
Roxy WD

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Old 10-17-2012, 07:04 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2012
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Exclamation Roxy WD

Hello all,

Swim started taking roxycodone 30mg about a year ago now. Swim is behind the 8ball due to the fact that there is a history of opiate addiction in swims family, father was an abusive alcoholic, the recreational use of weed and other drugs in the household while growing up. Always an athlete, fun loving, tough, no nonsense individual.

Swim started off swallowing the pills. A few months into it a friend introduced swim to snorting them, best for the short term, but ultimately a bad thing in the long run. Long story short, swim has a go big or go home attitude, with that swims usage drastically increased by the month. At its worst swim was able to do around 20 30mg roxycodone a day. Recently swim has even started to use Xanax at the same time. Swim always uses with a best friend (getting really bad) who sells them and a cousin (addict) and the cousins girl (addict). Very hard to disconnect from family.

Swims family finally had enough about a week ago, they said either get clean or leave. Swim almost left.

Once swim was confronted with the facts of how much swim was hurting swimself, swims family, swims girl (now ex), something clicked. Was swim really going to leave swims family due to drugs?

NO! Swim is currently on day 8 of being clean. Swim is still having a very tough time. Insomnia to the max, major digestive issues, restless legs, etc. Any advice? Swim used subs trying to stop a few times before, this time cold turkey.

To wrap this up, swim just wants everyone to realize how easily this happens. It starts recreationally, this was never my intention, but once you pass a certain point your body physically needs this substance. (Time to pay the piper). Save yourself the pain, money, lost relationships (family, friends, significant other, etc).

Any thoughts, advice, criticism, I'm open to it all.

Thanks. Swim
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Old 10-17-2012, 08:15 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: The Great White North Eh!
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I'm on day 4. I managed to sleep 2 hours last night. My monkey isn't roxy, but it is opiates. One thing I am holding on to is that this isn't "s.w.i.m.'s" problem, it is mine. "Someone who isn't me" isn't a junkie, I am. Saying it out loud reinforces things far better than thinking it to yourself.

You are going to be ok. This will pass. I feel a little hypocritical saying that because right now I've slept 2 hours in the past 4 days and am having trouble believing this myself. 8 days is a fantastic achievement that seems so far away for me at the moment but 8 will become 9, which will become 15, which becomes 30 and so forth.

Converse with people here, regularity. They are addicts as well and truly understand the process you are going through. Firends and family may love us and support us, but will never understand us like another addict will. People here will give real, honest advice, and will spot the bull-poo we tell ourselves and call us on it, (Icandothis12 I'm thanking you for this last one).

Walking, exercising, reading, music, meditation, video games, movies, and talking about this. These will help. Not a miracle cure I know, but they are options. Your body will go far further than you think it will, it's limits are not what your mind impose upon it, but are far, far greater. The psysical pain will go pass. You will feel at times like you are dying, and that you can't take anymore, but you can. Every RA here is proof of this.

I applaud your 8 days of success. Keep telling us about your struggles, the "Vets" will empathize and support you, and us further behind you will draw strength.
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Old 10-21-2012, 02:48 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 313
I hope you're at 11 days clean now NJswim. I am almost 5 months clean from a 10 year opiate habit and I can tell you without a doubt that you will look and feel better if you stay off the junk. The crap will keep talking to you though. More like whispering at this point in my recovery but the occasional voices are still there trying to remind me how great a few opies would be. Staying clean isn't easy all the time but the rewards of sobriety and just knowing how awesome it is not to be living under a narcotic rock gets me through the rough spots. It gets easier with time but....time takes time. Good luck in your efforts.
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