
Day 1

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Old 05-24-2021, 04:47 AM
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Lightbulb Day 1

So after reading the replies to my posts on here I've decided I'm going to try to go a whole week without drinking. I sure some of you will think that's no biggy but for me it is. It's been years since I've even gone 2 days in a row without drinking and now I'm trying for a week. Just thinking about it is churning my stomach .

Tomorrow will be particularly tough for me because I'm going to the Parentals and my dad was abusive when I was growing up and I always use alcohol to relax to see him.

So yeah wish me luck - I'm gonna need it!

Im going to try to post on here each day and let you know how I'm doing. Even if I mess up I'll be honest with you guys.
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Old 05-24-2021, 04:59 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Great decision! I'm really happy for you. And no one here will think a week is a small thing. I remember saying in an AA meeting, "I have a week sober!! Seven days! In a row!"

Now I'm at seven years. Seems a lifetime ago.

You CAN make it through anything without drinking. I assume you're an adult now - so don't let your dad push you around anymore. One of the things I had to do was completely change how I dealt with my abusive mother. If she started in on me, I would hang up the phone or leave. You can do that, too.

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Old 05-24-2021, 05:15 AM
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Thanks biminiblue.

Ironically I decide to give up drinking for a week and guess what I just got in my inbox? An email giving me a discount on beer! You couldn't make it up...
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Old 05-24-2021, 05:31 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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There are going to be a lot of those kinds of things like the email. I just don't give them any serious thought.

My whole life revolved around alcohol.

It took some time for the associations to drift away.

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Old 05-24-2021, 07:12 AM
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Indeed. I went to the supermarket today and it was almost automatic to go to the alcohol but I told myself no. It's kinda strange because my body is craving it but my brain knows not to. Usually when your body tells you something you're wise to listen to it. Like if you have pain etc you should see a doctor and not just ignore it.

Basically all day Ive been thinking about having a drink. Also my hands are shaky. I know alcohol is a depressant and so your body produces more adrenaline etc to keep you aware and awake. So when you stop you've still got those chemicals in your system. I guess I'll just have to see it out.
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Old 05-24-2021, 07:30 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Its great to set a goal.
One week is quite the big deal around here. We do understand how hard it is to quit alcohol.

Is seeing the parents crucial? Are you able to go at a later date after you get some sober time under your feet?
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Old 05-24-2021, 07:42 AM
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I'm with Mizz - can you put that off? Generally we need to reduce stress when we're trying to get sober. As to one week - I remember how huge it was the first time I even had 4 days. Then a week was amazing. I hadn't gone without daily booze in over a decade. We all have to start somewhere.
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Old 05-24-2021, 08:15 AM
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Congrats on your decision Jase. I did not see this thread prior to commenting on your other one, please take a look there at what others have posted too as it will be very helpful in your first week. You will never regret the decision to NOT drink - I can guarantee you that ;-)
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Old 05-24-2021, 08:25 AM
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I wish I could put off going but Ive already promised my mum I'll take her to the hospital and my sister to have her 2nd Covid jab. My sis has a learning disability.

Its funny I nearly decided not to try for a week sober because of having to go but now I figure there is always going to be *something* I can use as an excuse so I'm just gonna do it lol.
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Old 05-24-2021, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by JaseUK View Post
I figure there is always going to be *something* I can use as an excuse so I'm just gonna do it lol.
That is very true Jase, and you are absolutely right...there is always something you can use as an excuse to keep drinking. Glad you are making the choice to move foreward, and you'll be much better prepared to help others when you aren't drinking.
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Old 05-24-2021, 03:18 PM
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There was a time where I could not go 3 days sober so yeah a week is a biggie.
I really hope it goes well Jase - so well you make it 2 weeks, then 3...then...
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Old 05-24-2021, 03:49 PM
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You can do it Jase!
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Old 05-25-2021, 12:40 PM
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How are doing, Jase? How did the visit go?
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Old 05-25-2021, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Kat1313 View Post
How are doing, Jase? How did the visit go?
Hey Kat
Going okay. I'm here for the night and my dad has been his moody self but hey ho. Resisted the urge to drink - day 3 tomorrow!
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Old 05-25-2021, 02:30 PM
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Hi Jase. Be very proud of your progress, & the great decision you've made.
I wasn't able to go even one day without it in the end, or I'd shake & be nauseous. I wish I'd taken action the way you are.
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Old 05-25-2021, 03:11 PM
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Thanks Hevyn
I was shaky yesterday but not nauseous which thinking about it is strange because generally I have a sensitive stomach.

Today physically was actually okay. It was *just* a matter of trying to control my anxiety without using drink at a crutch.
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Old 05-25-2021, 05:43 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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You can do it my friend. I drank for 20+ years and never had more than two or three days in a row. I was able to quit due in part to telling myself that I would be ok as long as I didn't cave into that first sip. Putting all my focus on just not picking up - instead of having to change my whole life - really helped make it a lot less overwhelming. I stopped for good in June 2016 besides one night a year ago when I had drinks with a friend. And was very disappointed in myself but have not had another drink since.

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Old 05-26-2021, 06:04 PM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by JaseUK View Post
Hey Kat
Going okay. I'm here for the night and my dad has been his moody self but hey ho. Resisted the urge to drink - day 3 tomorrow!
I know you completed Day 3 without drinking, Jase (read your Day 3 thread). I am so proud of you.
You have proven to yourself that you can handles stress and your moody dad sober. Which means you don’t need to use alcohol as a crutch. Well done! 😁
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