
1 year no alcohol, but now addicted to Nicorette

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Old 02-27-2020, 07:24 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by sortofhomecomin View Post
I believe Derringer is correct, one addiction at a time. I relapsed on the drink but am on nicotine lozenges since 2011! I truly don't beat myself up over the latter but must say the intake increases when drinking. I suggest cutting back and/or replacing with mints, tic tacs or dried fruit.
thanks. Yes I am doing so with Fishermans Friends which are strong, so give me a taste hit!
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Old 02-27-2020, 07:25 AM
  # 22 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Surrendered19 View Post
My advice is to stay on the gum if it helps your mood and mindset. Anything and everything to stay off booze. Congrats on one year. That is amazing!!! When I quit the filthy cigs, I knew nicorette would have made it easier, but like you, I am an addict in all things, so I just bareknuckled my way through it. Good luck AI5
thank you!
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Old 02-27-2020, 07:26 AM
  # 23 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Sober45 View Post
I feel you. I quit smoking almost 2 years ago but am still on the Nic Spray. That said, I can breath now so I'm in a much better place. I'm grateful for it because my lungs were so bad after 30 years of smoking. I haven't had a chest infection since the day I quit.

This is day 55 off the booze. Once I conquer that It'll be time to taper off the nicorette. Really interested to see what responses you get on this because I'm a slave to it right now!

You mentioned 1 year sober like it's no big deal....It's a HUGE deal.
1 year next week Thanks for your reply
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Old 02-27-2020, 07:26 AM
  # 24 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by MantaLady View Post
I managed to quit for 6 months about 15 years ago but like you I was using the nasal spray like it was going out of fashion, I started smoking again anyhow so that’s that!

I would say put sobriety first, for me I tried to do both (quit smokes and alcohol) and constantly relapsed on alcohol. Try reading Gillian Riley’s Stop Smoking book, it’s a different methodology to most and aligns more with what we learn when getting sober so might help? x
thanks for the reply and advice
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Old 02-27-2020, 08:01 AM
  # 25 (permalink)  
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Congratulations on your (almost) 1 year sober!!
Not sure why alcoholics always dismiss the nicotine addiction in whatever form. I fully get your frustration.
I quit smoking many times since I started (age 14 until my last quit 6 months ago, now aged 47). The first 2 or 3 times I could do it cold Turkey. Every time I have lasted a long time clean & every time I have picked up again while drunk. Also, every time it has been more difficult. I could quit with patches once. Then I could do it with gum and lozenges. Those got me totally hooked, like you.

They completed the destruction of my teeth too. When I picked up the cigarette again I was still with Nicorette. I started using both!!! I would smoke and use Lozenges for long periods without nicotine (e.g. flights).

I could not stop smoking at all for the past 2 years. And I truly hated smoking. The idea of 'no drinking forever' was horrible (still difficult to accept for me). The idea of no smoking for ever was a total dream. I was just unable not to smoke NOW. I used Champix this time and it has worked.

Since I am not drinking I hope I will never ever be tempted by the idea of picking up a cigarette and becoming addicted to nicotine again. It is very expensive. Smoking is way worse than gum but it is still really bad for your jaw and teeth and for your own sense of freedom from addiction.

My advice: do not give up. Do not just accept that this is better than drinking or whatever. You want to quit. Try something different. go to your doctor or a smoking cessation service near you, whatever you have not tried before.

Good luck
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Old 02-27-2020, 09:02 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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If you're dead set on getting off of the gum you may want to speak to your doctor about trying Chantix. It basically blocks the nicotine receptors from giving you pleasure. That's what I used to quit a 15 year smoking habit. It's not for everyone but may be worth looking into. The good news is you can keep using it while starting the medicine. This is not medical advice though and the decision is completely up to you.
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