
Drinking before a liver function test

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Old 04-04-2022, 09:27 AM
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Drinking before a liver function test

Hi folks. The last 2 - 3 years I’ve been quite ill, aside from any issues I have with alcohol. Funnily enough, it all began after I had got myself into the best shape of my life; lost loads of weight, took up weight training, sorted out my diet and drastically cut down my drinking. My second child had just been born, a beautiful little girl, and life was great. Life was amazing.

Symptoms were fuzzy at first. I started feeling cold all the time. Then it became more difficult to maintain my newfound healthy weight (I had a six pack having previously owned a sizeable beer belly). Then the fatigue started. Like walking through treacle. Compounded by a crippling insomnia, and if I did sleep, vivid nightmares.

I was drinking at weekends, but not that heavily. In the week I would go booze free, but the weeks which had once felt easy we’re beginning to feel longer and longer.

Eventually, I stumbled across the inexplicable notion that literally all of those symptoms disappeared if I instead drank ‘lightly’ through the week, including weight maintenance - as little sense as that makes.

Anyway, gradually the effectiveness of what I thought was my best little trick began to fade. I gained weight no matter how little I drank, what I ate or how much I worked our. And I felt absolutely dreadful in myself.

Fast forward to today, and I feel so profoundly I’ll. Crippling depression, brain fog, depression, zero energy whatsoever, I can’t think for two seconds straight. Constant anxiety. Life has become a living hell. I have a great job but no longer the energy or confidence to fulfil it.

I’ve seen many medical professionals about this, including several endocrinologists. I’ve ruled out various illnesses like diabetes, and tried prescription treatment including testosterone replacement and thyroid hormone replacement. Nothing works. I haven’t, of course, been totally open about how much I drink.

All I know is that many of my symptoms; the feeling of fatigue, the brain fog, the anxiety, this general sense of agitation and discontent, disappear within minutes of my first drink. And so I wonder, is that the missing trick? Perhaps it sounds stupid that it has only just dawned on me now. It has really, I just haven’t wanted to face up to the reality.

And so tomorrow I have a liver function test. Will drinking tonight impair the accuracy of the results? Clearly, if the results show that my liver is in serious trouble, and that it is that which is causing me to feel so ill, then I have both my reason and incentive to quit the booze for good.

I won’t be able to do it without some kind of medical assistance, I know that from prior experience. But I will have a good reason to seek the help I need as I cannot keep living like this.

I just want to understand the impact a light drink tonight will have on blood test results, because not drinking means a night of great discomfort and zero sleep. That’s the honest truth.

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Old 04-04-2022, 10:26 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Sticking to your normal drinking routine for tonight will not really impact the test results one way or the other.
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Old 04-04-2022, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by JPA View Post
All I know is that many of my symptoms; the feeling of fatigue, the brain fog, the anxiety, this general sense of agitation and discontent, disappear within minutes of my first drink. And so I wonder, is that the missing trick?
Amazing how all your ailments disappear with the first drink. Medical miracle? No. Alcohol isn't a remedy for anything except for the temporary relief of your addiction to it.
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Old 04-04-2022, 02:07 PM
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I have no idea whether it will impact or not.
it will impact your BAC tho if they test for that,

No one here is going to tell you drinking tonight is a good idea.
It’s not.

Like Carl says the fact you feel better after drinking is a sign of just how deeply addicted and dependent you are.

Drinking before a liver function test is alcoholic logic at its best/worst.

We get sold on the idea that quitting is unbelievable torture, but it’s not really.

I’d rather prepare for a night of discomfort.
If I drank, chances are I’d miss my appointment and still be drinking a week from now.

I think it’s time to let your Doctors know about your drinking and ask for help.

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Old 04-04-2022, 07:53 PM
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I wouldnt drink. Not drinking tonight will not drastically lower your elevated liver levels much like drinking your normal amount won't drastically raise them. I can't tell you what to do but I'd suffer thru the pain tonight to ensure I made it to the appointment tomorrow.
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Old 04-05-2022, 07:20 AM
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Please read the book Alcohol Explained, by William Morrison. It explains the phenomena you describe - that in later stage alcoholics, they feel so lousy that they HAVE to drink in order to feel better. After you read it, please quit for good.
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Old 04-05-2022, 09:52 AM
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You KNOW the answer to your issues, I’m sure.

When I was first reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, I was thinking ANY other thing to change, but wanted to drink.

Its ethanol. Poison. I needed to give THAT up. Moderation was absolute torture, and didn’t solve my wish to be free of thinking, planning, health issues worry, all surrounding the stupid drink.

Agree with adv, Alcohol Explained is a GREAT book, available within minutes, the best $12 you’ll ever spend.

Lots of great responses here.

Hope you choose the path that is right for you, your family, and your career.
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Old 04-05-2022, 05:31 PM
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I was just looking through your initial pstagraphs and you didn't mention something that should be part of it. Namely : a fundamental change in thinking.

The way we relate to the world is habitual.

If the habits belong to the overweight drinker then the habits are to serve a mind that wants to be in denial in relation to the inner part of the world where feelings have their cause and effect.

The way that you habitually relate to those feelings (emotions and sensations (sensory impressions)) has to change too. You not only loose physical weight by good actions of moderation, you need to consider the good actions of mind in order to successfully loose mind weight.

It is possible that the torpor, nightmares, confusion, and other mental difficulties are the waste products of mind weight loss seeking for a way out, like the waste products of weight loss are eliminated and not retained, and if so there has to be a strategy to let go of this toxic stuff rather than continually suppress it by maintaining a habit of denial.

If you wish to explore that avenue there are tried and true methods.

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