
Drinking just to feel normal

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Old 08-12-2018, 04:13 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 1,137
Hi Luv!
I can relate to your story and about 2 years ago I was in a similar position. I didn't drink to forget anymore, not to get drunk, just to function. Because the days I tried to not drink I was so anxious and just felt horrible. I didn't drink till I blacked out or anything, no crazy amounts, just a steady intake so my mood would be good and I would not be a shaky, anxious mess.
I went cold turkey at home which I don't think I would recommend. I am lucky it worked out just fine but this depends on so many factors.

I couldn't quite imagine to survive for long without alcohol in my system and couldn't imagine to function without it. It's possible though. It takes our bodies a while to adapt to the change but if you want it, give it a real chance and be patient. You'll see that after a while you will even start functioning better without it than you now do with it.
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Old 08-12-2018, 05:57 PM
  # 22 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 3,029
Originally Posted by August252015 View Post
^^^^excellent suggestions and experience sharing from Sassy. My recovery is he backdrop if my entire life, my number one priority and the method by which everything good in my life is realized.
thanks august. It is still my number one priority. I would never casually throw it away, any more than I would abandon my own child. without it I am in a prison of my own making that is unbelievably difficult to escape from. I've been given a huge gift.
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