
Tramadol Addiction - Think I'm Addicted

Old 08-11-2014, 01:49 PM
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Tramadol Addiction - Think I'm Addicted

First off, I have been in mental health treatment for nearly 10 years and have tried nearly every antidepressant under the sun, however nothing has worked after fair trials of them. My Psychiatrist labeled me as treatment-resistant. Apparently, Tramadol, which has Opioid properties, also has SNRI antidepressant properties and my Psychiatrist decided to put me on it as a last resort medication to treat my severe depression. Unfortunately, I think I've developed an addiction to it. Even though I used to take it exactly as prescribed, I panic when I run out because I start going into massive withdrawals; not just Opioid withdrawals, but also SNRI antidepressant withdrawals. I am also getting cravings for Tramadol when my dose wears off and it's time for the next dose. Unfortunately, my doctor has left the practice to go to another city and I have to find a new doctor. The new doctor is less open to using Tramadol as an antidepressant and this has led me to panic about the withdrawals. I have gone off Tramadol in the past and dealt with hell on earth withdrawals and every time I relapse and start taking it again without my doctor's approval, then he would give in and let me keep taking it since no other medications would control my depression. It's a vicious cycle. I dread having to go back off the Tramadol and most recently I have been taking more than prescribed. I am pretty sure this is addiction and that I have a problem, but how do I get my depression under control without Tramadol when other meds don't help? This worries me, but I don't like being so dependent on a medication like Tramadol that has the ability to cause such horrific withdrawals if I miss doses of it. The fact that I get cravings and keep going back to it is a problem too. I get it legally through legitimate prescriptions from the same doctor. I do not doctor shop. But, the withdrawals scare me, not having a medication to control my depression scares me, and I need help getting through the withdrawals. One thing that has helped withdrawals in the past was Medical Marijuana, but I end up going back to the pills if I don't keep using the Medical Marijuana (permission to use by doctor). I really need advice. Maybe I'm better off just getting off the pills, but I don't want to rely on Marijuana all the time. My mind is just racing with all these worries. Any advice on going off Tramadol? It's about to become a Schedule 4 controlled substance. Should I use Marijuana to stop the withdrawal symptoms, then get off the Marijuana once withdrawal is over? Stay on Marijuana to help depression (doctor said I could, but he left town)? I am kinda lost on what to do. I am pretty sure I have an addiction problem. Opinions? Advice? Thank you so much.

Also, I'm scared of telling my doctor, for fear of having an addiction label on my medical record and not being able to get other controlled drugs that I do not abuse and take exactly as prescribed. I have some serious medical problems that require some heavy duty medications, but Tramadol is my problem med. If I tell my doctor about my problem, will that cause me to never be able to use controlled medications, even if I am taking them as prescribed?
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