
Day 13 off Pain Meds

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Old 02-01-2010, 03:51 PM
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Day 13 off Pain Meds

Hi everyone:

I'm on day 13 of coming off my Hydro #10's, AGAIN. Thanks to lots of surgries and injuries I have been repeatedly put on pain meds to deal with these.

I HATE HATE the person I become on these pills. Trying to deal with life on these pain meds isn't where I want to be. My life, home, friends, pets and my relationship w/ my husband just goes to hell in a hand basket. Living in a fog and wondering if and when my next refill will make it to me before I run out and start detoxing just got to be too much to handle, AGAIN!!

I also have restless legs syndrome. When I go off these meds, my legs kick into overdrive. I don't sleep for a week and feel like I have run a marathon every night and day due to this problem. I have been prescribed Carbpidopa for this problem. It does help to calm them down, but doesn't stop it completely. Then you add the detoxing on top of this and the race is on to get over all of it. It's usually around day eight when things start to calm down.

I've done this detoxing several times, (including this time) cold turkey. It's a rough road to travel for a couple of weeks. But I know what waits up ahead for me after it's over with. It's so worth the wait. It's just the getting there and telling myself, NO MORE PILLS, NO MORE PILLS until the desire for them wans.

There is also the mystery of when I start feeling really good, my mind trys to trick me into telling me by taking a pill I'd feel even better. Can someone tell me why this happens? It's mind boggling! I even wake up dreaming I'm on a good high! Lordy, Lordy!

I have been using "Replenex" thru the "Melaleuca Company" now for 13 days. These are really helping with the aches and pains. I'm trying to deal with my injured parts w/o using opiates.

I start out taking the meds the way they are prescribed and then my addictive state of mind tells me I'd feel better if I increased the dosage. And then the insanity starts. So I have to abstain from all opiate drugs because of my addictive nature. This started back in the 80's.

I found this site back on 20 Jan 2010. This is the first time in the past cold turkey starts I had somewhere to go to have so much support.

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Old 02-01-2010, 04:31 PM
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Hi and Welcome,

It's the addict mind that is talking to you, and good for you for recognizing it. I hope you feel better, and remember that this is the last time you need to go through this.
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Old 02-01-2010, 05:23 PM
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Hi tiredofdrugs

Congratulations on 13 days

Have you spoken to your doctor honestly and openly about this? There must be other medications and methods available.

Our pain management in recovery forum may be of some use to you too?
Recovery and Pain Management - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Old 02-01-2010, 07:56 PM
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I'm all too familiar with the love/hate relationship with pain pills. They were "my everything" for 25 years.

There is also the mystery of when I start feeling really good, my mind trys to trick me into telling me by taking a pill I'd feel even better. Can someone tell me why this happens? It's mind boggling! I even wake up dreaming I'm on a good high! Lordy, Lordy!
I don't think it's so much your mind that tries to trick you, it's the disease of addiction. This disease is very smart, very smooth and very, very patient. It waits for just the right time to rear it's ugly head. I used when I was happy, when I was sad, when I was lonley, when I was bored, when I was angry, when I was tired, . . . To make a long story short, I didn't need a reason to use.

Addiction to prescription narcotics is becoming more and more common. There are many people on here who can identify with the way you're feeling. Have you been to any NA or AA Meetings? SR is a fantastic means of support, but I feel going to Meetings where you can meet other women who struggle with addiction as well is vital. Get phone numbers of other women and call at least one of them each day so you're comfortable calling so when the disease is really screaming at you, you can reach out to one of them. I tried many, many times to do this alone and each time I went straight back to the comfort of the pills.

But getting clean and staying clean is possible. I'm happy to say that I have been in Recovery for 4.5 years. But I reached out for help, just like you're doing. I hope you'll keep sharing as much as you're comfortable with. Read some of the other posts and I'm sure you'll find others who you can relate to.

God Bless,

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