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Old 05-11-2014, 12:27 PM
  # 41 (permalink)  
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You had said your alcohol problem was unique, and that is why your CPP program works.

How is your alcoholism different?
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Old 05-11-2014, 12:50 PM
  # 42 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by jdooner View Post
I was 12 stepped by a friend I consider my mentor. He is over 30yrs sober and quite successful by many other accounts. In short he has what I want, peace, content, financial freedom, etc.

I chat with him once a week. He is not my sponsor on purpose, as we tend to be closer friends than I am with my sponsor. Anyhow, my mentor sometimes has things to say that rub me the wrong way - usually because they are true and things I don't want to acknowledge.

When I was a month and then two months, I would routinely talk about how great I was feeling (pink cloud moments). My mentor, who is also in AA noted that most of the people he knows that have a lot of success right away end up relapsing. At the time I did not know what he meant.

I had success early on and then about 3 months into it I knew better than AA. I knew better than most on SR. I was again, the ruler of my roost, the same malady that got me into this situation to begin with. I posted about how AA was a cult - ran to the arms of Rational Recovery - because it had to be the program, not JDooner.

Anyhow, I have done both, I am on step #4 - my steps are slower than I like sometimes but I am lazier than I would like sometimes:-) If you like me and I am par for the course then your going to go through periods. The less you fight it and try to have all the answers the better I think you will end up.

One other story I will share Karate since your going into securities. I was in B School in 99 and 2000. I was working at an Investment Bank that summer. We were raising capital for all these high flying Internet Stocks. Valuations were through the roof and I would routinely argue with my finance professor. My professor always fell back on div discount model and cash flows, both of which these high flying Internet stocks lacked to support valuations. But I felt if everyone was buying these the collective group had to know more than my professor (lemming approach).

Anyhow, I lost my shirt and then some. I survived by the skin of my teeth and learned an important lesson, one that allowed me to make more money then
I could imagine (also part of my downfall) in solar bubble of 2005-2008 and more in the crash of '08 and '09. Wisdom comes with time. I look forward to my amend with my Prof!

Be open Karate. You seem to be doing a great job and you are making strikes - stay open and willing and above all honest and you will get there.
I sold iron condors for a long time , but the market turned up
And the Vol was too low to get a decent risk / reward .

Traded a single stock for another 5 years , buy at support sell at resistance .

Took an expensive class , and read I guess 40
Books on trading , Lawrence Millen"s
Options as a Streg. Investment - I carried it to work for 5
Years , it's almost committed to memory ,read the Turtle trader
And Alexander Elders books .

I'm doing an internship with an independent broker/dealer
Now , I'm L/H insurance liscenced .

Currently merting with clients with my boss .

Studying for 6 now , it looks like a cake walk to a seasoned trader .

When fully Lisc. I will go full time .

Get out of the Job , I'm doing now
Over 20 years , and still not used to scedule .

Better times are ahead .
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Old 05-11-2014, 01:47 PM
  # 43 (permalink)  
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Everyone is different.

We all have the same same story to tell, just different degrees of carnage left in our wake.
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Old 05-11-2014, 02:18 PM
  # 44 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by samuse View Post
Everyone is different.

We all have the same same story to tell, just different degrees of carnage left in our wake.
And all arrived at the same place .
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Old 05-11-2014, 04:43 PM
  # 45 (permalink)  
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If your theories hold true and you have discovered a new treatment for alcoholism. You will not need a second career because your income will be right up there with Bill Gates and your name will be on par with Einstein and Pasture. I see a Nobel Prize in your future.
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Old 05-11-2014, 05:29 PM
  # 46 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by MIRecovery View Post
If your theories hold true and you have discovered a new treatment for alcoholism. You will not need a second career because your income will be right up there with Bill Gates and your name will be on par with Einstein and Pasture. I see a Nobel Prize in your future.
I suspect the system will never published

Country people have done what im doing for decades . Nothing new here
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Old 05-11-2014, 05:41 PM
  # 47 (permalink)  
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Didn't read the whole thread, but it's not just country people who have done what you're doing. People have been changing their lives and ending addictions since the beginning of time, across time and cultures. You're right, it's not new at all. The self-recovered population is huge, but many self recovered are not very vocal. There are myriad reasons for that. Just because they're not vocal doesn't mean they are not there, and in fact, vast in number. Because recoveryism is so huge is so big in the US, self recovery is not always popular. Discussions surrounding it are not ways well received. Again, that doesn't mean it's not a valid and effective approach.
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Old 05-11-2014, 05:44 PM
  # 48 (permalink)  
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Nothing wrong with country wisdom packaged for city folk
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Old 05-11-2014, 07:59 PM
  # 49 (permalink)  
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Frank Sinatra Sings 'My Way'

After hitting it hard to where a Vodka Handle lasted me 2 instead of 3 days, I quit at Home 10 January of this year. Yah, a rough Detox, but not impossible. Certainly not something I will repeat.

There's the very occasional Trigger, but they're spaced further apart and not very strong. We hit a very nice Canyon Resort yesterday in Western Colorado, and ate in the Bar. I never again looked at my Wife's large Martini once it got delivered. There's too many stunning Rock Formations out the Windows to look at. Yah, a Gal at the Bar ordered a fav Single Malt of mine 'neat', and I kinda chuckled at how small the pour was. I also chuckled at how long she nursed that single Drink. A Scotch Normie. What an alien concept. A fleeting recollection was that I could have downed most of the Bottle 'back in the day', and that was that.

I neither use nor can relate to the phrase 'white knuckling' because I'm not doing that. I am on guard. A Pal who up and quit Pot, due to increased Heart Rate while at hiking ~12,000', is my 'Confidant'. But, we really don't talk about it much. Mostly, he can relate to just walking away from Addiction with support, and a staunch Inner Voice.

Other valuable insights are those I'm getting here at SR.

We've rehabbed from incredibly-painful Whiplash in 1990. Our Attorney told us he had 3 or so Clients put a Bullet in their Brain to escape the agony. I understand. I've self taught on Easement Law and won a 2 year battle with a Neighbor who has 5 DUIs who shot at me. He simply didn't want us to build on our Land. The difficulty of not picking up that first Drink is relative to other crises conquered in a well-aged Life.

There's this odd 'bias' that we Self-Recovering types have some Litmus Test of time we have to pass for this approach to be valid. 'Talk to me in a year'. Sentiments like that. There's a lot of Projection evident. Perhaps some Folks can't imagine what could not work for them cannot work for anyone else. Ignorance is bliss, and I'm a happy Guy. I'm eager to learn what I don't know.

I read here of Relapses from the entire Bell Curve of Recovering Addicts. I'm very happy with my first 4 months of Recovery, and continue to work at it using methods that suit my Personality, and my 37 year Marriage.

A good Pal and Boss [and fellow Scotch Drinker] threw out his Cigarettes years ago on one of the early annual 'Smoke Out Days'. Just up and quit.

We're out there, as soberlicious and karate suggest.
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Old 05-11-2014, 08:24 PM
  # 50 (permalink)  
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For me it was a matter of just hitting bottom and asking my higher power to help me. You fine folks here at sr help remind me of this deadly disease and all the the terrible things that come with drinking. Whatever method or reasoning we use to stay sober that works is a good thing. One day at time folks, one day at a time.
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