
Body ,Mind and Spirit (Hazelden Daily Meditation)

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Old 09-03-2009, 06:07 PM
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Body ,Mind and Spirit (Hazelden Daily Meditation)

I needed to read this right now. Also reminded me of Vegi when I read it too.
I am not all big on the God thing. But I do believe in an HP of some sort. So it works just as good.
I struggle with patience alot. But I am getting better.

Sept 4

We have to learn not only why we are in the world, But also what the timing of things is. Thy time, Not my time.

Elisabeth Kubler - Ross

When we look at the patterns in our lives, it seems that doors open and events happen at exactly the right time. Even when we dont think so, even when it seems that the worst thing happens at the worst possible moment, God's plan is operating perfectly. Letting the current of life carry us along works better than swimming upstream. When the time for change is near, the forces of nature seem to be cooperative and we find ourselves at the right place.

It is frustrating to feel ready for change but stuck in a seemingly unchanging situation. God often seems to be watching a different clock that doesn't chime and doesn't bring us what we think we want, when we want it. Trust, patience, and a wider vision can be our best friends as we wait for the right door to open. Trusting that God knows what's best for us will help us focus on the daily miracles we find along the road to change and renewal.

Today let me realize that I am exactly where I'm suppose to be at this moment.
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Old 09-04-2009, 01:20 AM
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..i believe that your beauty and will is in the creation of your cells.. have the same 'mindset' as the 'stars','angels' and 'God'.
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Old 09-04-2009, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Aysha View Post

When we look at the patterns in our lives, it seems that doors open and events happen at exactly the right time. Even when we dont think so, even when it seems that the worst thing happens at the worst possible moment, God's plan is operating perfectly. Letting the current of life carry us along works better than swimming upstream. When the time for change is near, the forces of nature seem to be cooperative and we find ourselves at the right place.

Today let me realize that I am exactly where I'm suppose to be at this moment.

Testify Sister!!
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Old 09-04-2009, 11:29 PM
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IO Storm
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As our friend Rust says, Aysha..

"All is as it should"...

Thanks for the reading.

Me like.
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Old 09-05-2009, 02:56 AM
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YES!!! Amen my sister!! Patience, letting go and letting it happen has been key for me. While sometimes it has absolutely sucked things seem to work out.

Things do seem to happen right on time. I TOTALLY believe that if you can do the patience thing, it will be just a matter of time before you have all that you want.
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Old 09-05-2009, 04:30 AM
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Miracles Happen
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Thanks Trish, when I stopped driving and I let my HP start, it was then that I realized that things unfold how they are meant to. And I might add, they always turn out for the good even when I don't see that right away.
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Old 09-05-2009, 04:33 AM
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bona fido dog-lover
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Thank you for posting this. I find it helpful.
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Old 09-26-2009, 06:18 PM
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September 26

What man has made, man can change.

Fred M. Vinson

Sometimes we find ourselves wanting things to be different right away. When that doesn't happen, we may feel angry and upset that our needs are not being met, our wishes not fulfilled.
Now we're learning that change doesn't come from outside us, but from within. When we're looking for kindness and compassion, we must find it first in our own hearts. When we need order and discipline in our lives, we need to find them within ourselves.
In the beginning, taking such an active role may seem strange to us. But in time we come to relish changing our own lives for the better instead of waiting for change to happen. Our higher power is always waiting to grant us comfort and support. New things are there for us to learn. Our twelve step fellowship has advice, friendship, and love for the asking. We have the time and the tools to rebuild our physical strength.
We are not alone. And we are not helpless. We are learning to look forward to a new and exciting way of life - one day at a time.

Today help me remember to help myself.
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Old 09-27-2009, 06:46 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
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Thanks, I appreciate reading these. Serenity Queen used to post them...Haven't seen her around lately.

And...not to hijack the thread...but I was worried about you, Aysha. I kept looking for Chiy! Glad you are here. You sound good!
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Old 10-05-2009, 04:46 PM
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October 5

Guilt is the gift that keeps on giving.
Garrison Keillor

Some of us live with terrible guilt. We believe we are the source of all problems, that everything wrong is our fault. This is a bit extreme. We all feel guilt at times, some of it productive, but no one is that guilty.
Guilt shows we care. We feel bad when we do or say something that goes against our value system. But to feel guilty about every problem, every mistake, every accident, is a sign that we expect too much of ourselves. We become paralyzed and unable to change and make amends.
And in recovery we are learning that we are not responsible for everyone -- our first responsibility is to ourselves. We are learning to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy guilt. Excessive guilt need not be our legacy. God created us as humans, not gods. It is our nature to be imperfect. When we begin to accept ourselves and our mistakes as normal, our freedom is within our grasp, and we put a halt to the cycle of guilt.

