
Today is good!

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Old 08-14-2010, 07:47 AM
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Today is good!

I love hangover free Saturdays!!!!! yay!!!! I made this decision last Friday to stop drinking. I relapsed one night. Having more days without drinking and allot less hangoveres feels so great. I want zero hangovers of course. But I have stop and celebrate today! Hangover free Saturday! woot! woot!
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Old 08-14-2010, 08:15 AM
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FindingDawn, it is a good feeling to be hangover free huh?

The easy part is putting the drink down, but now the goal is to keep it down, one day at a time.

Happy for you,

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Old 08-14-2010, 09:41 AM
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Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed! A sober weekend is a peaceful, happy weekend for me, no depression, no self-abuse.
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Old 08-14-2010, 12:03 PM
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Thank you both...I know I am very new to this, and have allot of temptation ahead. But for this day, I give thanks. Sober, happy and hangover free..
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Old 08-14-2010, 12:25 PM
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Yay to hangover free! I too love not having a hangover. You want to know something funny, though? I drank so hard for so many years that I didn't even realize I felt so bad until I actually quit drinking.
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Old 08-14-2010, 02:43 PM
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Great to hear FD
Hope you're enjoying your day!

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Old 08-15-2010, 12:41 PM
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Thank you still sober on Sunday and enjoying the day!
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:01 PM
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Good stuff!! Yayyy
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Old 08-15-2010, 01:07 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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It's great to see an optomistic message right now. That's one of the things I loved most during my dry periods. Waking up on a Saturday or Sunday morning, feeling fresh and well rested. Nothing but the full day ahead to do anything I please. Thanks for your post. It was a nice little ray of sunshine for me right now.
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