect with your family and spend time with them.

35. Go back to school.

36. Learn a new skill or trade.

37. Sponsor a newcomer.

38. Make a commitment to chair a meeting each week.

39. Celebrate the recovery of a friend.

40. Spend time with your family.

41. Email or PM someone and share your problems.

42. Celebrate your clean time with a cake.

43. Write out a gratitude list.

44. Read through your old journal entries and see how much you’ve changed.

45. Try a new form of meditation (or make up your own…there is no “wrong” here). Some of the best tips to stay sober come from within.

46. Write out a to-do list and cross each thing off as you accomplish it.

47. Always have a big goal in the back of your mind that is challenging for you, but would make your day if you met it.

48. Practice balance. Challenge your daily habits.

49. Practice humility. Always be in “learning mode.”

50. Forgive yourself and move on with your life.

51. Sit down and write 2 goals out for yourself: one big one and one little one. Keep the paper in your pocket.

52. Inspire someone else to grow. Challenge them to be a better person in some way. Encourage them through your own success.

53. Learn to relax. Find your quiet place of rejuvenation and return to it often.

54. Elevate your consciousness. Watch your own mind and see how it responds to events. Repeat often. Learn.

55. Find the beauty in life. Appreciate all of it. Be grateful for beauty itself.

56. Ask yourself with each decision: “Is this the healthiest choice for me right now?”

57. Quit smoking cigarettes already.

58. Be grateful for existence.

59. If you go to the same AA meetings (or other recovery meetings) all the time, switch it up and go to a completely new meeting.

60. Write a poem or a journal entry about how you are overcoming addiction.

61. Turn off your television and read a book. Better: read recovery literature. Best: write your own recovery literature.

62. Use overwhelming force to conquer a goal.

63. Learn how to stay sober through creation of a new reality. Don’t settle. Create the life you really want in recovery.

64. Write your bucket list. Then, act.

65. Figure out your life purpose.

66. Write out a fourth step and share it with your sponsor.

67. Take care of yourself physically. Exercise. Take a walk. No excuses.

68. Keep your priorities straight. Physical abstinence is number one. Simple and effective.

69. Keep a high price on your serenity. Don’t sacrifice it for just anyone and their whims.

70. Use a sponsor for stage 2 recovery. Let them guide you through holistic living.

71. Take care of yourself mentally. Go back to school. Get that degree.

72. Find your own path. It is your responsibility to do so.

73. Practice humility and stay teachable. Always be learning.

74. Go to long term treatment and be done with it. Best decision I ever made.

75. Don’t pin your hopes on a short stay in rehab. It takes more than that.

76. Call your sponsor.

77. Get a sponsor.

78. Use a zero tolerance policy when it comes to self-pity. Never allow it for yourself ever again. Ever. It is poison.

79. Read recovery literature.

80. Join a recovery forum.

81. Use outpatient treatment if that works for you. Take it as seriously as possible and connect with the others in your group.

82. Meditate.

83. Pray.

84. Go out for coffee with a friend in recovery.

85. Find your passion.

86. Work out.

87. Join a church.

88. Volunteer.

89. Take care of yourself emotionally. Don’t get knocked too far off your square.

90. Stay vigilant against potential relapse. The disease can find many routes (gambling, prescription drugs, sex, etc.).

91. Go to a meeting.

92. Don’t pin your hopes on long term treatment. It takes a lifetime of learning for alcoholics and recovering drug addicts to recover.

93. Use long term strategic thinking. Care for yourself, network with others, and pursue conscious growth.

94. Don’t ask “why me?” Instead, ask “how can I create the life I really want now?”

95. Call a friend in recovery.

96. Sit down and write out a gratitude list.

97. Don’t live in fear of relapse. I wasted 5 years on this. Embrace the creative life and know you are strong in recovery.

98. Get extreme. Figure out what you need to do to stay sober…then double it and add ten. That’s how hard you have to push yourself.

