
Nicotine patch, weaning, and withdrawals

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Old 04-25-2020, 06:43 PM
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Smile Nicotine patch, weaning, and withdrawals

Hi Folks,

This is my first post on this site. Currently I have been on the nicotine patch for almost 8 weeks. I started at the mid-strength one (14 mg), and now am on the 7 mg. I have patches for another 1 or 2 and plan to stop on the 7th of May when they run out. I've also been progressively wearing them less hours by week, effectively gradually reducing my nicotine intake. Has anybody tried this? Also, has anyone worn the patch longer than 8 weeks. They say normal is 8-10 weeks, and now FDA says up to 12 weeks but it's probably safe for 6 months-a year. There's no added benefit according to studies past 6 months.

My question is, did people have less withdrawals than quitting cold turkey after weaning down in the way I am, or did it just make the process more effective by removing the habit and ritual first?

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Old 04-29-2020, 07:47 AM
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No response from anyone? :/
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Old 04-29-2020, 09:25 AM
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I guess no one has answers to your particularly phrased question(s.)

I quit after 25 years of smoking, so I don't have any experience with weaning off a patch. I did taper down for quite some time before just quitting completely.

I did the same with alcohol, anti-depressants, and benzos, so...there's my two cents! Well, I did a very short three day taper with alcohol.
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Old 04-29-2020, 01:14 PM
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Hi Funki. I used the patch and the gum for a few days when I first quit,ÂÂ but dropped the patch pretty quick due to muscle aches. Almost 10 months later and still chewing the gum. I started on 4 mg, but dropped to the 2 a few months ago.
I dont have much advice on the patch, but congratulations on the quitting smoking. It's not easy, but so worth it.
I have heard of people cutting the patch in half when weening down.
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Old 04-29-2020, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Libby06 View Post
Hi Funki. I used the patch and the gum for a few days when I first quit,ÂÂ but dropped the patch pretty quick due to muscle aches. Almost 10 months later and still chewing the gum. I started on 4 mg, but dropped to the 2 a few months ago.
I dont have much advice on the patch, but congratulations on the quitting smoking. It's not easy, but so worth it.
I have heard of people cutting the patch in half when weening down.

Thanks so much, and congrats yourself on being able to stop smoking. I tried the gum but it was a lot of work with not eating drinking before/after and it seemed kinda harsh on my mouth and stomach. Glad it's working for you.

What kinds of muscle aches did you get? I have some periodically but I can't tell if that is PAWS or not, lol.

Currently I'm wearing the patch 9-10 hours a day at the lowest strength (7mg), which is the equivalent to 2-3 cigarettes per day. My plan is to step down further to hours equivalents of 2 cigarettes then 1. The problem with the patch, unless one cuts it, is that to do this you are getting your nicotine in one short burst of hours not spread out.

With cutting in half I've heard this, but the manufacture and some medical sites say this can cause the nicotine to release too quickly and then run out later in the daily dose.
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Old 04-29-2020, 08:18 PM
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Thanks Funki. It was like a deep muscle pain wherever I put it. Mostly on my shoulder or upper arm. It was definitely from the patch. Thankfully I did not suffer from PAWS and have been sober for a little over 3. 5.yearsÂÂ from alcohol. The 4mg gum tore up my gums and stomach quite a bit and I have had better luck with the 2. I still have some patches leftover and have stuck one on here and there for a couple hours when I thought seriously about smoking. My husband still smokes and things have beenÂÂ stressful..It has protected my quit for sure. I'll do whatever to protect my quit. I dont want to do it again. The nicodemon hangs out a long time in the brain after dosing it for 30 years!
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Old 05-01-2020, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Libby06 View Post
Thanks Funki. It was like a deep muscle pain wherever I put it. Mostly on my shoulder or upper arm. It was definitely from the patch. Thankfully I did not suffer from PAWS and have been sober for a little over 3. 5.yearsÂÂ from alcohol. The 4mg gum tore up my gums and stomach quite a bit and I have had better luck with the 2. I still have some patches leftover and have stuck one on here and there for a couple hours when I thought seriously about smoking. My husband still smokes and things have beenÂÂ stressful..It has protected my quit for sure. I'll do whatever to protect my quit. I dont want to do it again. The nicodemon hangs out a long time in the brain after dosing it for 30 years!
I hear you. I think from what I've read definitely nicotine replacement is healthier than smoking, even longer term.
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Old 05-09-2023, 11:14 PM
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Got smoke/nicotine free on this forum several years ago using the combination of a disposable vape and a big box of gum.

It was rough for a few days, but afterwards I noticed that my mind had never been clearer.

The patches are something I haven't tried (yet)
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Old 05-18-2023, 03:28 PM
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The patch was very helpful for me. I did crave the patch a bit, but it helped me realize that I was craving nicotine, NOT cigarettes. That helped me quit for good. The patch is a good method!!
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Old 05-18-2023, 04:10 PM
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I got a rash from the patches, so not much use in terms of personal experience Funki.

I use either the gum or these pathetic little plastic sticks that do seem to help with the ritual of smoking. The hand to mouth stuff.

I haven't had a cigarette in 3 weeks and find that use of both seems to be taking a natural downturn. Meaning not using either so much. Find I use them more when under stress. I'm under stress at the moment.

Just realised this is a very old original post.

Hope Funki quit smoking.

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