
Why Today's a Good Friday

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Old 01-15-2010, 04:13 PM
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Why Today's a Good Friday

Hi Everyone, I personnaly have been going through a rough last 2 weeks, and a bunch of folks on here have given me some good advice, so thanks for that. After tonight, I will have been sober for 14 days, and its a huge celebration for me. Over the past 2 weeks, I have gone from being scared, to upset, embarrassed and all of the above, but you know what? It is Friday and I may be at home, by myself, or going to a coffee shop to read, but its a damn good day, and I wanted to share what is good about today, and hope that this helps anyone interested, and who is new to all this, that sure, getting sober is hard, not easy, even though it's a great thing. And, if you focus on the good things, its easier to forget about the hard things. So, here is a list of why I am happy to be home tonight, and on this forumn:

1. After 14 days sober, I am improving the health of my mind and my body

2. I am in control of my life right now

3. I just spent 3 hours catching up with my best freinds who I have neglected to talk to in several months

4. A few years ago, I used to run 1/2 marathons, and lately I have only been able to run 3 miles once in a while, or go weeks without going at all. Today I ran 3 miles lighter on my feet than I have been in 6 years, listening to great music and thinking about the future-now that I feel like I can accomplish goals, in addition to living one day at a time, a theory I believe strongly in.

5. I read a new book, and my brain seemed like it was functioning, not just taking in words on one side and spitting them out on the other (though brain fog is still lifting slowly, but hey its lifting!)

6. Even though I cant go to sleep at night, my body is resting, and thinking fgood thoughts, rather than working on keeping my lit up body alive and functioning after a long night of being the old me...

7. I set 5 goals this week, really simple ones, but things to catch up on, do around the house etc. and got them all done-wow

8. I walked around feeling confident, not wondering if people were looking at me thinking, oh there's the drunk guy

9. I found that in all my conversations with people, I was much calmer, thoughtful, and pleasant, listening to what they had to say and talking about that instead of just spilling out words for myself

10. I can walk into an AA meeting with a smile on my face, not being afraid of talking or going in, but be thankful that it is there, with all the great people inside

So, even though its been a tough 2 weeks, its been a good 2 weeks. I am continuing to learn about myself, and what I have been doing, and am open to what people tell me. And, I know things are going to be good and bad over the following weeks, but hey, the worst day I have had in the past 2 weeks, is better than my best days I had in the past 10 years, so how bout them apples.

Good Luck to everyone else, and thanks to everyone for your help

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Old 01-15-2010, 04:31 PM
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That's a super post!

It sounds like you're doing really well!

I love setting small goals too, writing things down and then scratching them off the list. It gives a feeling of accomplishment, even if it isn't a great day.
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Old 01-15-2010, 04:33 PM
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Thanks, things are going really well. I hope that doesn't change, but I am not thinking about that. One day at a time is all I can think about when it comes to my being sober. It's fun now to think about other stuff in the future though, because NOW they are possibilities.
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Old 01-15-2010, 05:48 PM
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Hello HI,

Congratulations on 2 weeks. This is day number 12 for me. It's amazing some of the simple things that are possible now. I have plans for Saturday morning. That sounds like nothing but I never make plans for Saturday morning anymore because it's always a virtual 100% guarantee I'll be badly hungover. I liked how you mentioned running. I ran the New York City Marathon in 1997 but the last few years the only running I could do was from the couch to the refrigerator. I've fallen a long way. But it doesn't have to be like that anymore.

Thanks for the post and keep it up!!!
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:15 PM
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Hi and congrats on two weeks, that's great! It's amazing how the little things in life can be so great.
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Old 01-16-2010, 04:42 AM
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Hi Ryan
Great post!!

Acknowledging the small changes in your life shows just how unmanageable it was before.

Well done on the 2 weeks

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Old 01-16-2010, 07:25 PM
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Wow, what a change from yesterday. I woke up today with the shakes out of nowhere, and I have not drank for 2 weeks. I thought all the physical stuff was mostly done, but for a few hours I couldnt even pour juice or make my breakfast. And, I have had the worst cravings for the day. I had to talk myself out of it so many times, and even going to a meeting barely helped.

Oh well, at least I can look to yesterday and remember how awesome it was. One day at a time, it might be hard, and it is today, but I am hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Is it normal to have the shakes come back after 2 weeks? I mean it was a bad case today. I have been seeing my doctor, but am going to schedule another check up after today, so I am not looking for medical advice, just wondering if anyone else had this happen.

Thanks again to everyone
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