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Old 11-17-2009, 01:51 PM
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I have no control. I went on a binge off drink, heroin and coke. come down yesterday was massive but couldn't physically move. today i tried not to drink or use and failed. i'm not wasted like i get but my body aches, i feel all fluey, even my eyes itch. I don't know why i can't stop. i couldn't see my drug worker today but she's rearranged for friday, and i see my drink worker thursday. i don't know if i have an addiction or if i chase the feelin to stop me feeling ill, sober me up, stop the pains, and stop the thoughts. I don't know and i don't actually know what I need to do stop, or what questions i should be asking...where someone says how i can help, the honest answer is i don't actually know and i guess why i can't seem to get help. sorry
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Old 11-17-2009, 01:54 PM
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I totally understand. Using to kill the pain...that's what My addiction feels like.

Don't know what to do? Come here a lot, read, find someone who has what you want and ask they how they got it.

That's what I am doing, and I feel like I am learning things
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:00 PM
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I know you've been at this a long time, and you can't seem to control it - I think those facts are more important than whether you call it an addiction or not.

You're luckier than most to have counsellors - what are they recommending you do, J?
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:07 PM
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I agree with Dee.

It's not a big deal what you call it. But, I do hope that continue to work at it.
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:18 PM
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I've only meet with my drink worker once and that was for risk assessment where she asked lots of questions around livin accomodation, mental health, friends, family and that. my drug worker suggested I cut down but don't stop drinking, but try to have one dry day a week and not to use, but cause since i last saw her i've started injectin as well as smoking she now wants me to think about going on the script and i just think thats something else i will have to get off so don't know.
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:47 PM
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I think whatever you do, you need to do something, TKK.
Have you got a primary care Dr?

Is rehab an option for you?
Even outpatient rehab or AA/NA meetings would be better than what you're doing now, right?

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