
Truth is stranger then fiction.

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Old 04-22-2010, 10:42 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: canberra australia
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Truth is stranger then fiction.

Would you like a situation where marriage problems, work pressures, problems with family, stressful passtimes and pressures of all types, just make it even easier to stay sober. This is a situation where everything that makes you stupid now, will not hinder your sobriety and self contol at all. In fact these life issues will strengthen your resolve to do well and make it very very difficult to fall off your commitments.

If you have declared yourself an alcoholic and you look at this post and find it rediculous and totally outrageous, i ask you to consider this. People who have used this method of understanding, look at the life of an addicted person ( perhaps their own previous life) and those who often fail and make themselves ever sicker and they just cant imagine why it happens. They can not understand why they were so afflicted at one time in life.

There are many reasons why people start to drink and continue to drink at problem levels. I have not seen one which can not be turned totally around and the force of will and motivation becomes a stop drinking focus and determination.
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