
newbie here and 23 days sober

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Old 09-13-2012, 04:00 PM
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newbie here and 23 days sober

Hi all i finally went for it,, been drinking every other day heavily for over 12 yrs now, and 23 days ago after a liter of vodka and being so drunk i ate some out of date chicken ended up with food poisoning and more than likely the booze didn't help of course , i was so ill for an entire week i couldnt have had a drink if id wanted to which being that ill i didnt want to lol,,,

so when i finally got well i decided that even if i hadnt eaten the off chicken the amount i had drank that night played a big part in my sickness any way and that the food poisoning just dragged it out to last longer,

took my nearly 2 weeks too fully get over it with my tender tummy as well,

tho im feeling well now, i actually found i like being sober :-) , think id forgotten what it was like , 12 yrs of drunkenness and hang overs or just genuinely feeling naff,,

iv been eating healthy and drinking lots of water i have treated myself to a lemonade here and their just for the fizz of it ;-),

I would like to know what other peoples symptoms are when first stopping as really i dont feel much different except im not hung over, i still wake up looking puffy and i used to blame the drink for that, im becoming clumsy tho and no concentration also am tiered want to sleep all the time,

is this normal,, i dont suffer the shakes or anything and going without a drink is not hard as i think it was more boredom and habit for me,

iv now decided to stay off the booze for as long as______, im not putting a date on it as i worry that will make me fail, if you know what i mean, i dont want the pressure, tho i have had some family issues in the last 23 days that really would normally have had me reaching for the bottle, i have however said no to it as i want to see what changes will happen to my body and give me liver a chance to recover,

can anyone tell me what to expect im looking forward to Tuesday as it'll be 4 weeks, the longest time i have been without a drink in over 12 yrs,
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Old 09-13-2012, 04:17 PM
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Welcome to SR sueellen ...I say...If you like what you're getting...Keep doing what you're doing....I was pretty foggy my first couple months....I was undoing a lot of drinking...And I was tired a lot. Why don't you keep going and see how you feel at 90 days?....Are you using any kind of recovery plan?
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Old 09-13-2012, 04:23 PM
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Hey fellow Londoner

This forum has been a great help in getting me off alcoHell.

Give yourself at least a 100 days to see how you feel, take it from there maybe ?

Life is a so much better without it.

Welcome and good luck.
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Old 09-13-2012, 04:37 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Welcome Sueellen! Well, I'm on day 8 and feeling tired - but I'm not sleeping well this time. Last time I made it 32 days and did exceptionally well until day 30. Then the desire to pick up a drink was so great I gave in. It's different for everyone, but I hear that milestone dates can be triggers - so keep a head's up and set your sights for something greater like 90 or 100 as suggested by Sapling and Darkdays...
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Old 09-13-2012, 04:56 PM
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Hello yes i very much like the fact that i am no longer drinking even tho it was not a planed thing to stop i have known for along time that the day would have to come and my illness just helped give me the push i needed,

its now almost like a challenge to my self as at first i told myself on the 9th ofv this month i would treat my self and have a drink,, then i just thought naa,,, lets see how long you can go girl,,

i love being able to jump in the car Anytime i like and pop to shop if needed without having to say,, ohh cant do that cos iv had a drink,

and its nice to be able to open my door to surprise callers, like the other day we had the police here just routine asking if we had heard the gun shots in our area and seen anything that day,,, Soo glad i was sober for that knock at the door, lol ,

was hoping to lose a bit of weight also but as yet not a pound so guess i'll just have to see what happens after another month or so,,

i have my mum coming to live with us again in november she herself is the same as i was she drinks every other day, has done since i was a kid i know i will struggle with her here, but i would hope that when she sees i am no longer drinking she may stop herself i hate her drunk even if im drunk myself, i was a happy drunk,, my mum gets very nasty,, so that will be another challenge i have to face,

