
TOPIC: It Hits Home The Hardest

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Old 02-14-2010, 01:27 PM
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Question TOPIC: It Hits Home The Hardest

Hi Im Sharon and Im an alcoholic.

By the grace of my HP and people
like you here in SR I havent found
it necessary to pick up a drink of
"POISON" since 8-11-90.

For that and you I am truely grateful.

Whether it be drugs or alcohol either
one hits those at home the hardest.
Meaning the affects it has on loved

Mothers, Fathers, children, siblings,
aunts, uncles and so on.

If one in the family is sick say with
a cold, more than likely the entire
family will be affected.

If one in the family has a drinking
or drug problem then it too will
affect the entire family.

I should know because i was born
into a family where one parent
was sick. That parent mixed alcohol
and prescription meds together
which was a deadly cocktail of
explosive behavior.

I out of 4 kids caught the verbal
and physical abuse at the hands
of this monster.

During my 51 yrs, I went thru many
changes due to the affects of
that illness. And the biggest change
was entering rehab 19 yrs ago via
family intervention. Because of
that I am extremely grateful.

Over the yrs I have distance myself
from the infected family members
as Ive felt my own recovery was
more important to me.

I am however sadden at affects
of that parents illness it has had
on my other siblings over those yrs.

These siblings have families and
because of their own denial of
behavior, drinking and such, I have
heard of its impact on their kids.

I am an adult child of and alcoholic
and so will it be of the kids of my
own siblings one day.

Does the affects of drugs or alcohol
run thru ur own emmediate family
like it has for me?
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