
How To Have Fun??

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Old 06-13-2010, 06:24 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Hi PizzaChef


It's funny but I used to spend all day everyday watching TV and drinking and smoking...and I still worried I'd be bored when/if I got sober LOL.

Like Intention said, I often find there's not enough hours in the day...we did a list here once of fun sober may spark off some ideas

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Old 06-13-2010, 06:51 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Personally, I am so much more happier these days that no matter what I am doing (even at work) I have fun.

Driving home from having dinner with my parents the other night, my girls and I spent most of the time laughing to the point of tears rolling down our faces. That would not have happened a few months ago because a) I would not have been driving and b) if i was in a car with others i would probably be drunk and muttering something totally

I guess what I am trying to say is give it time, the fun will come when you are happier with yourself. Good on you for recognising your drinking is a problem before it was too late.

Life is worth living, one day at a time....sober
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Old 06-14-2010, 09:14 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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Thanks everyone so much for your replies, suggestions and links.

The weekend was not too bad but first day back at work today was very strange. I usually spend from when I get to work at 8.30am, until when I get to the supermarket after work, looking forward to that bottle of wine which is cracked open at about 5pm.

I'm not tempted to go out and buy the wine right now but I am worried that I am going to find the evenings much less manageable and much less chilled. I had my last drink on Thursday evening and since then I've been so inward and reflective I'm worried I've gone from life and soul to being a right boring b**tard!!

So right now I'm focusing on the fact that I don't have to spend between 7.30pm and 8.00pm trying to sober up and (unsuccessfully) get rid of any 'wine' smell off my breath before my boyfriend gets home. Who knows, I may even rustle up a piece of culinary genius in the kitchen.

One day at a time, hey?
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