
Changing our Preamble was a Grave Mistake.

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Old 01-02-2022, 11:40 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jun 2020
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Originally Posted by Triggered View Post
when it comes to 'faith' based beliefs I'm believe God intiates inclusion.... I say it's people....we wont agree on this so I'll just say good luck on your sober journey and long may it last
I'd like to address this for everyone.
It takes pain, then great willingness, to believe in a Power greater than yourself. That all could come from this entity that we cannot see. To be able to trust and rely on God is perhaps the most difficult yet rewarding experience one can have. It is So different when someone insults you and it just doesn't ruffle your feathers.
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Old 01-02-2022, 11:55 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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I'm only gonna say this once because I don't intend on sorting through this mess of a thread again.

Deep Breath.

Inclusion is based on love for another. I'm a Christian. I believe that God wants us to accept and love all his children. That includes straight, gay, non-binary, trans, white, black, asian, male, female and a mother f'in person in a Shazam costume who identifies as a unicorn if that's how that person needs to live.

This post makes me white hot with rage.

This is the same BS that evangelicals have been spouting for decades that has cost people their lives. Let me clue you in on something you do not know. God is LOVE. Exclusion is HATE.

How dare you come here and spout off with that BS when people are fighting for their lives in this capacity.

This thread does not belong here. It's propaganda hate speech.

I'm gonna make some sH#! perfectly clear to the mods and admins.

If you delete my post and not this thread, delete my account. This is a horrible stain on this membership and should NEVER have been allowed to be posted in the first place.

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Old 01-02-2022, 12:44 PM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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We’re a big community here and as a community means we hold a multitude of views.

Our stance on that

Tolerance: Please respect the rights of others to hold beliefs and perspectives, which differ from yours. Our Sober Recovery Forum members are of many nationalities, ages, and cultures. Healthy, vigorous debate will further our goals, but only when guided by the tolerance that springs from mutual embrace of mission
I know for a fact there are non binary members of SR. I won’t speak for them, but as old white cis guy I’m glad an organisation as old and as large as AA is making steps to be more inclusive.

The End.

Thread closed.

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