this is the very first place i have come i have joined no groups at all, i have told a few close friends but thats it really,
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Old 09-13-2012, 05:02 PM
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Sueellen it is so nice to have you here with us. Congratulations on your sober time - it racks up pretty quickly, doesn't it? Your self descriptors sound very familiar (with the exception of the food poisoning). It appears that you are not only headed in the best direction, but feeling like many of us felt at that time into our own journeys, as well. You won't regret your decision - it truly does get better and easier. Onward and upward - welcome to SR!!
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Old 09-13-2012, 05:05 PM
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Good for you...It's a great start....I hope what you're doing rubs off on your Mom...Just take care of yourself though....That's the important thing...Every day you don't drink will get better...And you don't have to go back to that if you don't want to. I'm glad you are here!
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Old 09-13-2012, 05:18 PM
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Thanks sapling im glad i found the forum also, i do suffer bipolar with hyper-mania so am normally pretty alert and like a women on speed at the best of times, i can drink a can of regular coke and feel like im half drunk off it and be buzzing all day long,, i switched to lemonade the other night i had 2 cans and said to my hubby that i felt almost drunk as i had not had any fizzy drink in 3 weeks lol,,, so its really made me think well i could have a nice bottle of R Whites lemonade at the weekend as my treat and enjoy that as much as i think that i enjoyed the booze,, loool, at least my liver will be ok on lemonade,
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Old 09-13-2012, 05:20 PM
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That's great...You're a cheap date!
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Old 09-13-2012, 05:30 PM
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i feel i little confused as to why the hell exactly have i been drinking like i was for so long,,, did i just get into this habit of a bottle of wine goes with dinner then 2 bottles cos id drink one while making the dinner then id end up having no dinner but share the second bottle with hubby as he had his,, think i have just got into very bad habits maybe and it all has gotten a little out of control at time,

i feel now that i dont want it to be like that any more and i can do without the drink,
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Old 09-13-2012, 05:33 PM
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It got to the point for me....I went from wanting a drink...To needing a drink...That's when I knew I had a problem....And I still went years before I did anything about it.
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Old 09-13-2012, 06:00 PM
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i wouldn't say i ever really needed a drink tho i would often use the line "i really need a drink" after a stressful day to just have one anyway, trouble is everyday of mine is stressful i could always find an excuses to have a drink till in the end its become, hell who needs an excuse just have a bloody drink cos you know you want one, , iv said this a few times over the last few weeks when things have happened, my 25 yr old son almost burnt my kitchen down last night its a brand new kitchen just been done and he set fire to the grill and the curtains went up in flame i sat and sobbed over the damage he caused last night said to hubby KNOW I REALLY DO NEED A frecking DRINK FOR REAL,,, but i didnt go their i had a can of fanta orange instead lol,,,, and a chocolate magnum heehee
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Old 09-13-2012, 06:09 PM
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my biggest problem seems to come once i have one drink i will drink and drink and drink,,, if i dont go their in the first place im ok, i have a very addictive personality,i do everything to exsus be it smoking drinking cleaning working once im into something i tend to go an go an go till i burn myself out, had a little time in my life where i used cocaine for about 6 months it became a habit and once i had it i could be a proper kerry katona lol,,, i understand how the women lost her money id have been the same in her shoes, yet i haven't touched that in over 8 yrs now and would never use again cos i know one sniff and id want a whole big bag full,, and id want to do it all again the nxt day, its a habit i cant afford and i prefer not to start it,
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Old 09-13-2012, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by sueellen View Post
my biggest problem seems to come once i have one drink i will drink and drink and drink,,,
This is AA's take on that....Made sense to me. You can check it out.

The Doctor's Opinion
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Old 09-13-2012, 06:23 PM
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My history with coke was brief thank God....It just made me be able to drink more.
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Old 09-13-2012, 07:31 PM
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Congrats! I'm finding I'm liking sobriety too. A challenge some days, but it's much better this way. Good luck! You can do it!
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