99. Raise the bar. Stop settling. Use your talents as a gift to the world and make a difference in some way.

100. Live consciously. Set deliberate goals and go after them with overwhelming force.

101. Embrace the creative life in recovery and live holistically.

So those are my staying sober tips….anyone got any more?

If you found this helpful, please share it with others.

Feel free to add your own, here.


Last edited by Dee74; 02-05-2016 at 02:50 PM.
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Old 10-15-2014, 05:30 PM
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Tetra's Avatar
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Love this!!
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Old 10-15-2014, 05:36 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Going to print this! Greatness. Thanks, D.
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Old 10-15-2014, 05:38 PM
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7. Don’t confuse enthusiasm for action.
This is why every morning I'd have great intentions and by evening I'd be stopping by the liquor store, expecting a different result but not changing my actions was a lesson I finally grasped!!

Great post!!
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Old 10-15-2014, 05:57 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
FreeOwl's Avatar
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thanks D.... you oughta pin this to the top somewhere it's readily accessible all the time!

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Old 10-15-2014, 06:01 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Fly N Buy's Avatar
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Zero tolerance policy with yourself for relapse !! All in....

I would add - take a kid fishing!

Great stuff Dee - so much to choose from.
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Old 10-15-2014, 07:47 PM
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I love this. Can it be printed?
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Old 10-15-2014, 08:47 PM
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You can print this page's under the File tab in my browser (Firefox)

if you have an older PC or printer, under thread tools at the top of the page here you can 'show a printable version' of the page thats a little less graphic intensive.

You can also print from the link I gave...there's a JPEG version there of the original.

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Old 10-15-2014, 10:45 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
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Thanks Dee - hanging on my fridge
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Old 10-16-2014, 01:02 AM
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Blessings to ya, Dee - I really needed this right now; sitting feeling a bit flat and blah, in the sort-of-vacant time before dinner. Even had a few drinking thoughts an hour or so ago. I get a bit scared by them now when they pop up.
Yeah, the writings on Spiritual River (by Patrick I think) have helped me quite a bit. (He's into physical fitness regimes though: eek! Still, it works well for so many - each to their own. Walking my dog through the bush or along the beach is about it for me).

Cheers, ole chook,
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Old 10-16-2014, 01:07 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Good to see you Vic. SR is always a good place to land for a while and yes, I'd like to re-iterate again I didn't write it, I just found it

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Old 10-16-2014, 01:13 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
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Wonderful list and resource. I would add:

Treat yourself to all the delectable, sweet, yummy foods you desire in the first month. You've cut out so many calories from not drinking. Sweet foods are a comfort and help with cravings early on.
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Old 10-16-2014, 01:32 AM
  # 13 (permalink)  
Do your best
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D i know you didn't write this but the kindness that is in your heart went out of its way to find this and post it for everyone that is a very kind thing to do

Love this
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Old 10-16-2014, 02:54 AM
  # 14 (permalink)  
Marcher13's Avatar
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Thanks Dee. It helps to be reminded to use our tools, work our recovery hard, live and enjoy our lives -- every day.
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Old 10-16-2014, 03:02 AM
  # 15 (permalink)  
I'm Wide Awake
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Thanks so much for posting this many great ideas and things to think about. Thank you for being you!
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Old 10-16-2014, 02:48 PM
  # 16 (permalink)  
Life is an unlikely miracle.
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What a great list. Thanks for posting.
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Old 10-16-2014, 02:55 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by soberwolf View Post
D i know you didn't write this but the kindness that is in your heart went out of its way to find this and post it for everyone that is a very kind thing to do

Love this
Exactly what soberwolf said. Ditto.
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Old 10-16-2014, 02:56 PM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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Incredible list. Many great suggestions to get out of your head.
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Old 10-16-2014, 03:00 PM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Kevin78's Avatar
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Thanks for this, a lot of helpful info here.
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Old 10-16-2014, 04:13 PM
  # 20 (permalink)  
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This is a great list, Dee, thanks!
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