
Well AKA Luckyv2 AKA Chance AKA Vic Repeat Offender

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Old 03-08-2010, 11:46 AM
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Post Well AKA Luckyv2 AKA Chance AKA Vic Repeat Offender

This is my story in a short. Most or some still know me here. I posted basically to let everyone to NEVER GIVE UP OR GIVE IN!

About Me

Chance AKA Vic
Well Maybe I should start by giving this site a piece of me personally.

My name is Vic and I am a alcoholics of sorts. I am also what is classified as a “Repent Offender”. I have many things that I struggle with in life, many physical, mental, and spiritual issues. I lost many of those things because of my choices in life.

I’ve been married and divorced three times In my life. The first two marriages didn’t even last a year. The third and bless her heart, stayed with me for 15 years. They say that there is the one in your life especially designed for you, and I always thought and still am sure that Shelley was mine. But because of my Alcoholism and the choices that I’ve made I lost her back in 2001.

That year I was busted for possession of a controlled substance (meth) and armed robbery. I do want you to know right now that I really even don’t remember this even up to today. No excuse. I was than in jail back at this time I was making around 120,000 plus a year. We were financially set if I didn’t use. During most of our time I was sober, because she said to me one day, “Vic, you can smoke your pot but I don’t want you to drink, you turn into someone that I don’t want.” I kept that promise, and I never did any meth either. Well

Somewhere in July 2000 I started using meth. First hiding it from her than like I am getting her to use with me. I ended up getting busted on the July 0f 2001. I did a plea bargin with the courts and got 3 years of ISP (Intensified Supervised Probation, court cost fees, and a fine. I had one assurance during my probation where I relapsed. I got a sanction on that but I still had to start my sobriety over.

I finished with my out-patient treatment, and continued down to nothing but staying sober. I went to all the meetings I could attend, had bowling parties for our group, went on picknicks just everything you would enjoy doing and I was very happy. I remember when I first got in the program after the wife kicked me out of the house I lived in a two bedroom trailer, trashed, had running water but no gas or electric. So I carried water in, I bought a rec-center pass so I could shower daily, that was like $40.00 for a 3 month pass back than. I did whatever I had to do and I was VERY Happy.

Than my health turned on me and I couldn’t work anymore. I’ve tried and tried to get work but the way it is now, I would have to have a in-home job to make a living which I am trying to do.

woops got side tracked Tongue

Anyways I was sober for 25 months 15 days and so many hours when I relapsed BTW this was the first placed I posted about it) and that wasn’t until my Sister Marie who died got taken to Lincoln to the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital I started to drink a little, and that took me right into Meth. I tried it in Lincoln and didn’t get high, I talked with my close mouth friend and he said it was my choice to start my day over or not. I didn’t but in November or December after I moved back from Lincoln, (oh yeah I moved there to be closer to her but my breathing couldn’t take the humbity) and I went down and got me a bottle of Canadian Springs and a 6 pack of bud bottles. I was smoking pot too also I had to give up my sites cause of this. I once had 6 sites that were doing very well!

So I didn’t start using the meth until March or April of this year, but that wasn’t my intentions, I went down to buy a 6 pack of beer to call my nerves. Next thing I know is I am shooting up dope after being off of it for long time. I was on it and I wanted to die, homicide, suicide it didn’t matter. I just wanted someone to push me off of the fence I was on and I didn’t care which side I feel on.

I started running away from me. I was in a place that wasn’t good for me to be in. I did a lot of wrong things during this period in which I still could get into a lot of trouble about. But I am not running. I am here. You are here. Now I think this is what you have been wanting from me my friend and I hope that this explains a lot.

I don’t want any sympathy. If you look that up in the dictionary it is in between **** and Sisyphus J/K maybe though. So

I asked my case worker and she gave me a couple of website names that she knows is legit and I could get paid for like typing or something for them so I am going to go check that out as well. I just want to be self-supporting the rest of my life, It is my turn to quit taking and start giving.

Thanks for allowing me to share.

With Love and Respect



Oh yeah I forgot it was 6 months ago at 8:pm since I have had any sort of sauce
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Old 03-08-2010, 11:51 AM
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I am ALWAYS so happy to see your face here on our boards.

Congratulations on your 6 months, and please know that you are always in my prayers!
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Old 03-08-2010, 12:31 PM
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Not all better, getting better
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Good to hear from you Vic!! Keep in touch.
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Old 03-08-2010, 12:51 PM
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Forward we go...side by side-Rest In Peace
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Congratulations on your 6 months....
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Old 03-08-2010, 02:00 PM
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6 months is great Vic . Thanks for sharing.
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Old 03-08-2010, 02:52 PM
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everything is already ok
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Onya ((((Vic)))))
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:05 PM
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(((Vic))) - Soooooo good to see you, and many, many congratulations on your 6 months!!

Hugs and prayers!

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Old 03-08-2010, 03:57 PM
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Thank you for sharing your story Vic. And congrats on your 6 months.
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:53 PM
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Thank you for sharing, Vic! It's nice to meet you.

Congratulations on 6 months!
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Old 03-08-2010, 07:11 PM
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Thumbs up

That's a tough hard life you got there Vic, and you're a good man to be changing it one day at a time. Your message is a great revelation of how things can always get worse if we don't keep clean and sober. Could happen to any of us when we just go back out for what ever reason. We think it won't of course, but it happens to so many who go back, and they don't even get their story out.

Your straight up honesty and gratitude speak volumes. You're a great inspiration and an example that recovery works for those who work it!!

:day ((((VIC))))

thanks for a great share
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Old 03-09-2010, 12:12 AM
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Congratulations on 6 months Vic
Everyday is a brand new slate which we paint on!
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Old 03-09-2010, 11:02 AM
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Thanks for your replies! I hope you all the best of luck in all of your journeys!
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