
Hardest day so far!

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Old 02-07-2010, 09:09 AM
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Hardest day so far!

Today has been the hardest,
Nearly 2 weeks sober.. this day i could have cracked hangin in barely, knowin
its only a twelve hour day..To get through, jus feel wound up like a spring
nerve ends seriously jangling.. not feelin fully fit. freezin outside.. my past
way of dealing with these feelings would be straight to the shop pick up a
bottle of wine an a few beers... Get home turn up the heating, draw the
curtains..even though still daylight,keep the nosey neighbours out.. put on
the sports channel and drink away into obliv!!,, Seriously tryin to Avoid this
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Old 02-07-2010, 09:26 AM
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This's normal. I would say do something - anything else to get through this, and tomorrow, I promise, you'll be soooooo glad you did.

I'm early in - only on day 43, but when I was only a couple of weeks in, all the old triggers taunted me too. And it was a bit of white knuckling that was necessary to just NOT pick up that first drink.

Think the drink all the way through...not just the immediate "relief" it may give, but how you'll feel after the 10th, 15th, and tomorrow morning, physically and mentally. In your mind, don't stop at the first sip - think it all the way through.

Also - write down the reasons why you decided to stop. Read them and re-read them. Look up old posts here where you had determination to stop and stay stopped. Realize that none of those reasons have gone away. All the bad stuff is all still there waiting for you.

Stay on the sober side of the street. I promise you that it gets better, and easier. Don't make yourself start the whole thing over!!!


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Old 02-07-2010, 09:28 AM
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What other things do you enjoy doing? Is there something you used to do that you stopped doing because you were drinking? Or is there something you have always wanted to do but could not because of the drink? Something like rock climbing, or sailing, or joining a football league?

Pick one of these things, and research where in your area these things are available. It will get you to focus on something else, and before you know it your evening will be done and you will be off to bed. And you may have found a new hobby as well!

One of the best pieces of advice I have picked up from others on this site is "All you have to do is avoid the first drink!" Stay strong, you can do it!
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Old 02-07-2010, 12:20 PM
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Don't resist, allow
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Hi Dasha,

At times like this AA meetings can be a tremendous help - the warmth of the people there, the friendship, the unity, the understanding. .......I know, I know, it's not for you. But I thought I would just mention it, just in case.

The important thing is you have not picked up and you are posting here. How about doing something for someone else right now? Even if it is just to pick up the phone and ask someone you have been meaning to call, how they are doing. Helping others is a good way to help ourselves. You can't think of your own troubles when you are thinking of someone else.

One day at a time. One hour at a time if you have to. The day is nearly through.
Take care
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Old 02-07-2010, 12:50 PM
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bona fido dog-lover
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Early sobriety can be a bumpy road. Don't be deterred by a few 'bumps'. You're doing great!
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Old 02-07-2010, 01:04 PM
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Thanks guys for the words of wisdom.. Thats the stores closed around here so no way to
get hold now, if i was gonna.. But no whiteknuckled it.. Thanks again... no need for me te make plans for the pity party tommorow...Still i know a long long way to go..
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Old 02-07-2010, 01:25 PM
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I'm glad you made it Dasha - but it's exhausting white knuckling it, simply willing ourselves not to drink...most of us sooner or later let down our guard.

I hope you'll look into what else you can do, mate
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Old 02-07-2010, 01:35 PM
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Thanks Dee, am a novice at this..Alcoholfree living its early days slowly findin ones feet
and makin progress day by day,will of course keep the open mind as to what else can be
done to stay on track.. an keep me sane.:rotfxko
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Old 02-07-2010, 06:58 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
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Dasha - you're doing so great! It really does get easier...and it gets so much better. When you start to see positive changes flowing from your decision to stop drinking, there will be a moment when it just all falls into place.
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