
Day 9 - Feeling agitated and anxious

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Old 11-15-2017, 07:18 PM
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I am not these thoughts - I am the Master of these thoughts.
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ForestFrenzy's Avatar
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Day 9 - Feeling agitated and anxious

I should have gone to the gym after work but I was tired and unmotivated.

Now I just feel as though I have ants in my pants, like my body and mind are poised for a drink but no relief comes.

I know it will pass. I just have to accept that though the will is there to get things done, like work on my holiday repertoire and apply for an internal position at work, they may have to wait. I cannot get my mind to focus.

Icky. Agitated. Bleh.
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Old 11-15-2017, 08:06 PM
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As your subtitle says, you are the master of these thoughts. I'm sorry you're feeling so blah. But there will be bad days. Even non-alcoholics have these days.
I hope you feel better. There's nothing a drink will make better.
After almost seven years of sobriety, I still have days like yours. It's the human condition.
Best to you and hoping you feel better soon.
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Old 11-15-2017, 08:27 PM
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I am not these thoughts - I am the Master of these thoughts.
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Thank you for that; developing tools and resources to cope with bad days is going to be the foremost crux in this my (hopefully) final and lasting go at long-term sobriety. That is the lesson I gleaned in my relapse.
In fact, life is very good and it wasn't a bad day. I think it's more just withdrawals and a reminder that it takes a while for the body and mind to sync up again after abusing them with alcohol.
You are right too about feeling "meh" irrespective of drinking, which was surprising to me in long-term sobriety; there were days I felt physically and emotionally uncomfortable that felt oddly familiar to the days when I was drinking. Sobriety doesn't solve all your problems, but it sure makes it a lot easier to address them.
Thank you for reading and listening Ghost. xx
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Old 11-16-2017, 06:37 AM
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You're welcome. Thank you.
I feel tired and unmotivated today. It must be catching. There's things I should be doing, but I just don't feel like doing them.
But, I'll do whatever I want today.
It sure beats laying in bed with a hangover.

Hang in there, Frenzy, it gets better. You've posted some great wisdom.
Hope you feel better today.
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