
Binge Drinker

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Old 11-16-2009, 05:21 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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Binge Drinker

After bingeing again at a pretty high end party on Saturday night, I've decided I must get a grip on this! Have been binge drinking for 22 years. Started every weekend in college and now, though I don't drink frequently...maybe 1-2x a month, I can't stop once I get started.

The holidays approaching are making me nervous. Lots of invitations and I am always there with my husband whooping it up! Having tons of fun until the next day.

I know I am singing and feeling the blues after a binge, but I really want to stop this pattern. I hope to find support and people feeling the same way in this group.
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Old 11-16-2009, 05:46 AM
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Felt that way, done that way (only almost every day) and stopped doing it that way.
Welcome to SR, you will definetely find support and people that feel the same way on here. Stick with us, you made a wise decision.
You can still have tons of fun, only now you will remember it all
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Old 11-16-2009, 06:12 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
We Do Recover
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Welcome! Glad you are here. Is this your first attempt to getting sober? Have you tried any programs such as AA or another program before? You will find lots of support here. You are not alone. We do recover.
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Old 11-16-2009, 06:23 AM
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I have never done a program. Always just got over the depression by Tuesday and moved on to the next party. I think for now, I feel more comfortable establishing an online community/relationship versus going to public meetings.

Thanks so much for your support and I will be checking in as much I can. I feel better already. I have been on verge of tears or crying at this decision since yesterday.

Accepting that there is a problem is hard!!
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Old 11-16-2009, 07:42 AM
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Welcome to SR Well I'll tell ya, the way to get 'it to stop' would be to stop drinking, and I'm really not being facetious. Last year was my first sober holiday season since I was very very young, and looking back now I have no idea why I thought any particular season was harder than any other time.. I certainly didn't wait for a holiday to get here to go out and get drunk. I just declined invites to parties, and I really didn't get broken hearted over it.. I survived not going! lol.. My husband and I found other things to do, and looking forward to this holiday season and after a year plus sobriety I wonder why anyone associates holidays with drinking, when the time can be much better spent and associated with friends, family, giving, thankfulness, watching silly christmas movies, eating fabulous food, lazing around by the fire, building snowmen etc..

When I first got sober it was the start of football season. I thought I had picked a horrible time to quit, and then realized that if I kept waiting until a 'good time', I'd die a drunk. Drinking and football *seemed* to go together, but really, looking back.. it ws just another excuse to go to the bar and "celebrate" (or if you live in Denver like I do, drown your sorrows). Excuses. Just like New Years, 4th of July, the Holiday Season, Football, Summer, Winter, weekends, birthdays, weekdays.. the sky is blue.. the weather is crappy.. Yeah, it was hard.. I had to change my life. It's so much more about the not drinking, it's an entire life change, and tho it seems scary at first.. I can say it's been the best thing I've done in my life, so far.
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Old 11-16-2009, 07:52 AM
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Welcome to SR and agree with everything everyones said
And you'll find a ton of great support here
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Old 11-16-2009, 02:14 PM
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Hi nov152009

You're definitely not alone here - there's lots of support and help and advice.

I progressed from binging to all day drinking...yet I still came here seeking the most minimal path of change...

thankfully, the wonderful people here helped me see I needed to change my life

That was what I needed anyway - I hope you can find some direction here too...

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Old 11-16-2009, 02:56 PM
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Grateful to be free
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Welcome and congrats on your recognizing the situation and making a decision. This is a great place to find recovery community and learn from other people's experiences...while sharing our own.

today my daughter's boyfriend asked if I am happier sober...I thought about that...I'm still sort of, I'm not happier, but I am no longer desperate and exhausted from pinging from one extreme to the other. I feel like I have permission to breathe, to sit, to not have to have an answer, be the life of the party, to not have a clue. Like a huge pressure has been lifted off me. I can be a great big stupid nobody, and it doesn't even matter.

And that, oddly enough, feels good. Like I am taking a huge emotional cr*p

it just feels good
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