
It's Friday night!!

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Old 03-12-2010, 12:30 PM
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It's Friday night!!

Well here I am Friday night on my own as three year old in bed, and the rest of my family have gone out to the pub for a family gathering. I bought myself a box of brazil nuts and am woofing them down.

I was kinda feeling sorry for myself before...'It's not fair'.....'I miss this going out and having fun, drinking with them all'.....

But, I remember that I am an alcoholic. That I cannot drink like they do. I will go to bed early tonight and read.....I will wake up in the morning with a clear head, ready to face the day with my 3 year old.

And tomorrow will be 7 days sober. For that I am grateful.
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Old 03-12-2010, 12:36 PM
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Well done on 7 days and realizing that tomorrow morning is worth the feeling sorry for yourself for a little while.
One day you will even be able to join your family and have as much fun with just a soda.
As for now enjoy those brazil nuts (my favourite too).
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Old 03-12-2010, 12:44 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Red face Recovery Can Be Fun

Early Recovery sucks lets face it. I myself have just over a year and can't believe it some times. I had to change everything which meant not going out on weekends. Well not going out like I used to anyway. There are so many sober activities, but finding someone to do them with is hard, and doing them alone is even worse. I find getting a home group (one that meets every day) made it easier to meet sober people. As I got to know them and them me, we started doing things outside the meetings. It does not happen over night so you have to give it time.

When I cant get to a meeting I go to "Recovery Street" its a 2D online interactive chat site where you get to create your own avatar. its pretty cool!. Any way I go there and can get answers to my questions in real time, and also am able to help others with questions.....Good Luck and God Bless
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Old 03-12-2010, 12:47 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Congratulations on 7 SOBER days! That is just great and I think you did the right thing. I too had some resentment in the beginning about not being able to drink and about having to avoid situations like that. It took time for me to realize that being alcoholic is not the worst thing in the world and as a matter of fact and I know you won't believe this, but I can honestly say I see it as a blessing today.

Had I not been an alcoholic then I wouldn't have done the soul searching that I've been led to do because of this. I wouldn't have strived to become better at living this life as I am in the process of attempting to do. I definitely wouldn't have looked at gratitude in the same way that I now do. I see gratitude as a necessity in my life and little moments become bigger in my eyes as well.

I am not saying its a walk in the park, but I have found a silver lining to this alcoholism and for that I am grateful. Give yourself time and the envy will dissipate and the resentment will also. You have to work on recovery though, but I promise you it is work that will reward you.
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Old 03-12-2010, 12:48 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by jtnielsen1 View Post
Early Recovery sucks lets face it. I myself have just over a year and can't believe it some times. I had to change everything which meant not going out on weekends. Well not going out like I used to anyway. There are so many sober activities, but finding someone to do them with is hard, and doing them alone is even worse. I find getting a home group (one that meets every day) made it easier to meet sober people. As I got to know them and them me, we started doing things outside the meetings. It does not happen over night so you have to give it time.

When I cant get to a meeting I go to "Recovery Street" its a 2D online interactive chat site where you get to create your own avatar. its pretty cool!. Any way I go there and can get answers to my questions in real time, and also am able to help others with questions.....Good Luck and God Bless

Thank you....welcome to SR!
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Old 03-12-2010, 01:09 PM
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It gets easier! I'm only 20 days in, but now I look forward to waking up without a hangover. Not going out to bars/clubs has taken some getting used to, but now I wake up on Saturday/Sunday and do all of the things during the day that I was never able to do before. It's been great!

Congrats on your 7 days
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Old 03-12-2010, 01:12 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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StayinFree well done for accepting you're an alcoholic. You know that they will be able to go to a pub and have a nice time but then leave it at that. If you're an alcoholic then a night at the pub NEVER stops there. Accepting your alcoholism is fundamental to remaining sober imo.

Nice one on 7 days sober. If i was to drink on a friday night then i wouldn't be stopped untill probably sunday night, well that's how it used to be, it would be much worse now I imagine.

