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I've GOT to quit smoking weed but my mind won't let me...


I've GOT to quit smoking weed but my mind won't let me...

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Old 11-17-2013, 02:24 PM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Also one other thing well I was a heavy smoker I couldn't be intimate but for some reason now more then ever in my life things are turning around in that department has anyone else had issue's while smoking weed with sexual intercourse
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Old 02-01-2017, 05:24 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Honestly, I only just registered to this site today as I've been seriously struggling with being sober. This is only the 4th day of not smoking and it already feels like an eternity. I've been an advocate "pot head" since I was 24, I'm 28 now turning 29 next month and now is the time to stop. I'm going back to school to major in what I love, gaming, and I will not allow something so petty as Marijuana hold me back from my dream of making video games. Unfortunately along with that positivity comes a lot of negativity, I'm sure almost everyone here has had a dramatic occurrence in their life which they used Marijuana to numb or better yet try to forget the past (which is my case). Just 4 days in I'm struggling with next to no appetite, 0 sleep, aggravation (not only towards myself, but family as well) and depression, sounds like a fun time right? I know I have the capability of quitting, and the support from my epic family is going to make this whole ordeal slightly more bearable, but can anyone give me some of their experiences on how they got their mind off of buying the next bag? Or simply the thought of "How am I going to get high today?" I already feel like venting and talking with like minded individuals is going to help massively, I look forward to reading your responses.

-Kudos, JP.
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Old 02-01-2017, 01:06 PM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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I smoked for 30 yers before I quit JP. My advice is to tough it out and hang in there...I felt much better my second week

The really big problem for me was staying clean cos much of my life was geared to smoking weed (and in my case drinking).

I had to make some pretty sweeping changes around what I did each day and who I did it with but it's been so so worth it.

A site like this can give you a lot of support,m and that really helps.

We actually have a sub forum now dedicated to weed addiction - come on down and read around - post if you like

Marijuana Addiction - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

you might find some of the posts at the top of the forum useful too

welcome to SR

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Old 02-21-2017, 02:07 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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I know this was posted ages ago but I just wanted to say a few words that may help.

That high anxiety feeling when you start to withdraw from quitting, just remember and keep saying to yourself that it won't last forever. Take each day as it comes and just try cope and understand your feelings that present day, don't worry or think about tomorrow, that's tomorrow's problems. And its ok to feel the way you are feeling, but be kind to yourself when your feeling low, be a friend to yourself like you would be to another person. I also found what helped me was to be like 'Yes Man' (watch the movie if you havent seen it) and just say yes to everything! You will more than likely not want to do anything but that one thing so you need to push yourself and just go out do everything and anything you are invited to. Make sure every afternoon you have something planned, always keep busy.

Worrying won't stop bad things from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good things.

Dont start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every morning we wake up is the first day of our life.

Stay strong!!!
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Old 02-21-2017, 02:32 AM
  # 25 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Rocktavius View Post
Let me preface this by saying, my mind is racing and thus I'm not sure how much sense this post will make.

I've been smoking weed daily for the better part of 13 years, having accomplished virtually everything I've set out to do up to this point. It's because of that fact that I couldn't possbily believe I was truly addicted, especially to pot. Pot's not addictive, right?


I work very hard and have been very fortunate in what I've accomplished professionally so far. I'm also the personality type that puts people at ease. People enjoy being around me and I have no problem carrying on conversations with anyone about anything. That said, I rarely go anywhere because after a long day of work, all I want to do is go home and get stoned. I cancel plans and dates because I'd rather not HAVE to be social, but instead be stoned at home by myself. I exclude myself from everything and then resent people for eventually not asking me to join them anymore.

And it's all because I can't think of anything else other than being home and smoking weed. It's what drives my day, sadly.

A long time ago I didn't see that as a problem, although as I hit my middle twenties, I dd sometimes wonder if I'd quit smoking weed before age 30 because I wasn't as social as I once was.

And so here I am, unable to be social at 31 because I only want to be at home and high. But it's worse when I don't have any...like right now.

Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of having panic attacks and terrible waves of stress when I don't have any to smoke. It rarely happens that I don't have any, but today is definitely one of those days, and I dont know what to do with myself. The best time to quit is right now, but I don't even know where to start.

I'm also tired of being alone and not allowing myself a social life. I haven't had any sort of meaningful relationship in years, all because it's just easier to be high.

I guess I post this here because I'm so worn down after 13 years of daily, non-stop smoking. I know it's just weed, and someone who has conqured a heroin or alcohol addiction might think I'm just weak. To which I say, you're damn right I am. That's why I'm here.

