
Day 27

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Old 11-21-2015, 02:12 PM
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Day 27

For the most part I'm doing good. I get some bad cravings at time. I get irritable and agitated like I've never felt before mostly when someone invites me out for wine, or when I avoid wine. There are days when I'm mostly calm and then days I'm extremely agitated. Its very hard not to crave when I'm feeling this way. i notice that I get really cranky when people put pictures of themselves drunk and pictures of wine on Facebook. I'm angry that other people are drinking and I'm not. I feel like I'm boring and old and I'm missing out on all the fun. I think this will get better with time?
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Old 11-21-2015, 02:16 PM
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Congratulations on Day 27.

Yes, I think it will get better in time, but I also think you might have to make some changes too. If you feel you're boring and missing out on the fun, what can you do to change that? Can you find activities that you enjoy and things to do that don't revolve around alcohol.
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Old 11-21-2015, 02:19 PM
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Well, I started painting. I'm not good but I liked it. I'm also a singer so I've been doing karaoke. Karaoke is at a bar but I'm hanging out by myself without the drinking crowd. I don't feel triggered strangely. I think it helps that no one drinks wine at this particular place. So I've been singing and want to continue that.
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Old 11-21-2015, 02:22 PM
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You're not shackled to not drinking, you're free from drinking
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I think you need to find a way to let go of that anger of everyone else drinking and you're not. That's a dangerous place to be for your sobriety. Do you really want to be drinking again? Was that such a good spot to be? And you're not boring by not drinking. Would drinking really make your life better? If you're like me, drinking would not make my life better, more fun, and I'd be more boring.

27 days is fantastic, keep it going!
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Old 11-21-2015, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by jd1639 View Post
Do you really want to be drinking again?
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Old 11-21-2015, 02:28 PM
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I need to change my outlook. I know this. My attitude is messed up. I just don't know how to change this.
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Old 11-21-2015, 02:32 PM
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You're not shackled to not drinking, you're free from drinking
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It comes with acceptance that drinking will not make your life better, you wont be less boring, and you'll have more fun. You're fine just the way your sober self is.
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Old 11-21-2015, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by secretchord View Post
For the most part I'm doing good. I get some bad cravings at time. I get irritable and agitated like I've never felt before mostly when someone invites me out for wine, or when I avoid wine. There are days when I'm mostly calm and then days I'm extremely agitated. Its very hard not to crave when I'm feeling this way. i notice that I get really cranky when people put pictures of themselves drunk and pictures of wine on Facebook. I'm angry that other people are drinking and I'm not. I feel like I'm boring and old and I'm missing out on all the fun. I think this will get better with time?
Hey SC
Again, I think you are really trying to understand yourself. That is great so early on. You are being honest and what you are feeling is normal. Many people when they get sober are simply so excited to actually not be dying that they are elated by what really is simply normal. "Wow, I'm not puking my guts out" isn't life great!

My guess is you are a high bottom alcoholic.....your life hadn't completely fallen apart YET. So you're not experiencing the pink cloud effect. That's actually not a bad thing. You're just facing resentments and anger earlier on, rather than 90 days down the road. What you do with this anger and how you handle this new way of 'being' is what counts. Alcohol is a beverage. It's not a personality, it's not a friend, it's not a hobby. It just lowers you inhibitions and allows you to relax (or if you're me, become a sociopath). I think the trick for me is getting to know the real me and accepting completely exactly who that person it. Then I can start to enjoy life without booze. I can do anything sober that I did drunk (just probably wouldn't.....hmmmmm). But I can't do anything drunk that I can do sober (as much as I tried).
You are doing great. Be proud,
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Old 11-21-2015, 03:38 PM
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Lol @ sociopath. You are correct I'm a high bottom. Never really had consequences resulting from my drinking. I think that makes it more difficult. But I can see the progression and what would happen if I continued. The real me, eh? That's going to be tough. I hate that I am shy. I don't like that I have a very thin filter and offend people easily without even trying. I am extremely insecure about myself. I always have been. I feel like people don't like me and that they pretend to or just tolerate me. My self esteem is tragic. I know this. But I don't know how to love myself. I don't know how to like being me.
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Old 11-21-2015, 03:49 PM
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Well, if you are at all like me, you won't learn to like yourself at the bottom of a wine bottle
You just drown your dislike for awhile.

The "liking" part takes time, work, and honest introspection.
It's actually (eventually) interesting to meet yourself, funny enough

Great job on nearly a full month now!
Give it time and put in the effort, and you will reap great rewards
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