The Promises of Al-anon

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Old 09-07-2010, 03:19 PM
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The Promises of Al-anon

The Al-Anon Promises
- From Survival to Recovery (p269) -

If we willingly surrender ourselves to the spiritual discipline of the Twelve Steps, our lives will be transformed. We will become mature, responsible individuals with a great capacity for joy, fulfillment, and wonder.

Though we may never be perfect, continued spiritual progress will reveal to us our enormous potential. We will discover that we are both worthy of love and loving.

We will love others without losing ourselves, and will learn to accept love in return.

Our sight, once clouded and confused, will clear and we will be able to perceive reality and recognize truth.

Courage and fellowship will replace fear.

We will be able to risk failure to develop new, hidden talents.

Our lives, no matter how battered and degraded, will yield hope to share with others.

We will begin to feel and will come to know the vastness of our emotions, but we will not be slaves to them.

Our secrets will no longer bind us in shame.

As we gain the ability to forgive ourselves, our families, and the world, our choices will expand.

With dignity we will stand for ourselves, but not against our fellows.

Serenity and peace will have meaning for us as we allow our lives and the lives of those we love to flow day by day with God’s ease, balance, and grace.

No longer terrified, we will discover we are free to delight in life’s paradox, mystery, and awe.

We will laugh more.

Fear will be replaced by faith, and gratitude will come naturally as we realize that our Higher Power is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Can we really grow to such proportions? Only if we accept life as a continuing process of maturation and evolution toward wholeness.

Then we suddenly begin to notice these gifts appearing. We see them in those who walk beside us.

Sometimes slowly or haltingly, occasionally in great bursts of brilliance, those who work the Steps change and grow toward light, toward health, and toward their Higher Power. Watching others, we realize this is also possible for us.

Will we ever arrive? Feel joyful all the time? Have no cruelty, tragedy, or injustice to face? Probably not, but we will acquire growing acceptance of our human fallibility, as well as greater love and tolerance for each other.

Self-pity, resentment, martyrdom, rage, and depression will fade into memory.

Community rather than loneliness will define our lives. We will know that we belong, we are welcome, we have something to contribute—and that is enough.
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Old 09-08-2010, 03:42 PM
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Will we ever arrive? Feel joyful all the time? Have no cruelty, tragedy, or injustice to face? Probably not, but we will acquire growing acceptance of our human fallibility, as well as greater love and tolerance for each other.
Recovery didn't promise to make every day a perfect one, nor did it promise I wouldn't have problems to face in life.

But what recovery did promise, and time has proven it true, was that I would have tools to face my problems head on and handle whatever life hands me.

For years I would obsess over the smallest things. Today when I catch myself doing that, I stop in my tracks and say "If this is the biggest problems I will have to face today...Thank You God!."

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Old 09-08-2010, 06:44 PM
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Sometimes slowly or haltingly, occasionally in great bursts of brilliance, those who work the Steps change and grow toward light, toward health, and toward their Higher Power. Watching others, we realize this is also possible for us.
This was the promise I clung to. I needed to know that there was a better life for me if I did the work. I knew that I wanted what others in the rooms of Al Anon had, and I was willing to do what it took to get there - to be happy, healthy and whole again.

Thank you to all who went before me - those who showed me the way.
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