
Very Tired?

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Old 03-07-2010, 08:54 AM
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Very Tired?

Hi people,
I'm on my 18th day of being sober, feeling good, apart from the fact that I'm very tired ( sleepy ). Not the " I'm depressed, I'm going to bed ", type of tired, more the " I feel like I really need some sleep ", type of tired. Anyone else get this?
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:10 AM
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Walken, I had some of that, and I got more energy as time went on. I figured the winter was not helping, and I was not doing a lot of physical activity (I know myself to be lazy about that...working out has not been one of my personal vanity things).

If it is bugging you and you can manage it, you should see what a doctor thinks. And if you think you can do more exercise, give that a try and see what it is like. And just in case: don't let the lethargy feeling discourage you about your progress in sobriety. In other words, don't let yourself think "this is the thanks I get for doing the right thing" if that is how your mind would work. On a related topic, I experienced a return to insomnia and I felt a little upset about it, but I had it in me to see it as a better thing than the alcohol, and I am still off it (into my early 100s now in terms of days). Keep going, I hope it continues to get better for you.
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:12 AM
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I went through that as well. What helped for me was to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day. I also watched the various foods I ate in the evening, and made sure that I did not consume any caffeine after lunch.

Have you been to your doctor? It may be a good idea to see him or her to make sure everything is okay.
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:33 AM
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Yeah i had that a lot, i found that i could actually sleep whenever i wanted when i got sober, iwas very lucky that i didn't work for the first 6 months and could have as many afternoon naps as i wanted...quite a standing joke at AA actually as i would turn my mobile off when having a snooze, he must be having another kip:-)

What a total gift it is to be able to sleep like that after all those times on the sofa recovering from the night before unable to sleep with anxiety and feeling so very back at work now but there is still the weekend;-)
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:52 AM
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I've suffered from insomnia almost all my life, i can very rarely if ever fall asleep during the day even if i'm up all night....i just established a *normal* sleep at night of about 6-7 hours...I do not do any caffeine after noontime.

if your body is telling you something, listen to it, grab that quick snooze....but you might want to get a check up and some blood work to see if you may have anemia or if something is out of sync. too. and check your diet, vitamins, etc.

I just now feel strong enough(it will be 3 weeks quit tomorrow) and have started back to weights and next is cardio....but physically I am much more active and doing things than previously...just keeping busy and rediscovering/enjoying some hobbies I haven't done in years.
hope all goes well for you!
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:04 AM
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Thanks People, for all the replys.
It's nice to know it seems to be a fairly common thing. I may start a fitness routine tomorrow, swimming, light weights etc, and see if that helps.
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Old 03-07-2010, 01:33 PM
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Hey Walken,
Just wanted you to kow that I am having the same problem as you. I feel extremely tired after finishing my minimal work requirements each day. I seem to have more mental energy than physical. I found it helped me to keep a tight bedtime schedule, watch my coffee intake, and in the evenings I walk around the neighborhood. I find this kind of wears me on out and by 10 pm I am ripe for bed. I dont sleep very deeply but I just ignore it and hope it improves. If my experience has shown my anything over the last month then I m sure it will... slowly but surely as long as I do something myself to help it along...take care...good luck
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Old 03-07-2010, 05:41 PM
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I've always been a poor sleeper and am surprised to find I have a harder time than usual falling asleep even though I'm exhausted. I suppose it's because I'm not anesthetized! Day 8 and counting on it improving.
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:39 PM
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I'd say your body is telling you to take it easy....get a few extra zzzz's, if you can.
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Old 03-07-2010, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by cjsg View Post
Hey Walken,
Just wanted you to kow that I am having the same problem as you. I feel extremely tired after finishing my minimal work requirements each day.
How about when you do nothing!

I can relate and in early recovery it just takes time although I suffer from not being able to sleep. I take my meds also. so just hang in there in time it will be different
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