Today help me know when guilt is warranted. Help me believe that I am not always guilty.
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Old 10-13-2009, 12:43 PM
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This one is very fitting for me lately. In how I was feeling with those raging hormones.

Character is a victory, not a gift.

Ivor Griffith

When our 'king baby' attitude rears it's head, we want our life to be in order - NOW. It is inconceivable to us that our character needs changing: "Surely my wife is causing my anguish;" "If you knew my kids, you'd see why I drink."
(Or in my case..."I got PMS so your all wrong and aggravating.") LOL
But somewhere down the line we wake up and learn that our character might need a little more fixing than we thought. If we are honest with ourselves we must admit we can be bossy, and yes, we like things our way.
But now we're growing serene enough to relize that others have problems, too. The kids are struggling with the same things we struggled with, and in a world more complicated and dangerous than ours. If we've been lucky, our spouse or partner has stuck with us all this way, even though it hasn't been easy or the way they would have chosen.
Life would be easier if things always went our way, but now we are equal to the challenge of compromise and capable of redirecting our attitudes. Now that we have been given back our self respect, it's time to give our respect and understanding to others.

Today help me see my arrogance and inflexibility. Help me bend to another's needs when it is warranted.
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Old 10-13-2009, 04:33 PM
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hmmm, good reading, thats a toughy!
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Old 12-02-2009, 01:32 PM
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Dec 2

That the birds of worry and care
fly about your head
This you can not change
But that they build nests in your hair
This you can prevent

Chinese Proverb

Worry can light on our shoulders or sink its teeth into our flesh. Worry can become such a habit that it may actually take over most of our waking and dreaming hours. Worry can break down our immune system and weaken our natural ability to fight illness.
For some people worry is a fulltime job and life companion. How much do each of us worry each day? This is a good question to ask when we are ready to get serious about changing our worry habits.
Once we have identified how and when we worry we are ready to reverse the pattern. Progress, not profection, is key in changing our worry habits. With an open mind and willing heart we have the power to change our habit of worry into one of trust. We know as we make this change that our higher power is truly at work in our lives.

Today let me begin to replace my worry with trust and faith in my ability to use my resources to face whatever life brings.
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Old 12-16-2009, 05:05 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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This was so perfect today.

December 16

Every moment that I am centered in the future, I suffer a temporary loss of this life.

Hugh Prather

For the most part we find leaving the present moment for some future projection leads to frustration. We need to make necessary plans for future events, but idly pondering life's outcomes often converts our present into negative experiences. We lose a piece of today in the process. And we risk sabotaging our recovery by igniting fear and anxiety.
Old habits can be attractive. We used to feel comfortable worrying about the future, or fantasizing about it. This was our escape from an unhappy present, and it ensured that the present remained unhappy. Now we are facing life in the present, and, for the sake of our recovery, we cant afford to abandon this moment.
When we remember that this one day is really all we have, live it with a sense of trust, and give it our full attention, we are living our lives to the fullest. This is the ever present gift of recovery that is ours every day.

Today let me live my only moment...the present.
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Old 12-26-2009, 11:52 AM
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I am only one, but still I am one.
I can not do everything, but still I can do something;
And because I can't do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

Edward Everett Hale

We once heard someone say, " Knowing doesn't keep you sober, doing does." We get the point. Our actions, not stivtly our knowledge, will help us stay sober. Recovery is a program of action, of doing something that will contribute to our recovery today.
All the knowledge in the world won't help us recover if we don't use what we have learned. Like good intentions, knowledge is only the beginning. Next, we must do - and not do - the things we have learned will help us make progress in recovery.
It's up to us to put the steps to work in our lives today. We are responsible for eating right and exercising, going to meetings, finding a Higher Power, and praying or meditating to continually strengthen our spiritual lives.
Knowing what we must do is a good first step. Putting that knowledge into action, one day at a time, will bring us the joys of real recovery and a new life.

Today I pray that, through your power, I have what I need to take action for my recovery.
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