
cant stand my job

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Old 03-16-2022, 09:00 AM
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cant stand my job

okay my boss making me work later than she ever has before and more hours. I'm to afraid to bring it up . my job is very physical and boring I hate. I'm exhausted after a day at work. it is pissing me off that my schedule had changed. I hate fn change can't stand it. the only time I want to drink is at work. on the other hand I'm to tired to look for work. I just feel like quitting even without another job. i also have to work 6 days in a row. also it destoring my body as it makes everything hurt. thier are lots of jobs out thier but they all suck.
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Old 03-16-2022, 05:54 PM
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Thanks David! Yeah being in a job you hate is very stressful on your recovery! I know it’s hard! But it may be worth searching and keeping your eye out on other jobs! Doesn’t mean you got to rush it! Just look at different jobs for now! I still am registered on just in case my job doesn’t work out!

You may want to also discuss this with your sponsor if you haven’t already! I know one of the sayings in AA is don’t make any major changes in your first year in recovery! So keep that in mind!
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Old 03-16-2022, 07:28 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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The strange thing is that the longer I am in recovery, the better the bosses are, that I have been encountering...I still ain't asking any over for Thanksgiving dinner though!!!
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Old 03-17-2022, 05:00 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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I have a motto that I live by, " When the pain of my situation is worse than my fear of change, I will change."

That being said, a few years into my recovery, I found myself literally in tears thinking about going to my job one day, I asked myself out loud, "Is the pain worse than the fear yet?" The answer was yes and a few days later, I found a different job.

Change is hard for us in recovery, but for peace of mind a sanity, maybe it's time to start looking.
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Old 03-17-2022, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Surlyredhead View Post
I have a motto that I live by, " When the pain of my situation is worse than my fear of change, I will change."

That being said, a few years into my recovery, I found myself literally in tears thinking about going to my job one day, I asked myself out loud, "Is the pain worse than the fear yet?" The answer was yes and a few days later, I found a different job.

Change is hard for us in recovery, but for peace of mind a sanity, maybe it's time to start looking.
So true! Change is so hard in recovery! Especially with jobs! At least for me it is! I was so miserable with my previous jobs I completely changed careers! Went to truck driving school three years ago! Got my cdl-A! Went otr (over the road) all 48 states driving a 73 foot, 80,000 pound semi truck!

Prior to this I was a total home body! Always just stayed home after my previous jobs! I was scared as heck going over the road at first! But that’s how desperate and miserable I was at my previous jobs! I figured I had nothing to lose!

Turns out it was the best decision I ever made! I learned a ton and got to see the whole country! It was very hard and brutal at times! Stayed out for a month at a time and home for 4-5 days! My wife was supportive and understood why I had to do this! She saw my misery on other jobs!

Currently I’m going through another stressful change! I recently quit that otr job and switched to another trucking company! I actually was good at it and was a safe driver! No failed drug tests, no accidents or tickets! Made deliveries successfully! Problem was I wasn’t even making $50,000! I felt for being otr a month at a time I should be getting way more than that!

Now I’m with a company that pays $80,000 to start out! And better home time! 5 days out, 2 days home time! I’m still going through training! But this company is much more strict than the other company I was with! I still have so much to learn before I can be productive with this company! My driving and backing are good! But having a hard time on the tablet computer on the truck! I’m totally confused on it! My trainer said don’t worry too much about it! It will come in time! At least one more week of training and then I’m on my own!

Nervous as heck about it! What ever happens I don’t regret changing companies! If I make it I make it! If I don’t then maybe God has other plans for me! That’s my outlook!
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Old 03-18-2022, 11:35 AM
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I feel ya. I had a job i despised desk job etc.. finally got laid off i was terrified and relieved. it was a good paying job i was out of work for 4 years in that time i worked retail here or there and ran my own business. I barely made squat for money and was stressed to the max i then had a shlew of other problems. initially i was happier for a while just broke. but as time waned on and i got more and more tired from the work i was doing and such it got harder. The last retail gig i had i really liked it was very physical and mundate but i liked being on my feet and busy. For me moving around and such keeps me happy and healthy. But i dont want insane physical labor because i know what you mean it makes eveyrthing hurt and ruins your body then they toss ay out and you got a broken body.

fast foward now i recently started another "good" job office job. I totally despise it i'm totally miserable i sit in a dark depressing office all day and end up with bad back pain and hip pain from the chair. I cant stand it. I'd prefer to just get fired or something now.

I woulda never taken it but the pay is so much more. but now i'm miserable. yeh i can pay my m onthly bills now thats nice. but im not making enough to dig out of the hole i got into so im basicly still screwed.

I dunno what to tell ya other then I guess life is like this sometimes. I can tell ya the obvious look for another job etc... but i'm sure if it was so easy you woulda done that already. i was stuck at the last job 16 years. I never could find anything better. Now i'm stuck at this one. I will say financially its not the worst place to be stuck at. But i'm not thrilled.

i hope it eases for you.
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Old 03-21-2022, 06:13 PM
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Spellcheck is your friend
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Old 03-22-2022, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by proudtobehere View Post
Spellcheck is your friend
When I was new to sobriety, I could barely speak in complete sentences much less remember proper spelling. This is not a school room, it a SAFE place for those getting and trying to stay sober. Possibly cutting some slack might not hurt. I was very sensitive in the beginning and that comment might have gotten me off the board.
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Old 03-22-2022, 06:22 AM
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One of the things I suggest when I chat with people who are in recovery and struggling with their job is to take some time to reflect on the quote from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous that says: "Your job now is to be at the place where you may be of maximum helpfulness to others ...." (BB, p. 102.) There are at least two benefits that can flow from incorporating this perspective into my life. First, bringing an attitude of service to my current job makes that job better. Second, asking in prayer to be guided to the job where I may be of maximum service can open my mind to opportunities I hadn't even considered, including the possibility that I am right where I should be -- at least for now.

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Old 03-23-2022, 03:13 AM
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I once had a professor in college tell me to find something I love to do, not just something that pays. I took that advice to heart and today I'm celebrating 30 years doing my dream job. I could easily make a lot more money doing something else, but I wouldn't have the satisfaction. There are so many different opportunities out there these days. Maybe time to think outside the box a bit. We spend a lot of time at our jobs, why not find something you enjoy?
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Old 03-29-2022, 11:51 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by FormerBeerLover View Post
I once had a professor in college tell me to find something I love to do, not just something that pays. I took that advice to heart and today I'm celebrating 30 years doing my dream job. I could easily make a lot more money doing something else, but I wouldn't have the satisfaction. There are so many different opportunities out there these days. Maybe time to think outside the box a bit. We spend a lot of time at our jobs, why not find something you enjoy?
i always loved this concept. theres a lot of htings i love to do that i'd never wanna do for work as then they'd become work and i'd no longer like it. take like running professionally i lvoe running but i wouldnt wanan do it for a living it would ruin what it is to me.

In my case all the other things i'd love to do for work dont pay enough. so for me its not really an option. I can hope one day that this or that may work out and maybe that hope gets me thru another day but its not realistic.
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