
I did it

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Old 01-11-2010, 05:04 AM
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I did it

So mum left today and I didn't drink any alcohol while she was here, even when she had her 1 beer a night. I didn't feel like drinking at all, until now because she has gone and I am so sad because I miss her. I would love a glass of wine, but I'm not. I don't drink anymore, I ate some chocolate instead (must stop THAT habit!).

But I was a crabby witch all day because I always feel upset the day she leaves, and I wasn't a very patient mum today and I took it out on my kiddies. I regret acting like a child when I am supposed to be the calm, patient parent.

I am going to wake up tommorrow and try again to be the mum that I know I can be....
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:08 AM
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Way to go Sunshine.
As time passes these types of situations will get easier and easier.
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:10 AM
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You know what they keep telling thing at a did that, you got through your mum being there for 4 days, and a habit of drinking at night with her. You didnt drink...

Dont beat yourself up over having a semi bad day - you did great and should be absolutely proud of you!

If parents had patience every day, the world would be a pretty freaky place to live in! I am sure the kids are just fine...

Take care of you!
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:28 AM
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Don't resist, allow
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Hi Sunshinebaby,

I am sure the kids would much rather a shouting, impatient Mum than a drunk one. Congratulation on being sober
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Old 01-11-2010, 09:29 AM
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Living in the moment!
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GREAT news, Sunshine!! I know the sight of a loved one having a beer in front of me right now would be very difficult!! Pat yourself on the back and do something nice...just for you!! Your doing GREAT!!!!

Celebrating the small victories along the way is sooooooo important!!

So how old are your kiddo's?? I am sure one hug from Mum and all will be better....for the both of you!!

Day 9 is at the end for me!! I successfully hosted the sewing group today and it was GREAT!! Everybody came and we had soooo much food and I talked with each the moment!! Wow, it was much fun, I am going to be the regular host now that our last host is moving back to the states!! I feel that I need this in my recovery and so does my sponsor!!!

Keep on Keeping on.......
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Old 01-11-2010, 11:18 AM
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Don't resist, allow
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Originally Posted by InsideOut View Post
Wow, it was much fun, I am going to be the regular host now that our last host is moving back to the states!! I feel that I need this in my recovery and so does my sponsor!!!
Congratulations and taking action for the future is going to do wonders for your recovery.
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Old 01-11-2010, 04:21 PM
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Hey SB

Remember even mums not struggling with early recovery can sometimes get a bit snakey (irritable, you non Aussies)

Keep up the good work!
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:29 PM
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Congratulations on getting through this challenge. I always wanted the relief after my inlaws left of having wine and that is exactly what I would do when they would leave. Now I can say I enjoy their visits and my crabbiness while they were around was because I couldn't drink every night as I would have liked. Life is so much better not having that struggle.

As far as patience and kids I can testify that we ALL have those days and guess what! Our kids have those days too. Just do your best as I tell my son. Hugs - Sarah
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