
Day 2,

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Old 04-19-2013, 01:25 PM
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Day 2,

Well, it's day too. I'm really wanting a drink, but I refuse to go out and get one. I'm feeling depressed which is what gets me drinking. I start thinking of all the mistakes I've made in my life and I get really down on myself. I know we all make them, but the ones I've made seem like they all turned me into a 30 year old loser. Which is what really gets me sad and wanting to drink. I see a shrink and I'm on meds but I have days when I'm just ober depressed. I don't want to have to start over. I want to keep going. I feel so alone in this world. I hate feeling alone.
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Old 04-19-2013, 01:56 PM
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Hey there Top,

It seems quite usual to feel pretty low to begin with. That was my experience as well. It's rough - we have all the strain of giving up our beloved alcohol and we're feeling at our lowest point at the same time. It would be great if the benefits of sobriety kicked in quickly but for many of us they didn't or don't.

I don't mean to add to your low feeling there - just to reassure you that it's common but it doesn't last (the low feeling seems to last different amounts of time for different people - for me it was about 2 months). I found keeping a diary really useful and I included rating my mood from zero to ten. I could then see as my mood lifted.

Hang in there - it will get better and then you won't have to go through this again.

God bless +
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Old 04-19-2013, 02:04 PM
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It does get better Topherrm. You are very, very early in recovery -even though sometimes the first few days feel like months.

Have you considered local support groups at all? It might help to get out and talk with others about your recovery and alcohol issues. I don't belong to AA but I've been to meetings and they are generally a very welcoming place that you can feel a sense of belonging, and it would at least get you out of the house and talking. Sitting around by yourself breeds lots of anxiety if you aren't careful.
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Old 04-19-2013, 02:22 PM
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Congratulations on day 2 Topherrm

I think everyone feels depressed in early recovery. It's important to remember that.
It's almost like we've been through a war. Give yourself time to recuperate and heal

Genrally, tho, I found the best way to deal with regrets was to do my best not to make those mistakes again, and to commit to doing good things with my life and talents from here on in.

You're heading in the right direction by not drinking.
Keep going - stick to it

Things will get better

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Old 04-19-2013, 02:29 PM
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Keep up the good work. Your not alone
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Old 04-19-2013, 02:38 PM
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Topherm Well done on day 2. Stay strong and take care.
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Old 04-19-2013, 03:29 PM
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Day two can be rough, but tomorrow will be better. Maybe go to the library for some books, or watch some Netflix. Either of those are great for lying on the couch under a comfy blanket, maybe with a bowl of popcorn and some ice water, just get lost in a good story.

I am on day five. Day three was a lot better than day two. Today was better than either of those. Have faith, fellow traveler. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Now I think I am going to the library, check out some books. Then come home, maybe sit on the couch .. under a comfy blanket .. maybe even cook up some popcorn
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Old 04-19-2013, 09:57 PM
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Thanks guys that really helped. I did end up watching copious amounts of Star Trek the Next Generation. Totally helped me get through the day. Gotta love Hulu and Netflix. I also played hours and hours of games in my iPhone and did some laundry. I didn't leave my yard and I didn't even tempt myself. I stayed put and didn't give in. I am feeling a little better now that its time for bed. Tomorrow I work, which can be my down fall. I'll just have to keep driving past the bar I would stop at. No more. No sir. No more getting beer to go and hiding in my room getting drunk before bed. And tonight I'm off to bed sober and actually tired from my day, not the drink.
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Old 04-19-2013, 10:06 PM
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nice job on 2 days! I have been taking anti depressants for a while and didn't really work. I starting day 11 now and feel much better. Really starting to see the meds working since the alcohol isn't canceling them out anymore. Keep it up it will get better.
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Old 04-19-2013, 10:54 PM
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Congrats on day 11. Here's something to make u smile for a quick minute.

13 Simple Steps To Get You Through A Rough Day - StumbleUpon

Keep coming back here.!!
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Old 04-20-2013, 12:25 AM
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Can you listen to your iPhone in the car Top? If so, you could download some talks from XA speakers: XA-Speakers - The lights are on! That really helped me to avoid my usual habit of stopping on the way home to pick up beer.

Well done on another day sober.
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Old 04-20-2013, 07:41 AM
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I can plug my iPhone into my car. I'm going to listen. Thanks!
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