
Serious issues after a serious surgery

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Old 01-22-2015, 12:17 AM
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Serious issues after a serious surgery

I was clean for close to three years when I had my son via c section this past fall. Being back in medicine was hard but I got through. I knew three weeks and months after my major hip surgery would be much worse. I'm barely a month post op. The original anesthesiologist who did my surgery wanted me to be off all medicines after 2 months post op. After this first month I realized how stupidly optimistic that was. It's so hard because I'm genuinely in so much pain. But it's like once I get the meds I can't stop taking them. I need immediate gratification and don't think about how screwed future me is going to be. Anyways I made an appointment with my old pain mgmt doctor and I'm really scared he's not going to me because I'm out if everything. I'm thinking about asking him if we can do prescriptions two weeks at a time. I'm just so scared he's going to kick me out and refuse to help.

I'm honestly debating whether to bring the scripts from after my surgery or leave then since he didn't supply them.

Help. And words of encouragement please. I want to get through thIs healing process and get off opiates so i can be a good mom to my son. I need help to not Over take my meds that is if my pain management doctor even agreest to help what should I do if he doesn't? I had massive hip surgery a month ago and having nothing is the worst hell
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Old 01-22-2015, 01:28 AM
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Welcome BellaxHoney -

I think you need to share everything with the pain doctor that knows how to work with addicts - someone you can trust to take care of you. This is not a time to go it alone.

Unlikely he will kick you out to fend for yourself if you're honest and upfront with him.

You could even print out your post above and bring it with you to the dr as it expresses your both your desire to get off opiates quite clearly, and your fears.

You can get through this.
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Old 01-22-2015, 05:01 AM
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Welcome to the Forum BellaxHoney!!
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Old 01-22-2015, 12:08 PM
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Well I was honest with him. He changed my script so I will be getting a lot less but that's okAy. Only problem is the pharmacy won't fill it because it's a week earlier I called to get a prior authorization but I've not heard back yet. Hopefully I will soon. Though if he makes me wait the full week, Idk what I'll do. I can't handle this severe of pain for this long. I know I've only got myself to blame. I've enlisted family to hold on to my meds and dole them out for me. Which is pathetic but sadly necessary. I haven't used drugs without a script in over a year so I couldn't buy some even if I wanted to, is what I keep telling myself
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Old 01-22-2015, 12:16 PM
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Do your best
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Nice to meet you BellaxHoney youl find so much support here and a lot that youl relate to
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Old 01-22-2015, 12:21 PM
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My father has severe pain issues and was hooked on pills for many many years. Today he is on methadone for his pain, he will never come off it but it doesn't get him high like the pills did and makes his pain and life manageable. I don't know your situation so I don't know if methadone could be an option for you?
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