
Question about my daughter

Old 02-11-2008, 06:21 PM
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Question about my daughter

Hi there.

I have a question to ask. My daughter quit smoking on Jan. 28th.
She smoked approx. 5 cigs a day for a few years. Some days maybe a
few more, some days maybe a couple less, but always smoked a few at least.

She is 15 years old, and although I caught her smoking several times,
and punished her for it, I of course was never able to make her stop.
I finally got tired of the lying, and the sneaking around, and I talked to her
counselor, and we decided, that the best way to help her stop, was to open the lines of communication, and help her quit. This was not easy. I began smoking when I was a young teen, (9 yrs old),, and when I was brought up and smoked, and got caught, my parents did alot of yelling, :chatter and ya know, the thought of even trying to help a young teen stop smoking just would never have happened, we were just plain told to STOP SMOKING,, end of discussion. Of course this never did work, I continued to smoke, no matter what they said.

So I really did want to try something new, especially understanding my addiction, I know that I could not have stooped drugs until I had enough, so why would this be different?

Thank God she had enough. But now,, she has this cough,, she coughs at night,, and on and off during the day. If she goes anywhere that there is smoke, then she really coughs, which I can understand. I assume this is her lungs healing, although she didn't smoke as much as many people do, she still smoked.. It's just so hard to listen to her cough all the time..

Can those of you that have quit smoking for a period of time please tell me how long this can take to go away, if indeed it is her lungs healing? I would really like to hear from someone who knows, or maybe lives with someone that has quit and has seen this..

Thanks so much for your time..

God Bless,
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Old 02-11-2008, 09:39 PM
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When I smoked, I had the cough, when I quit, it went away in probably just a couple of weeks. I pray her lungs heal up and she really quits for good. I probably started about age 14-15 or so, then quit a few times. Most recently, 2 years ago I remember the cough, cuz i had never been a smoker and been married, so I think I was trying to muffle my cough as to not wake him.

Blessings, Sheila

stay warm! brrrr it is -4 over here!
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Old 02-12-2008, 01:55 AM
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Thanks Sheila,,

Well, I do know that she honestly did quit this time. I guess I had left a bit out.
She has been attending church, and youth group. She has other interests,, she told me that she decided that she had enough of the smoking. One day she just decided she didn't want to smoke anymore, it wasn't because I didn't want her to stop. I don't want to make it sound at all like it was because of me,, because kids just aren't like that,, I think most if us know that. I just wanted to get across the point that I opened up the communication about it, and let her know that I would not punish her, I wanted her to stop, and that I would help. I would buy her gum, or suckers, or hard candy, or that type of thing. I wanted to talk about it. She would not be in trouble if she had a slip and talked to me about it. I wanted to talk about it. I know this may not be the way most parents handle it at this age, but I have tried everything else, and this was my last resort. But this happened, and time went on, and one day she came to me, and we talked and she told me she quit and her quit date. I have downloaded the quit meter on the computer for her. I think that was a big suprise for her.. She had to pay someone 5 dollars a pack, she told me tonight,, and when I read her the amount of time she saved in her LIFE,, then the $$ amount, and so on,, this all also seemed to really affect her I do believe she has quit. She had nothing to gain by telling me she quit otherwise. I didn't ask.. Not that I want her to smoke. I hope I have this point across, it's so hard to explain on the computer.. :ghug2

She has 13 days quit. So I think this is her lungs??

I am looking for support. I feel really guilty that my daughter smoked for so long.
Truly,,, I feel responsible. Down deep I feel like I should have known so much earlier, and have been able to stop her.. But I didn't. Now she is suffering. I hate it when my children suffer, as I am sure you can all understand. Kids don't always see the big picture. I know I didn't,, and I sure wish I had!!
I feel guilty with all the coughing. I hope you all understand?

Thanks so much for the prayers...
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Old 02-12-2008, 08:21 AM
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NO guilt ((((Angelgirl)))),
It's not your fault any more than your addiction is your parents fault.
Our kids, the big bad little people that they are...will do it if they want to.

About the cough...I've recently quit and didn't get the cough but I know a LOT of others who did. My BF, who only smoked occassionally experience a long lingering cough that he attributed to stopping smoking.
So...I guess while frustrating, its a GOOD thing...somethings happening in there to get back on track.
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Old 02-12-2008, 12:05 PM
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Thanks ((Cece))..

I needed to hear that today I pray it gets better soon.. I pray your BF's does too.

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Old 02-13-2008, 03:04 AM
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It could be from her lungs healing.
Or, since this is the flu season, she actually *could* be sick!

We sometimes forget that and look for the zebra when the horse is right in front of our eyes! Is she experiencing any other symptoms? If so, get her to a doctor for a check up. And be sure she's drinking PLENTY of water, whatever the reason. She's gonna need it to break up that phlem.

Best of luck to her.

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Old 02-14-2008, 02:41 AM
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Thanks Teach,,,

She doesn't seem to be sick at all. No fever, and it seems to be a dry cough, no phlem.
I understand that it's flu season, and there is a horrible flu in this area, one that was not covered with the shot. But that is def. not what she has, at least not now. I really think it's from the smoking. Ya know, I asked her today how it was at school, and she said the same, but it seems to me that she hasn't been coughing so much tonight.?.. I pray it just continues.

Thanks so much..
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Old 02-14-2008, 09:35 AM
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If the cough continues, you may want to try a cool mist humidifier. My kids used to have a cronic dry winter cough due to the dry forced air heat in our home.
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Old 02-14-2008, 03:19 PM
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Thanks Cece,,

I just got the cool mist humidifier a couple days ago I ordered .. I had a warm one,
and it broke, which was quite a story,, the handle broke off, after I filled the tank, which I was carrying it, and it was FULL of water!! The tank fell from my hands and hit the kitchen floor, and FLOODED the floor.. :rof Yep, I can laugh about it now,, but I surly wasn't laughing that day.. lol..

So I was hoping having this would help..

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