View Poll Results: What method(s) did you use?
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What method did you use?

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Old 12-29-2021, 05:57 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 411
For me addiction is best adressed by stopping drinking then addressing the issues that set you aside from others to make you prone to addiction. The first for me is nothing more than a leap of faith and a determination to stop given the consequences of my drinking career. The second is what keeps me from sliding back. It's taken me a while to realise the benefits of tackling those issues and I think it's a bit of an irony as I reckon a lot of the benefits I'm experiencing arent visible without hindsight. For me, I had to take that leap of faith and then the work begins.

I kind of stumbled into sobriety. I followed a guy called Russel Brand (an ex addict) on youtube who was into meditation and other means of self discipline. He interviewed Dr Gabor Mate, an addiction specialist whose teachings, for the first time ever, made me believe it was possible to at least make sense out of my thought processes, how they were harming me and how and why they led to addiction. It was around this time, in all my wisdom, I decided to take my car out on a drunken journey and ended up in a police cell as a result. Looking back, it really couldnt have happened at a better time and thank providence I didnt harm anyone or myself. I knew at that point that something had to give or risk some catastrophic consequences. It was as clear a message as I was ever going to get short of losing my life or seriously harming someone else. Something had to be done. I began to look for and reach out to tangible support mechanisms to help me through my immediate difficulties of quitting. That is when I found SR and it has exceeded my expectations more than I could have believed.

SR helps me on so many levels with issues like gratitude, pledging, accountability, feeling accepted and being able to reach out to like minded others for common solutions. With deeper seated issues, I try to educate myself on those issues that have haunted me for years.

So, I believe that addiction is as individual as the sufferer. There is no right or wrong solution. There is only the one that works for you. Any or all of the solutions suggested are as valid as each other so long as they work. Take what you need and leave the rest.
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Old 03-24-2022, 10:33 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Same as
only SR, baby!
When I joined the place was really hoppin'. It seems like it's slowed down a little due to covid. I think a lot of people were/are staying at home, drinking. I hope when things get back to normal, people will start coming back. I think there's a lot of people suffering out there.
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Old 04-03-2022, 08:18 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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I love topics like this!

What finally worked for me was an IOP that focused on my mental health, and continual work on my social anxiety disorder. Finally understanding it is a chronic illness for me. Staying on top of it keeps it in a manageable place.

I wish anyone seeking help with substance use would be given a pamphlet with ALL the options that exist - and be told that no one answer exists. Social support is always good, and that can come in many ways - AA, SMART, church, sober friends, SR, etc. Medications can be very helpful for some and completely useless for others. Rehab is essential for some, and not needed for others.

I say throw everything at the wall and see what sticks! Being told only one option exists is very dangerous and for most of us, very untrue.

I'm a firm believer that what brings us into addiction is very unique - so what will get us into recovery is as well. Most of us abused substances for a reason before the addiction set in - once sober that reason still exists and needs to be addressed. That process is different for us all.
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Old 04-17-2022, 04:45 PM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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A very insightful post Donnylutz, thank you.
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Old 05-24-2022, 10:41 AM
  # 25 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2012
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i white knuckled it the first year. I jsut didnt think i had a problem and wasnt about to go sit at aa with "those people". I signed up here cause i was getting over my BS and realzing i had an issue and many here helped me realize that etc...

now in hindsite i shoulda just gone to AA or something instead of doing it the hard way for a year.

If i where to do it all over again however I cant be certain i'd go to AA. I always say someone better drag me there kciking and screaming tho if i do pickup. But to go on my own? i'd whine its too late in the evening i'm tired etc.. and all valid gripes i think but if i was actively drinking i thinki the drink would be far worse then a night at AA.

i hope to never pickup again. I've learned good tings and bad things in recovery that being said i could easily go back and have an even worse go then the first time around.

Im not interested in drinking. I get bent out of shape tho and it seems like a good idea but its more of a fantasy type idea I know realisticly its not a good idea. Like one might get angry and punch a wall i might get angry and be ugh i should just go get drunk grrr. but i wont actually do it.
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Old 06-09-2022, 07:11 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Australia
Posts: 270
I transferred my addictiin (on purpose) and it was easy as pie.

My new addicftion is a tough one but has better treatments.

DO NOT RECOMMEND: You could end up with 2 horrible addictions. I got lucky

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