
No Parties?

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Old 12-07-2009, 12:32 AM
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No Parties?

What about if you don't have holiday parties to go to?

Sorry, I was just curious... because I'm here by myself and come Christmas, this whole dorm will be mostly emptied. So how does one deal with that?

All I know is February it'll be all over. And I'm mighty sick of being told hold on... it'll get better. That's been happening for the last decade or more. It's getting... not better, but getting. I am moving somewhere in life, I admit that, and I suppose I'm fine with that when I'm not whining.

But how does one deal with isolation on the holidays? I don't even have school to go to... not till well into the new year.

Just curious.

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Old 12-07-2009, 01:18 AM
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I dunno Bubba...thought of volunteering for something?
I'm sure there are many charities who could use a hand at this time of year, and its rewarding too, in a real way.

Might be a good chance to use the time and look around and find a good meeting too?

I guess others closer to SOCAL might have some more specific ideas

I know there'll always be people online here anyway
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Old 12-07-2009, 03:37 AM
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I know your things are limited . so these are just ideas wink.. Nursing home ? theres a bunch of grandparents there who have no one to visit them . the mission ( helping serve food ) to those who dont have a place or any wheres to go . the hospital vol there for something .. I wont give you the lecture on the things you already know . but i think theres even a web site for vol's in your area kinda thing ... helping another always helps one's self .. huggles Endzy
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Old 12-07-2009, 03:59 AM
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Hey TB. First let me tell you that I find that I'm just a big downer at the holidays and have been for the last few years. Doing it sober hasn't been fun but I've literally just got myself through it.

I try to be extra good to myself. I know a lot of people are attending socials. If there is a sober one, I'm going to try to fit it into my schedule and go.

I think it depends on you. I don't think there is any special way to do it, it's what you've got in front of you. The holidays are so different than any other time of the year.

I won't completely isolate myself from my drinking friends either, IF they're doing something and I can pop on over.

My main priority is just to be good to me and for me, well that may just mean laying around watching movies and shutting myself off from the outside world. The holidays aren't going to go away........not for a month or so, LOL!!

It does get better but life still happens all around us. Good luck Girl!! Hang on!!
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Old 12-07-2009, 04:06 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
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My life has been very isolated lately due to loss of my job and then being out of circulation due to surgery. That has been hard on me, but I've been using it to really dig hard into my recovery program. Lots of time to meditate, journal, come here, find other information online that I can use.

Of course doing TOO much of that can drive me nuts as well, but I have been devoting a goodly chunk of my day to it. A sort of recovery boot camp?

I am also working on some art projects.

I AM attending NA meetings which is a spot of fellowship in my day, and a real life saver.

Have you made any friends here that you might be able to keep in contact with via chat or phone?

Time to take up meditation? Or Tai Chi? Or Belly Dancing? Or cleaning out your old book, music, and stuff collection to fit your new way of life and thinking?

I'm just brainstorming through some of the things that have helped ME deal with my period of isolation. It's been really hard for me to not be able to just go out and DO something...or for several weeks even just do something in my own living space...being stuck on the couch sucks!

The best advice of all that I can give you is that you only have to do it one day at a time. Just figure out what you are going to do on a day to day basis, dont overwhelm yourself by thinking 'oh no, what am I going to DO for 6 weeks!?'

That is how I've been able, and continue to be able to get through it.
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Old 12-07-2009, 05:36 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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I dislike Christmas parties whether im drinking or not - this year im helping out with a local homeless charity, it will be far more rewarding than the other shindigs I have lined up
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Old 12-07-2009, 09:52 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Hey TB. I'm not sure about your financial situation, and from what I can gather you are single with no dependants. Why not do what a few people I know have done in the past. Take a trip to mexico or the dominican republic! You can get package deals fairly cheap if you book last minute.
Imagine waking up beside the turquiose blue ocean every morning??
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Old 12-07-2009, 10:05 AM
  # 8 (permalink)  
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30...last year at christmas we had a scad of people in chat was awsome! Since I'm stuck at mom's my time in chat may have some limits..but then again maybe not (snirkle)

I actually enjoy time with my friends better than time with the family at Christmas, but yeah..people tend to go to the family for Christmas so it can be a bit tough for us independant people (hug)

Good you're thinking about this before the holidays are here....keep talking about it and I'm sure together we can all find things to keep us sane...sobriety is a we thing

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