
TOPIC: Today's Meeting Topic. What Was Urs?

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Old 10-23-2009, 04:15 PM
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Thumbs up TOPIC: Today's Meeting Topic. What Was Urs?

Hi Im sharon and Im an Alcoholic.

By the Grace of my HP and people
like you here in SR I havent found
it necessary to Pick up a drink of
alcohol since 8-11-90.

For that and you I am truely grateful.

I went to a noon meeting today
and the topic was on RIGOROUS

If you went to a meeting today,
do you remember what the topic

Rigorous Honesty for me would
be used only in a situation except
when to do so would injure

Meaning I tried to be as honest
as i could with loved ones just enough
to not hurt them. So that meant
I lived with a lie for a long time
locked up inside me, causing me

I didnt want to hurt loved ones,
so i let them go, freeing them to live
their lives happy as it should have been.

I eventually became rigorously honest
several yrs ago which finally set me
free from bondage of self.

Once i did that i felt emmdiate relief
and to finally know a freedom like
no other.

This program works if u work it. It
doesnt have to be perfect. You just
progress to do better.
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Old 10-23-2009, 11:29 PM
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The Little Alcoholic Monstress That Could
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My meetings topic was steps 2 and 3. I have 3 days sober and haven't began working the steps yet so I didn't share, I meet with my new sponsor this monday.
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Old 10-24-2009, 06:52 AM
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Thanks livelikegold6 for sharing ur
experience with going to ur meeting
at a few days sober and hearing the
what the topic was being talked about.

It usually takes awhile for the fog
to clear from our heads once we stop
drinking or using.

Comprehending anything at that stage
of recovery is hard yet not impossible
as u proved to us that u were able to
hear and absorb the topic as u did.

Sometimes just listening is best but
if u feel like sharing then please do
so. It allows others to get to know
you at ur early stage of recovery.

They will be following your progress
each time u show up at ur meeting
as well as being supportive.

Just think, someone with less sobriety
will be following u and wondering how
uve stayed sober for as long as u have.

And thats where u come in sharing ur
own experiences, strengths and hopes
with them. And that will keep u sober
one more day.

Keep It Up.
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Old 10-24-2009, 07:10 AM
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The topic YESTERDAY was "Feelings". I went to a beginners meeting and as much as there were newbies there were of course lot's of ladies with some good sobriety time.

It reminded me of what it was like for the first few months of being sober and how much I had covered up what was really going on with me using alcohol. I didn't get to share as there were a lot of hands raised but the thing I had wanted to share for the new comer was this................

Hang in there, it does get better. I also suffered so much for the first month and cried constantly. I didn't know how I was ever going to stay sober but I had a great sponsor who took me through the steps and constantly told me "I promise Caitlin, it's going to get better, I promise." And I listened, did what she told me and I really had to believe it as you hear in the rooms how much others have suffered and how they got their life back. If it happened for them, how could it not happen for me?

Two years later my life is nothing like it was then. I am sooooooooo grateful!!!! I still have my struggles and bad days but I can handle them today because I apply the steps to my life.

It also reminded me to remember that I am powerless over so many other things in my life. That I need to continue to be patient, have faith and remember that I am NOT IN CONTROL. Things will happen as they should and I have found that when I just trust the process, things are ok, no matter what.

HONESTY -- Which I think SELF honesty is so important. I believe that too often people aren't really honest about what is going on with them and that can lead to a lot of crap piling up. Step 4 and cleaning house needs to be done.

I like to think that I do the overall thing every day. Step 10 is my favorite. It took a lot of reminding myself on a daily basis to look at everything I did through out the day, what I said, how I said things, my actions and keep the focus on me.

After constantly doing that every day I find it's much easier today to keep myself on track. The steps are just natural for me and I am grateful for that as well.

Thank you!!!
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Old 10-24-2009, 08:45 AM
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That's a very encouraging share
vegibean for the many newcomers
just beginning their recovery

Following that pattern of recovery
program can only lead you to the
rewards of a happier free'r life with
others, urself and w/out alcohol or

You've managed to stay on track
following suggestions by others
and listening to them share their
own ESH about what it was like
before during and after drugs or

I come here often to share because
i go to meetings, hear a topic and
as much as id like to speak, fear
or anxiety stops me emmediately.

I know what i want to share but
others speak so elegantley.

I however can share one on one
or here amongst many and still
reap the rewards of staying
sober one more day.

Anyway u can spread the words
of ur own ESH then that definitely
working a program.

Good job Veggi..!
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Old 10-24-2009, 09:31 AM
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Today's topic was self-pity, which I wish I could say has completely vanished but hasn't. When I live in the problem of me, rather than the solution...that's when self-pity creeps in. It's always 'why me' or 'my life is so miserable.' But truly, it's not...that's just what the committee is saying.

When I live in the solution: prayer and meditation, hitting meetings, reading the book, working with other alcoholics, self-pity can't find its place in me. For when I am out of my own head, there is no room for self-pity in my life.

I haven't worked the program perfectly, however the one thing I have done perfectly is not pick up a drink. With that, I have been sober since February 27 of this year. It works if you work it, it really does!
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Old 10-24-2009, 03:19 PM
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You will find many in recovery
before us are working similar
programs to stay clean and

It seems so hard yet so easy
wouldnt you say?

What's so hard about making a
meeting which last just an hour.
a place where you can sit amongst
many with the same problem as us.

People of all backgrounds gathered
under one roof learning from each
other how to stay clean or sober
one day at a time.

Keep doing what ur doing es0919
and continuous sobriety each
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Old 10-24-2009, 03:30 PM
  # 8 (permalink)  
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Happiness. Especially after turning one's life over to the care of God, as you understand Him...
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Old 10-24-2009, 03:34 PM
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I agree 100% cubile75
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