
Day 7 Sober almost done!!!

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Old 01-26-2010, 09:21 AM
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Day 7 Sober almost done!!!

Yayy.....another day almost down. I can not believe how good it feels to be rid of alcohol and all the depression and anxiety associated with it. I feel so free that it is amazing. The initial withdrawals are gone and I feel so much more relaxed and the thought of drinking is less and less. Those first few days had me pacing and I thought I was going to lose it and relapse....but I didn't. I said....heck if I have to tie myself up and hire someone to feed me then so be it. Still not as productive as I want to be....still tired but doing far more then when I was drinking.

I have to admit that it feels weird without the booze. I am used to being buzzed at this hour and hiding behind the "alternate me" that I figured I would share what things I hated about drinking.

Things I hate about being a drunk:

1. Afraid people would show up unannounced and know that I was drunk.
2. Not remembering and afraid to ask what I did or said the day or night before.
3. Constantly spraying perfume, brushing teeth, and gargling so people wouldn't smell the booze on my breath.
4. Thinking that everyone who looked at me knew I had been drinking.
5. Messing up a conversation because my brain was racing on what I was saying to see if I sounded drunk.
6. Constantly bailing on plans and appts because I got too drunk.
7. Fearing people would see me go to the liquor store and if I ran into somebody afraid who they would tell.
8. Worrying that I had to sober up quick because I had to get to the liquor store before they closed.
9. Hating to hear old stories about what I did drunk. Like how I had too much at the company holiday party and couldn't walk straight in the restaurant.
10. Getting into drunken arguments and having people hate me.
11. Caring more about the booze then family, friends, and my own well being.
12. Having jerks in my life use my drinking against me and talk about it and I couldn't say a word because my drunkeness was all the ammo they needed.
13. Being called a liar even when I wasn't because they knew I was drinking. That really hurt!
14. Feeling like a failure because I couldn't get through a day sober.
15. Bashing my husband because he interfered with my drinking.....even if it was to watch a movie together.
16. Gulping and refilling the wine glass so no one would see exactly how many glasses I had.
17. Always wanting to be left alone and alienating people because I wanted to get drunk and didn't want to be judged.....Now that is really sick.
18. Never eating or cooking dinner because I was drinking all day.
19. If I cooked, the food was burned or overdone because I forgot since I was worried about drinking.
20. Reading posts or emails written when I was drunk and feeling humiliated and wanting to crawl under a rock. I hated the fear of even opening the emails or the posts. Oh man...scary days.

Ok, I could go on and on but had to get these off my chest.

I love being sober!!

God Bless.
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Old 01-26-2010, 09:30 AM
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Hi Kim,

Huge, huge congratulations on another day of sobriety and what a great post!! I could see myself in so much of what you just wrote.

Have a great night and thanks for being you. :ghug3

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Old 01-26-2010, 10:12 AM
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Good for you, Kim!
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Old 01-26-2010, 10:17 AM
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bona fido dog-lover
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All good points and a lot of them true for me also. And I have the respect of my kids back and that feels good.
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Old 01-26-2010, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by jan24 View Post
today i am distracted, itchy, tired, irritable, and tense. I had insomnia last night and woke up this morning covered in sweat (sorry- gross)
update. you know when I was drinking and especially if I had a hardcore day that I developed itching. All over my body and would last a good 20 minutes. Nothing helped and I didn't realize until I started researching before I decided to become sober that was attributed to alcohol and the liver! The sweats....associated with alcohol.

Congrats on a sober day 4 It does get better but be strong and post updates. I found that this is so helpful for me since like I said in another post that aside from my hubby no one else really knows how bad my drinking was. They wouldn't believe it probably as I look "normal" but it is the everyday moms, dads, spouses, sucessful workers, etc. who are the true faces of alcoholism.

God Bless!!!
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Old 01-26-2010, 11:06 AM
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Wow....That was me! Scary stuff......but you're right about one thing....its a LOT better now!
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Old 01-26-2010, 11:13 AM
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Well done on 7 days....I'm 7 days today too, along with a few others I think.
I can relate to so much of that list...thanks for reminding me x
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Old 01-26-2010, 11:13 AM
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Congratulations Kmber.
The first week is the toughest as far as my experience.
Making that list like you did is what really helps me stay focused on my sobriety.
I have a lot of the same things on mine with the major exception of those pertaining to cooking because I DON"T COOK.
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Old 01-26-2010, 01:01 PM
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WTG on your sober time!
I could relate to alot of things on your list. Alcohol is all encompassing. It rules your life and takes over your soul. It strips you of all your attributes and leaves you in a horribly dependent state.......

The best part for me right now is feeling relaxed...I hated the anxiety the most.

Stay with it, it will keep getting better.......and save that list!!!!!

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