I cannnot comprehend the thought of drinking anymore as it is way too scary and just not compatible in my life anymore... I like it like that too. Why would i want to drink booze anymore? I don't need any chemical thanks to my recovery. You can be like that too. keep an open mind, remember that you're an alcoholic and work your recovery every day. Crucially just don't drink.

peace and Love 'one day at a time'
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Old 03-12-2010, 01:38 PM
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I can remember over 20 years ago, I would come home from school and clean my apartment on a Fri. (A Friday!) I guess I am continuing to use that skill in a new context of recovering alcoholism.

Of course I wasn't ALL alright back then, since that was the age when I would experiment with drinking alone. A little drama all to myself to obliterate a segment of time while I was lonely and missing somebody and otherwise encountering self-image problems.

And then 6 years later, I noticed I was coming home from work every night with beer. And 10 years after that, it was a routine task to make sure the replenishment was always there. Cleaning was really hard to keep up with by that point, ha ha.

Friday nights have to be about freedom now, because drinking was only a self-imposed prison.

Anyone who struggles with Fridays in particular should remember how great it is to be free of alcohol over and over again. We make of life what we put into it inside each day, Fridays included.
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Old 03-12-2010, 01:49 PM
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I'm on Sober Day #25...and my 4th sober weekend....I've found more to do and have cleaned up more junk than I would have done in over 3 months when I was drinking....for me, a cleaner home environment is more peaceful and less stressful which are big triggers for me to drink.
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Old 03-12-2010, 01:57 PM
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Congratulations on making the decision to quit. Its comforting to know that each of us alone is not the only one who is feeling this way on a Friday night. It's also good to hear from some of the people who have been in recovery longer who assure us it'll get better and easier and more natural. Looking forward to these days ahead and also waking up clear-headed and ready for the day and the rest of the weekend.
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Old 03-12-2010, 03:14 PM
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Weekends were always my huge drinking time. I'd drink 12-18 beers per week night and still think, "can't wait til the weekend, then I can REALLY drink"! It was not uncommon for me to put away 48-60 beers on an average weekend.

Now, I can't imagine wasting my time. My weekends are now full with hobbies and spending time with friends and family. It was very hard for the first couple of months, but now, nearly 9 months later, it's become second nature.
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Stayinfree View Post
Well here I am Friday night on my own as three year old in bed, and the rest of my family have gone out to the pub for a family gathering. I bought myself a box of brazil nuts and am woofing them down.

I was kinda feeling sorry for myself before...'It's not fair'.....'I miss this going out and having fun, drinking with them all'.....

But, I remember that I am an alcoholic. That I cannot drink like they do. I will go to bed early tonight and read.....I will wake up in the morning with a clear head, ready to face the day with my 3 year old.

And tomorrow will be 7 days sober. For that I am grateful.
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Old 03-12-2010, 07:45 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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Awesome! Your little girl is truly blessed to have a sober parent!
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:52 PM
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You are way ahead of me when i was at 7 days. I was a mess. It gets easier.
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Old 03-12-2010, 09:24 PM
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Friday nights are interesting in early recovery. I've had a wide spectrum of Friday nights. The first few weeks was early to bed and wake up feeling rested. The last few weeks have been a bit all over the place, where now it's past 5am and I am still awake... still, I had visitors in town all week who just left, and I know that's why I am up so late (because I slept literally all day to catch up on sleep from all the tourist 'traps' we just hit up, yuk yuk).

On my one venture out of the house today early in the evening (when I finally sauntered out of bed), I passed, as usual, an entire legion of drinkers just getting settled into their Friday night drinks. I, with Starbucks firmly in hand and Chopin on the iVictrola, walked around alone and watched as another Friday evening of debauchery commenced. Without me.

Early sobriety isn't easy. I can't say I want to be on the other side, though. Not at all in any way, shape or form. When I wake up mid afternoon tomorrow (aka later today, double yuk yuk) and I don't have a hang over - everything will be absolutely, 10 thousand percent worth it. And I'll be able to spend whatever's left of my Saturday not hungover, not drunk, and not thinking about being drunk or hungover. I will get on with life. The clarity I have these days... would not be possible if I 'just had one' this evening. I wouldn't trade my sobriety in for anything in the world. Not even for a Friday night drink round the pub. And I KNOW that is when I have made the change from a drunkard, to sanity, for good. Thank the maker!

Stayinfree, I congratulate you on your 7 days of sobriety! Hang in there, it only gets better and better!
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