
Afraid to go to a meeting

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Old 11-13-2017, 07:44 PM
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Afraid to go to a meeting

I sometimes believe I am an alcoholic, sometimes I feel that I am just simply a 25 year old women that is having fun- for the most part.
My fiance who has been to rehab and sober living, has been having issues. And recently has been having more issues, and I blame myself because I drink around him.
I want to go to a meeting, but I feel like I would stand out, and the only way to go in is to be drunk. I had been to a NA meeting with him, and the
anxiety in my chest was so strong. It hurt.
Any tips?
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Old 11-13-2017, 07:51 PM
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I wasn't anxious to go to my first meeting either. But for me, the alternative was to die as a miserable alcoholic. I knew I needed help in the battle, and AA was the place to find the assistance.
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Old 11-13-2017, 07:52 PM
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Just go to an open meeting. You don't have to introduce yourself as new.

Sit and listen if you like.
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Old 11-14-2017, 05:43 AM
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Sounds like you are ready for a change, Zeppelin.
Open AA meetings are a good way to begin.
No pressure to share or tell your story if you don’t want to.
Good luck.
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Old 11-14-2017, 05:47 AM
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Only you can determine if your drinking is a problem for you or not Zeppelin, reaching out here to get more info is a great idea. Going to a meeting and just listening would be a good idea too. You won't "stand out" there any more than you would here - we are all just focused on getting better.
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Old 11-14-2017, 07:52 AM
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the anxiety of not going to a meeting for me ended up being much worse. But breaking that ice and going was a huge big deal for me. I was glad I went in the end and realized it really was no big deal at all. It was actualy rather comforting to sit in a room full of people who had the same problems as me and understood.
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Old 11-14-2017, 02:14 PM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Some cities have meetings for first timers.

When I went to my first meeting I didn't know what to expect; when I got to the church I said "to hell with it" and keep driving. Something made me turn around and go back. That was 11 months ago.

Now I go to 7 to 10 meetings a week, chair groups, I have lead, I sponsor, give rides, buy donuts - I am even involved in throwing a Thanksgiving Day lunch for an AA group.

AA has changed my life - give it a chance.
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