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Old 03-26-2010, 08:25 AM
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I'm big on dreams and their meanings. I believe they tell us what we need to know.

I told you about my car being out of control dream the other night, and that was a reoccurring dream. I believe that symbolized me being out of control and I went to my first meeting the next day.

Well here's what I dreamt last night:
So last night here's what I dreamt about. (I'm big on dreams and their meanings.)

I was barefoot walking on a disgusting floor and searching for a bathroom. There were bathroom stalls everywhere but none of them had doors on them and they were all dirty and used. I kept looking for a clean stall, but there were none! And there were people everywhere, just carrying on as if nothing were out of the ordinary, and they were in an office or something. I finally had to pee in front of everyone in the dirty bathroom, but nobody even noticed.

That is also a recurring dream.

Anyone else want to share their dreams?
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:23 AM
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Yeah, interpret this one if you can! Dream last night...

I was flying from Spain to somehwhere, been in the air about 3 hours and then an almighty bang and the plane takes a nose dive and i feel relieved and say 'thank God for that' assuming we were going to crash and die. The plane turned into a zepellin before hitting the water and then i found myself in a facility with a guy who's bar i used to drink in...we were trying to look for food and materials but being chased by swarms of flies that were not hurting us but would be all over us and we would have to run again. Everytime i cut into food to eat flies would come out and the swarm would find us again.
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:34 AM
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Maybe share on a social forum? Cafe Central? Just a thought.
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:39 AM
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That's a strange dream HumbleBee?!
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Old 03-26-2010, 11:17 AM
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Yeahgr8, how early were you in your recovery when you had this dream? What were you going through at the time? I'm not claiming to be an interpreter of dreams by any stretch of the imagination, I just love dreams and I read alot about them.

That said, maybe you being happy about your plane crashing means that you are happy about the death of something you don't like about yourself. The flies represent disease, and it's interesting that as you cut into your food they reappear. Because you need the food to survive, and maybe you thought at one time you needed your disease too.

Or maybe you just had some bad chinese, lol.

Humblebee, I just thought it would be interesting to share some dreams we are having early in recovery because I think they are speaking to us and relevant to recovery.
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Old 03-26-2010, 05:41 PM
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bona fido dog-lover
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There's an Insomnia and Nightmares forum further down the main page. Check it out!

Insomnia/Nightmares - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

When I was much younger I had myself 'trained' to wake up after an interesting or strange dream. I wrote them down and put the paper in a little box. Still have the box with the old old dreams in it. Start yourself a 'dream box'. Get a beautiful container to hold your dreams.
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Old 03-26-2010, 07:12 PM
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Suprised this hasn't been moved yet?!

Im in first year of sobriety...

Had another dreams last night, i dreamed i was with a load of my goth pals from college and we were talking about music and they asked me what bands i liked so i told them only ones that are gothic/punk...i then admitted to one of them that i liked the beastie boys as well but didnt say as i wanted to fit in with them all and got looked at with disgust and he walked off...after that i was away from the group and felt like i had done something wrong and felt alone...

go mind!
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Old 03-26-2010, 07:47 PM
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As I understand it, the intent is to discuss dreams as they relate to recovery - having spoken with Anna, neither of us has issue with that, as long as the focus stays on recovery

You guys know we do our job.

If someone feels this thread is out of place, it's probably best to PM a mod rather than discuss it here - there's been a number of instances like that lately, and it's not really fair to the thread starters or other members IMO.

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Old 03-27-2010, 01:29 AM
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Another bad dream waking me up with a headache. I used to love to sleep but lately feel trapped by sleep and these bad dreams. I'm being harassed by (two of) my kids in real life and now being harassed by my dreams. I'm telling my counselor about this next week. I can't take this much more...

This dream was about an ex who was really bothering me and friends and family who were taking the side of the ex and were harassing me for standing up for myself. Seems my real life has intruded into my dreams... sleep used to be the place to get away from my real life problems, now it seems they've chased me out of my good sleep. If there's no rest for the wicked then I must be pretty bad... cause I'm not getting much rest lately...
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Old 03-27-2010, 05:25 AM
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I love this topic and thread, thanks for starting the discussion

I'm newly sober (40 days)....I also suffered from chronic insomnia for more years than I remember....i would get maybe 3.5-4 hours on a GOOD night, i would fall asleep, go directly into a vague nightmare and wake up about 45 mins. into sleep with such a rapid HR, i couldnt get back to sleep for hours...other than that i never remembered a dream or experienced deep sleep.

about 2 weeks into sobirety i started sleeping like a normal person (6hours usually) and this is the rest my poor newly sober brain needs...dreams are just starting to come clear...last night it was my dishwasher...not cleaning my new coffee mugs, everything came out dirty and i kept rinsing and re-rinsing...but there were still coffee dregs...

i sometimes look dreams up on even have worksheets to print out so you can easily write things down.)
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Old 03-28-2010, 06:28 AM
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Had a doozy of a dream this morning. Dreamed that I was in a restaurant or bar, don't know how I had gotten there, and all of a sudden I was drinking a beer! Had no idea where it had come from, but I had already taken a sip, so I just downed the rest of it.

When I woke up, I felt this intense feeling of shame and self-loathing for about 3 seconds. Then I saw my water bottle next to me, realized I still hadn't drank any alcohol, and those feelings went away. It was fleeting, but intense. So glad it was just a dream.
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