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Old 12-03-2017, 01:14 PM
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Hi everyone.

Could anyone shed some light here please? I’ve been abstinent since March. Reason I quit was some abdominal pain back then (right side just under ribs) I drank daily ten years mostly beer. In the last few of those years I’d say probably up to a six pack daily. At the time they did bloodwork, ultrasound, ct scan, fibroscan. Said no reason for pain. I’m upset because I’ve been eating right exercising and no drinking I have found hobbies very entertaining to the point thought very rarely crosses my mind. I’m scared because the pain is back I feel fatigued so last weekend went to the ER a $2,000 excursion they did basic blood that’s it! Said nothing. I’ve been doing research lately and think I’m dealing with primary biliary chirosis they never checked for it usually through AMA’s and I have pretty red palms. The life expectancy with symptoms is 7 years I’m panick stricken because my appetite isn’t what it normally is etc and the docs aren’t working well with me to test EVERYTHING. Just my primary ya know? Anyway any input would be godsend right about now. I wish I could post my results pics here is that possible? Maybe someone is educated and could spot something within the small amount of testing performed. The tests aren’t old can the liver just **** out like that even when I’m practicing being healthy as possible?

Last edited by Sahti; 12-03-2017 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Forgot something
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Old 12-03-2017, 03:53 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Hon, we're not doctors and even if we were can't give medical advice. I think if your doctors aren't finding anything bad that's good?

Not sure about you; I find my pain and worry worsen when I obsess. Can you maybe get totally absorbed in something to let your mind shift?
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Old 12-03-2017, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Obladi View Post
Hon, we're not doctors and even if we were can't give medical advice. I think if your doctors aren't finding anything bad that's good?

Not sure about you; I find my pain and worry worsen when I obsess. Can you maybe get totally absorbed in something to let your mind shift?
I like to think I’m open minded and I can see what you mean. Sure it’s a possibility I guess I just do not like the fact that my symptoms mimic PBC to the T and no tests for that have been run ama etc and I’ve struggled with this for a year. I could be having fun and all a sudden I notice the pain so I just believe there is something wrong. AMA testing should be standard I think test the whole liver. When I go on the 6th hopefully I’ll be at waze atleast having a better idea what is going on.
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Old 12-03-2017, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Sahti View Post
I like to think I’m open minded and I can see what you mean. Sure it’s a possibility I guess I just do not like the fact that my symptoms mimic PBC to the T and no tests for that have been run ama etc and I’ve struggled with this for a year. I could be having fun and all a sudden I notice the pain so I just believe there is something wrong. AMA testing should be standard I think test the whole liver. When I go on the 6th hopefully I’ll be at waze atleast having a better idea what is going on.
I don’t think this is medical advice, if mods think it is then delete, but:

Sometimes it takes awhile to diagnose things. If you have persistent symptoms it is expected that you will keep returning until you have an answer.

Of course it could be something serious, but try to keep emotions in check as much as you can because there’s also a likelihood that it is not.

There are many, many conditions; malignant and benign, associated with abdominal pain. Just because something is localized does not mean it is easily diagnosed.

Simply keep going to the doctor if your symptoms do not abate.
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Old 12-03-2017, 07:54 PM
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Assuming the docs have checked everything physical Sahti, don't rule out the possibility that anxiety is a partial culprit too. As a diagnosed health anxiety sufferer, I can tell you that your mind can literally "feel" symptoms of things that aren't really happening, Again...follow up with your doctor to confirm, but it wouldn't hurt to explore the anxiety route too.
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Old 12-03-2017, 11:11 PM
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Great job Sahti staying abstinent since March.

As far as medical issues, I would trust my doctor's diagnosis. If you feel they aren't giving you thorough exam and true diagnosis, then I would find a second, third, fourth opinions.
Good luck
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Old 12-05-2017, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by ScottFromWI View Post
Assuming the docs have checked everything physical Sahti, don't rule out the possibility that anxiety is a partial culprit too. As a diagnosed health anxiety sufferer, I can tell you that your mind can literally "feel" symptoms of things that aren't really happening, Again...follow up with your doctor to confirm, but it wouldn't hurt to explore the anxiety route too.
True I am an anxious person probably why I drank to begin’s the itchy red palms and abdominal pain that gets me going. I know the mind is strong too so perhaps your right. I see a specialist tomorrow pretty scared but I’ll let y’all know...
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Old 12-05-2017, 07:42 PM
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Good luck at the specialist Sahti

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Old 12-05-2017, 09:05 PM
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Good luck xxx let us know... I'm
Sure it's just anxiety
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Old 12-05-2017, 10:53 PM
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I hope you feel better. I'm a bit handcuffed as to what I can share on this board. But don't give up on the docs just yet. Prayer can also help. I've prayed for a full body, mind and spirit healing for you.
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Old 12-06-2017, 06:41 AM
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Anyway any input would be godsend right about now
it has bothered me for some time reading people who go on the web lookin stuff up and call it "research."
research is done in labs and in medical schools. what we do is visit dr google, who had me dead 10 years ago or living to 100.

its best to let the pros be the ones that "research" and stop visiting dr google.
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Old 12-06-2017, 04:51 PM
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How did it go? My liver function tests were a bit high when I was admitted to hospital a while ago because of my morning sickness and I was so scared but then they tested me again and it was back to normal. I know it's still possible to have cirrhosis with normal test results though.
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Old 02-22-2018, 03:43 AM
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Originally Posted by scaredikklegoth View Post
How did it go? My liver function tests were a bit high when I was admitted to hospital a while ago because of my morning sickness and I was so scared but then they tested me again and it was back to normal. I know it's still possible to have cirrhosis with normal test results though.

It went well but fast forward to feb 2018 and that odd feeling is still there. It’s quite strange.
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Old 02-22-2018, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by ScottFromWI View Post
Assuming the docs have checked everything physical Sahti, don't rule out the possibility that anxiety is a partial culprit too. As a diagnosed health anxiety sufferer, I can tell you that your mind can literally "feel" symptoms of things that aren't really happening, Again...follow up with your doctor to confirm, but it wouldn't hurt to explore the anxiety route too.

Thanks I certainly will not rule that out but fear definately has a way of overcoming trying to stay cool.
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