
9 Days Sober & Feeling Great

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Old 01-14-2020, 08:13 PM
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9 Days Sober & Feeling Great

I'm 9 days sober and I've never felt better. If you went back 3 weeks ago and told me that on Jan. 14th I would be 9 days sober, I would have told you that you were crazy. As tired as I was living that merry-go-round life of getting drunk every night, waking up feeling like crap, going to work, coming home.. repeat, I never thought I would somehow get past it. I always figured I was too far gone, that there was no hope for me and that I would drink until my death.

For so long I was living in this fantasy world that if I kept reaching out, asking for help, that someone would have some sort of magical cure for alcoholism and get me to quit drinking. My last trip to the ER back on Jan. 3rd was no different, and yet again I was sent on my way.

The realization hit me that Saturday night that nobody could make me quit, regardless of who I reached out to. That it was up to me to quit. I don't know how, why or what.. but that realization sunk in and hit me.. and here I am, 9 days later.

My energy is back, my appetite is back in full force and my sleep pattern is getting back to normal.. went to my doctor's appointment yesterday after having multiple blood work done.. nothing alarming came back, doctor is happy with my results and in a month I go back for a checkup and he just wants to run another test to make sure my liver enzymes are back to normal.

The surprising part of this, for whatever reason the craving, the desire, the want to drink... it's gone. I've had zero cravings since the day I quit. Even when I've had a stressful day at work, which I have had, the thought of coming home and drinking not once crossed my mind.

I'm now a firm believer that if I can quit, anyone can quit. I was a heavy drinker, and was for years (10 years at least). On the weekends I could easily down 20 beers, pass out drunk and do it again the next day. Despite all this, somehow I've managed to overcome.

It's been 9 days, I haven't looked back, consider the old me dead and now focused on the new me going forward. I'm finding my love for life is starting to come back, and things I were once interested in are starting to come back.

And all of you, this forum.. I only came across this forum the last part of my days of drinking and decided to join. You all have given me advice, words of encouragement, support.. nothing but kind to me. I truly feel if it wasn't for finding this forum, and for all of you, I'm not so sure I would be where I am today. Yesterday when my doctor and I was talking about my past, and me being sober.. he was asking about support I had, and I mentioned this group to him and how I have you all to fall back on should I find myself in a rut.
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Old 01-15-2020, 08:06 AM
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Gal220's Avatar
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Congrats on starting your sober life! I remember those first weeks being so difficult and stressful, so that's awesome that you are so positive and experiencing great things.
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Old 01-15-2020, 01:18 PM
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I'd agree that that decision to quit - that moment of acceptance of change - needs to be an internal one.

There will still be testing times and troubling desires but unconditional acceptance is a great weapon to have.

9 days is great DO

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Old 01-15-2020, 08:43 PM
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Great job!!! It works when you work it!! Kudos to you!! Keep up the great work!

Wishing you the best!
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Old 01-17-2020, 03:56 PM
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Well done, DO.
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Old 01-17-2020, 10:15 PM
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Almost 2 weeks.... Sunday will be two weeks sober!
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