A spot of gardening...

Old 08-23-2014, 11:15 PM
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A spot of gardening...

A spot of gardening never did anyone any harm, even if you don't have one yourself. It's always nice to appreciate either your own or others efforts in nurturing flowers, vegetables, plants, trees whatever to see them flourish and enjoy them in full bloom.Appreciating them at their best

In fact the Romans had an apt saying for it, 'vivare colare hortum est,' to live is to nurture a garden.

Which in recovery is how I view my spiritual, including my emotional life....

Of course all gardens attract unwanted items, weeds and pests providing something to pit ourselves against, be irritated by control and beat.

I find these things, unless I pay constant attention remaining ever vigilant, will without warning some times, like weeds appear in my spiritual life making, just as weeds do in a garden an attempt to cut me off from the sunlight, spoiling and interfering with both my serenity and efforts to make spiritual progress that I may flourish and blossom, just in being my true self.

Just as the God of my understanding meant me to be, like the flowers, vegetables etc., I previously referred to...

Which means in recovery my spiritual garden, i.e. me needs just as much attention and nurturing as any other garden, big or small otherwise those I risk an abundance of 'weeds and pests' that will, if I'm not careful, obstruct, strangle and eventually, left unchecked overrun it...cutting me off from that I need in my life to nurture it in recovery and sobriety to allow it to flourish and bloom. Allowing me to simply be myself, as sure as any of those flowers you see in your own or anyone else's garden, which is exactly the person I was always meant to be...even those who grow in the wild, and still, against all odds , reach for the sunlight ...
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