
muscle spasms/suboxone

Old 11-11-2008, 05:00 PM
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muscle spasms/suboxone

When I was taking my oxys I would get muscle spasms all over my body periodically each night, adn they increased in number when I took higher doses. I'm on suboxone now and have been for about a month. I'm noticing tonight, or rather I've known it but just really thought about it tonight, that I am still having twitches/spasms. It's like I'm hyperreflexive also--when I walk through my living room the cord is hanging down from the overhead fan, if it lightly bumps my head I have a bigger reaction to it than most peole (make sense?). I'm just wondering what is causing this. The only way I would think it's the subs causing it is because of the interaction with the opiate receptors in a way similar to what my oxys did--could my opiate receptors be overly sensitive and a little touchy? Any suggestions or thoughts greatly appreciate.
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Old 11-11-2008, 10:49 PM
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i know what you mean as far as having muscle night when im about to fall asleep i notice myself twitching and sometimes ill shake when i wake up...i dont have any idea why this would happen but it also happened when i was doing the opiates before i was on suboxone...i have no idea how to remedy that though...ill ask my doctor and let you know
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Old 11-12-2008, 12:15 AM
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in short, yes, bupe can cause many of the side effects that oxys can cause. that's cause they're both opioid drugs.

how much bupe are you on these days sunflower?

was it you who was on 24mg/day, i forget?

if so, let me tell you again: you should easily be able to get down to 8mg a day. and you'll feel better on that dosage, too.

if you do too much of the stuff, you'll get *a lot* of the same side-effects you get from oxys, you just won't get the high no matter what you do. iow, the more oxy-like side effects you have (bet you're constipated, too, aren't ya?) from the bupe, the more obvious it becomes that you're on too much.

if i'm NOT remembering that correctly, then i apologize, and i'm not sure what to say other than ... try lowering your dosage
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Old 11-12-2008, 11:47 AM
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thanks for your replies. Let me clarify something, though--this is not happening as I'm falling asleep--it is happening as I'm sitting watching T.V, etc. Occasionally it happens while sleeping, but that has been there my whole life and i think that is pretty common. My concern is that it is happening when I'm awake doing mundane things. It could be stress related--someone on another site said that since it mostly happens at night-maybe it's my body unwinding a little bit, but then again I do very little during the day. I go to my psych doc today so I'm going to ask him. Please keep letting me know your thoughts, though-- want to know if this is happening to others. THanks!
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Old 11-12-2008, 11:50 AM
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BV--I was hoping to get a response from you! I had originally been prescribed 24mg/day but never took that much except for teh first few days--actually it was on that dose that I relapsed (go figure I relapse on a high dose--think I was still searching for the high) I was taking 16mg/day after my relapse. Now I'm down to 12mg daily. I have absolutely NO desires, cravings, urges, etc to use drugs again. Actually I've physically felt bad for teh past few weeks, so opiates are the furthest from my head. I think I'll be fine at a lower dose as well--you said 8 mg....I'm going to try decreasing today--I see sub doc in an hour, so I'll see what he says. I took 6mg a little while ago and usually take the other 6mg at night, but it happens before I take the subs also. I know it doesn't matter when I take the subs because of the half-life. But thank you for saying that it is probably sub related as it happened when on opiates as well. Thank you!!
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Old 11-12-2008, 08:56 PM
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update on spasms

Went to sub doc today--going to decrease my subs to 10mg--I was taking 12mg. BV or anyone else, should I just drop to 8mg instead? Or spend a few days at 10mg and make sure I'm ok? I'm going to do 10mg unless I hear differently. My sub doc and I dind't really talk about anything about the dose, just to lower it and if I start to feel cravings to make sure I increase it. He said he thought the spasms were from the subs (since I had them with high doses of opiates as well). The thing is he was pretty concerned about it at first. Then I told him about having them in the past when I would take the pills. He said he didn't think it was bad enough to have to take me off subs. I said "I wouldn't allow you to take me off the subs--I can handle the spasms!" He kind of laughed and said they should improve when I lower the subs, so wish me luck!!
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