The thing is, it takes me a couple or three weeks to get used to not having any. During those "quit" weeks I'm very difficult to be around to most people. In general I'm an angry man anyway, so it's just amplified and it never ends well. I intentionally burn a bridge over something stupid, say something I shouldn't to my boss, completely disconnect from the outside world for a few days, and more. I really can't afford to compromise what I've worked so hard for.

I'm at a very low point emotionally and mentally, which honestly only makes me want to be higher and more often. So to be without right now almost makes life feel like it's just too stressful to deal with.

Am I alone when it comes to this sort of marijuana addiction? Can anyone relate to these feelings of utter despair and anxiety over something as simple as not having pot? What did you do? How did you deal with it? I want to quit but whenever I try to, I can think of NOTHING else. Even if I'm out of my apartment, I still am thinking to myself how horrible it will be when I get home and have nothing to smoke. This has to end.

What should I do???
Hello dearest Rocktavius.

So much love. ♥

Much of your story could have been written about me....me 20 years ago, that is. All except the part of having accomplished so many goals in your life. I never managed that.

But the rest....oh, how I hear you.

I went through this, I believed, like you do now, that it was 'jut weed', and that I was weak....but this simply isn't true. Not for either of us.

Many addiction counsellors now understand that this is a very powerful addiction, with withdrawal symptoms that are both physical and emotional.

When I finally quit, 20 years after I first tried, I knew that this was indeed a very serious thing. I was not at all well for a time, and I needed help to get through. I needed help to believe that if I kept going forward I would find the person I used to be, the happy child who had such a zest for life.

I found that girl again, and I could not be more grateful.

When I first came here to SR, I asked our fellow members: is it even possible to be happy without drugs and alcohol? Because I was drinking then too, and had been for a long time.

I did not believe or even imagine that a life without smoking grass was even a life at all. And what I found out after I had gone through the withdrawal, and begun to find myself, was that I had not been living at all. I had been in a desperate daily spiral...just pushing through the day (albeit sometimes quite brilliantly as you did) so that I could get home to my bong ~ my very best friend in the world.

I was stoned, and I was lost.
And I was miserable and I was desperate.
And I was so very afraid.

Marijuana addiction is as real and as powerful as any other addiction.
It's just easier for us to hide, but in the end, we can't hide from ourselves anymore.

You have friends here now who understand.
And we believe in you.
You CAN do this, and you can get to the other side, a place where joy and freedom lie.

Suze. ♥
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Old 02-21-2017, 02:35 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Thank you Luna for bumping this thread ~ I now realise that this was a long time ago.

But there are so many of us who have felt this pain, and wondered how to move forward.
Maybe someone else needs to hear this tonight.
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Old 04-17-2017, 05:50 PM
  # 27 (permalink)  
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Sorry to bump

[QUOTE=Rocktavius;2706617]Let me preface this by saying, my mind is racing and thus I'm not sure how much sense this post will make.

I've been smoking weed daily for the better part of 14 years also, trying my hardest to quite and it just seems like a futile attempt over and over again.
I was just nearly wondering if you did quit and or if you did if you had some useful tips for me..
Any tips would be greatly appreciated as I feel like I'm a prisoner of weed.
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Old 04-17-2017, 06:35 PM
  # 28 (permalink)  
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Hi and welcome humantripod

Here are some links I put together


as you can see we have a marijuana sub forum now - why not come and visit?

Marijuana Addiction - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Old 05-06-2017, 10:47 AM
  # 29 (permalink)  
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I stopped smoking it.

People around me always offering and neighbor almost every day.
Want to smoke ?

Before I quit for good I would always expect a good feeling from smoking then get anxious and paranoid then drink too much in an attempt to get rid of those feelings.

Then the next time someone offered I would think this time it is going to be different, it going to be like fun like it was years and years, ago music will sound cool and the world will look pretty so I would take a few puffs and get anxious and paranoid instead and then try and drink it away.

I must be smoking to much so next time he offered I am not going to screw this up just 3 puffs and this time it will be fun, music will sound cool and the world will look pretty but instead I got anxious and paranoid and drank all the beer trying to get rid of it.

I got an idea, let me have one of those buds, if I go home and smoke it where I feel safe this time it will be fun, music will sound cool and the world will look pretty but instead I got anxious and paranoid and went to the liquer store for alcohol to try and make it go away.

The next time I am around people smoking it and smell it the memories of when it was fun went with the smell so pass it over to me but this time I will just take one big puff and this time it will be fun, music will sound cool and the world will look pretty but instead I got anxious and paranoid and drank a whole lot to make it go away.

Smoking that stuff will never be fun like the summer after high school and several years after no matter what memories that smell conjurers up. Its my mind lying to me.

It took more then the three lessons listed above but I finally understood.

Does anyone relate to that, the effects expected from smoking are not the effects that happen ? Once I figured that part of it out I was good.
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